I see some people posting things on the internet

awakening your life purpose finding your life purpose how to find your life purpose life purpose accelerator May 19, 2022

I see some people posting things on the internet - that is a rebound and trigger response from something someone came at them with. I used to do this. And, I guess I still do definitely at times. 

Over time, I have learnt to drop deep into my triggers and process what it has brought up for me. 

I used to be so unclear and uncertain of myself that I would rebound off everyone else. I know this is also a ‘human design’ type I THINK…. I wouldn’t actually know because I haven’t actually explored them, because it hasn’t interested me as much as many have asked me which type I am and I have shrugged and looked at them with a screwed up face and continued on.. whilst quietly wondering through my intuitive drop ins’ whether Human Design was something else birthed from deep in the AI world of another way to gain people’s personality identity to feed the greatest quantum computer database in the world making AI calibre machine babies an all… #dontgetmestarted. I know I know… people have careers out of it.. and.. we all continue on in the pill swallowed world I guess… of course, this could apply to any industry. How deep would you like to go?

I used to be so unclear and uncertain of myself that I would attach myself to the next greatest mentor or coach and wait for them to tell me the magic answer to make it all happen and fix everything. Well, we know what happens there right?

I used to be so unclear and uncertain of myself that I would rebound off others for content online. 

It worked great to an extent that there was always something deep down amiss. 

I would be looking at others work, getting triggered and quietly wondering if I was truly good enough, could really do this, do what it takes, but ‘how?’ and looking at ‘their stuff’ whilst quietly going to sleep at night wondering why I was not like THEM, making the money like THEM, not there yet like THEM. 

And yet, to the world, I would be showing up, saving face, creating magic and flying. Nothing wrong with it, sure. 

But deep down. I knew. 


Deep down. I would get reminded time and time again, just like I would screw my face up and shrug off the human design concept for example… I would be reminded… 

That… there is a Source. 

That… I come back to, time and time again… 

That… I see people approach me, trying to sell me their stuff - time and time again - over the years, those concepts, those companies fall apart. I have seen 3 huge multi-level marketing companies crumble before my very eyes over these years and the people who approached me, going back into normal jobs, or trying the next best thing that they have been sold. 

Meanwhile, Reality Awareness is still here. Growing and expanding in revenue every single year. 

The reality is, is that nothing is as stable as your Life Purpose. 

Nothing is guaranteed other than your Life Purpose. 

Nothing will sustain you like your Life Purpose will. 

That… that is why people come to me.

Especially in these uncertain times as the world crumbles before your very eyes. Stock markets falling, crypto whales wondering what is going on, housing market and food going bonkers and rising whilst everything else dropping out under everyone’s feet. 

And yet, your Life Purpose ain’t going anywhere, can’t go anywhere but here and is still… waiting for you to back it up, to be there for it, to birth it, to carry it forward. 

And yet, your Life Purpose is not on the planet yet. 

This is also why people come to me. 

This isn’t about copying a marketing structure applying it to your thing that you’re selling and then expecting it to work. 

This isn’t about a guru’s teachings that becomes your daily practise. 

That helps to OPEN you to an extent, but honey, that isn’t your Life Purpose. 

This is activating and living from your Soul’s Purpose - your unique Soul’s Mission, that is the reason you’re here on this Earth. 

That is why people come to me for Life Purpose Accelerator. 

That divine space, that unique Soul Blueprint that is as unique as your Soul’s Home… 

Is here to be birthed, lived, cultivated and curated, unlike anything walked this Earth before. 


Is what I am reminded of, time and time again. 

The level of trust, the level of faith, the level of connection of Source that - is your Source. 

The Wisdom that is required to birth such. 

To be Guided by the ones Living this Unique Wisdom. 

Is not carbon copied. Is not rebounded. 

Is pure. 

As you Are. 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

P.S. What you do is Unique. The way you read, the way you pick up intuition, the way your intuition speaks to you - but do you know the language of your Soul? 

Do you know it’s ‘speak’?

Do you know it’s divine blueprint that only you can unlock, that you have no manual for? 

Sounds like a Rubik's Cube that.. is only for the pros. 

No… the key is you and there is a divine space to take you there - 

Life Purpose Accelerator - the place where your Unique Purpose is born. 

The place where you’re found. 

The place, where you guide the lost and forsaken home. 

The place… where you rise from the ashes, like the Phoenix you are. 

The place, where your divine intuition is accelerated and honed. 

The place, where you’re divinely and abundantly supported. 

The place, where your irreplaceable irrevocable Purpose shines light on the world - that is, the reason you’re here. 

Enrolments are open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator