Exciting April Announcements

Apr 05, 2022

Well that just flowed through! What an upgrade that was today!! Did you feel the energies? Fire, floor, fire and flow! And some! 🤣 

It floored me as I dropped into the deepest 45min nap I’ve ever had and then got up feeling like a completely new and different person… but the same, but UPGRADED!! 

I am sharing with you here, all the downloads that came through this afternoon - because this is next level what poured through me!!

READY TO UNLEASH!! (Goddess Codes working Her magic! Send me a message if you want Goddess Codes!)

A few upgraded classics and just the best streaming through that… is unstoppable! 

Here is what is happening for April - that unexpectedly we are doing! Just. Like. That. Exciting announcements coming right up:

Past Life Presence - 3 Day Masterclass - Unlocking your Past that is affecting your current reality, without getting stuck there! Bit excited about this one - it feels like as we are nearing towards Easter and the Eclipses, soo much is being unthreaded as Easter feels like a New Moon - it is the start of a true cycle, so we are starting our 3 Day Masterclass next week, to unthread the past that binds you just before our new cycle begins through our Full Moon Ceremony on Easter. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/past-life-presence

I have been receiving an increase in enquiries about working 1:1 with me and also Psychic Readings. Upon sitting with this for several weeks - of course, today, in all the upgraded energy flowing through and the downloads that floored me - I am offering a new 1:1 Program and - Psychic Readings are back - for April only!

Psychic Readings - only 14 available for April only unless sold out prior, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychicreadingswithhannah

30 Day Reality Shifter - awww, I LOVE working with people in the Reality Shifter Program! This one is very close to my heart, click here for all the details if you’ve been wanting to work 1:1 with me: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program

Full Moon Ceremony coming up on Easter Saturday - the last time the Full Moon was on Easter? Phew! It was MASSIVE energy - and we have this again next weekend - how potent! Click here for all the details for our Full Moon Ceremony: https://www.realityawareness.com/full-moon-ceremony

Transcendence starts on Friday!! Full Moon Ceremony included with this and this is the course, if you want to accelerate your manifestations and make reality happen - the way you want it to - not the subconscious unconscious creation of your past. Click here for all the details, only a few days left: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence

If you'd rather just have access to everything and know that you're never going to miss anything I release, the Inner Circle is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society

I am sooo alive after that upgrade this afternoon, it was the strangest, yet most potent feeling that has birthed April and beyond, which I KNOW Transcendence is amplifying! So so exciting!

Comment below or send me a message if you have any questions, here’s to a powerful April of untangling and rebirthing, just SO. MUCH. YES. 

Here’s to your new life!!

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑