Did They Steal My Idea? 🤔

how to become a millionaire how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition Apr 17, 2024

Did They Steal My Idea?

Understanding the Power of Intuition and Protecting Your Content Ever had a brilliant idea for your purpose, but took a while to bring it to life, only to see others doing the exact same thing?

Don't worry, they didn't steal your content, they just tapped into the collective consciousness.

Trust the timing of the universe and keep creating from your own unique intuition but for the love of god - action that intuitively given idea! Distractions at this point in the form of people taking up your time that is not serving you - is called sabotage of the highest order, for you are having the biggest breakthrough in your Purpose Driven Career, and it is the time distractions WILL be at an all time high - do not let them take you down - ignore them and RISE into what you are being shown for your purpose - but more importantly - fast action WINS every time. Money loves speed honey! 

Have you ever had an idea come to you for your purpose, for your soul, from your intuition, and it's taken you a little while to get it out, and then all of a sudden you see these other people doing what you were thinking of doing, and you're like, oh my God, they stole my idea! They literally stole my content!

Now, IP's a different story, of course, but if you haven't implemented that idea, or you've just been talking about it, or you're going to do it, and then you go and see other people doing it, yeah, they could have stolen it, but do you know what that is?

Do you know what the truth about that is?

Is you just didn't get your a** into gear and get it done.

Like, for real.

But also the other really important piece about this is that God, source, spirit, universe, creation itself, whatever you want to put whatever label on it, has a purpose to create, to expand and create.

That is the purpose of life, to continue to expand and create. Like, grow and create. That's it. And so if you're not gonna get off your a** and actually implement the ideas for your purpose today that you're being guided intuitively to do, then yeah, expect other people to do that. You missed the boat honey!

Now, in your first million, I'm gonna help you to expand your capacity to be able to captivate, capture these ideas, but action them in a way that serves your purpose so you don't have to go through those feelings again.

We start this weekend, this Two Week Immersion is going to be INSANE with Abundance Activations already channeling through me for you - let alone the crucial pieces you need to know to reach Your First Million in your heart and soul led, purpose driven business, click here for the details, we start in a few days! https://www.realityawareness.com/your-first-million

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘