🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!! For the 19th February 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Feb 19, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!! For the 19th February 2019 🔮

Strong message of tending to your Heart & Soul's desires as an overlying theme this week for our beloved Tuesday Tarot. Tune in to your intuition, it is right on course, trust it, and devote to your Soul, like it is the one thing that is going to save you - because it is. 

Applications are closing soon for Life Purpose Accelerator, the Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers, it's your year to shine, let the support in to deeply awaken your reason for being on this planet. Click here to apply now, before this closes soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator 

Scroll down to find what number jumped out at you earlier today and see what messages came through for you from the Work Your Light Oracle Deck, by Rebecca Campbell. 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Pleiades. Double Mission: Channeling and uplifting humanity.

Ah this card for you I feel so strongly that you will be receiving many downloads over this next few days, new inspiration, new ideas, things that you didn’t think of before and I sense new opportunities too. I also feel like you’ll be feeling more of a sense of you have enough time to get everything done - at the same time right now there is this increased focused on a way, tricky to describe the energy in a sense of pressure to get everything done. Even though you know you will, it’s this sense of complete focus and crossing everything off to a T. I feel like you’re very clear about what you have to get done and are quite strong in disciplining your time to do so. This card for you today, this Pleiades, Double Mission, this is where I feel this week, these new ideas, new inspiration, almost like you start seeing the bigger picture of your mission like you’ve never seen before, lots of aha moments and it might feel overwhelming but overwhelm is just new information coming in, and through you, learning something new and your brain neural pathways are changing and rewiring, that’s all. I am getting the sense that perhaps you have even been meditating more frequently than you have for a while and this is increasing your connection to Spirit and your Soul and allowing you to be open to receiving these new downloads and information about your Mission/Life Purpose here on Planet Earth. I am also getting the message for you about creating a safety net of support - do you have a support system that gets and understands you and what you are doing in your life? I am feeling that they are going to be a Godsend and deep suport for you to fulfil what it is you are here to do, but also encourage you rather than pull you down. Chrysocolla Liquid Crystal has been strong energy this past 24 hours or so and this is all about Silence, but in a way of just doing your mission, than speaking about it, just get it done, write down those inspirational thoughts and realisations about your mission - channel that energy into creating the structures that hold your incredible ideas, inspirational flow and show the world. Speaking about it, disperses the energy before you get it done, whereas just receiving the ideas, and putting them into action then, speaking about it, is where your power lays. I feel that you have been coming into deep acceptance of yourself and what you are here to do on Earth and it feels like your focus has become laser sharp with this deep acceptance of self and then finding your tribe and just creating what you are here to do. You wouldn’t be reading this card, if you weren’t a leader that is here to deeply support, guide and create new systems for our Earth to return to the deep peace that we know can be, a return back to love. There is also another message here on this card and it feels about your deep connection to a place that wasn’t originated from Earth - the Pleiades yes, but also something else, either one or both of these, I am getting the sense that your awareness of your ‘other home’ is where a lot of your downloads are coming through to you for your ‘Double Mission’ this week, it is Full Moon tonight/today, yes, Double Mission to channel and uplift Humanity, but I sense you literally have 2 missions, there are 2 things you are currently working on right now, 2 huge projects at once, or more, but this feels like they are both intertwined, not separate, they are both supportive of each other and I am also getting the message for you that you CAN do both, you can create both at the same time - or you wouldn’t have already started them! Do  you trust this? I feel that alongside these ‘downloads’ this week, is also the energy for you to finish what you started in a way, it is the energy, time and resources to deeply support your path and mission - are you open to receiving them? Carving time out for meditation on a disciplined ritual schedule for yourself can open the channels, keep you in deep alignment and centred as you go through this rapid shift and changes for yourself, this will be important, as the next 3 months are your peak for many things to manifest that you have been working on for quite some time. Receive, receive, receive it feels like dear one, open to receive, because your mission has awakened within and now it is time to create the life you know you are here to live - one full of ease, flow, joy and the pertinent shifts for Humanity that you know you are here to deeply support, awaken and BE the light, BE the change in the world you wish to see. Love xxx Are you ready to be deeply committed to the one thing that this year, will propel you forward into your Life Purpose and deeply accelerate you beyond what you have experienced before? With deep psychic insight, acute intuitive precessional increase and fine tuning of your spiritual organs, activating your Life Purpose gifts and deeply aligning you with your reason for being on this planet, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. 12 months of deep support and so much more, click here for all the details, applications are closing soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #2: Break The Chain. Ancestral Patterns. Healing. Rewriting the Future.

It feels deeply here, that you have just stepped out of something quite intense or are just releasing the bonds that have kept you stuck in the past for quite some time. Whatever you have just done, or are going through right now, is indeed breaking the chain - breaking these ancestral patterns that have been in your family lineage for eons - and now you are saying enough is enough and doing something about it. Easy? Nope! Pulls on your Heart strings, because you don’t want to do this, but you know you have to? Yep! Big time. However, I am also sensing it is easier this time in a way? It feels like you’ve done this before type thing, but you have a better understanding, better support network and deeper commitment to what you are here to do, what you are doing and why, and this is what is making it somewhat easier for you. I also getting the message if this is feeling hard, it is because of this sense that you are breaking generational patterns of lineage - you are the breaker of chains dear one! Some past life work for yourself can help you to release the bonds, vows, commitments and more that you made in your past that are energetically binding you to the now. I am also getting the message that someone close to you - sentenced you to death in a past life, sounds full on I know, yet, this person that is coming to mind for yourself, it feels like there is still this energetic pull/discord going on that needs to be unlocked, unpicked and released. You can use my Past Life Integration & Healing Meditation, if you don’t have it already to help you do this from a deep, core energetic perspective of the vows, commitments and spoken words back then, that are still having this binding energetic power over you right now, that is starting to deeply surface. Click here for access to that: https://www.realityawareness.com/past-life-integration-healing-meditation I am sensing with this current Full Moon right now, you are getting glimpses and deep understanding of what is going on energetically under the surface here, especially in regards to this person and situation, but it feels like you are in a different space about it, almost a different energy, non-reactive space like you used to be or would’ve been in the past and just allowing yourself to move forward with getting on releasing what you know you need to do, creating what you know you need to do and stepping out of their energetic field, almost ‘quietly’ in a way, because you are deeply aware of this Past Life interactions in the past and don’t need to revisit these again anymore. You are aware of the lessons and the karmic ties, that doesn’t mean you won’t grieve the loss of the Soul friendship and what you ‘thought’ it was supposed to be, but all of a sudden it has changed and become super clear and what you need to do, to get where you are going, doesn’t involve them anymore. It did, but the path has changed, deeply, significantly and fast. You deeply trust this, sense this and move forward, releasing the grief as it comes and knowing that this is the path you NEED to take, not necessarily ‘choose’ to, but know you HAVE to, to follow your Life Purpose and deep Soul calling mission.. and so you are. Love xxx If you want deep support and to keep moving in the direction you know you have to take, with psychic insight, accelerated enhancement of your own intuition, your Life Purpose gifts and that clarity on every single step you take, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here for all the details as applications are closing soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #3: Share Your Voice. Come Out Of The Cave. Persecution. Expression.

Ah, this card - you already know what this one is about right? Time to step fully into your gifts and share them with the world! I feel like you already have been starting to take steps to do this in your life, however, I feel this card is - okay, time to stop waiting for everything to be perfect and just do it already dear one! This feels strong and you already know this message hey? You’ve been doing it and getting the intuition its time now! 😍 It feels like you have a very strong gift and much needed in this world and it is time to honour its calling to truly step out in the light and be the leader you are. There is a part of your gifts you are still hiding and this card, is showing you that you are safe and also it is time to let this come out now. I am also getting the message with this card, that something is wanting to be voiced more than you are allowing, there is someone you need to have a heart to heart conversation with, something you are needing to deeply share your heart, your deepest feelings and needs and put it all on the table. I am sensing this holding back from your end has core threads deep in your past (past life even) of being persecuted from speaking your truth, your voice, sharing your heart and even for the tiniest of things in the past and this is holding you back too. I am feeling that this voicing what is really going on, is going to set you both free and allow the limitless possibilities to come into support you both. I am getting the message that you can feel it deep in your heart and it has almost been causing resentment in a way, as you have needs, everyone does, yet, how can someone step up to meet them, if you are not, or haven’t voiced them? I feel this is a space of knowing you are worthy of having your desires met and it is up to you to express them to give the Universe a chance to show you - you can have exactly what you want. The ‘Universe’ on the woman in this card, I am sensing there is a lot of information streaming through for you right now and this is almost a ‘backlog’ of information in a way, because you haven’t/aren’t expressing what is already there waiting to come out/be voiced, whether in your work/Life Purpose/relationships. There is a backlog of information waiting to come through and show you the way, but it can’t until you get this first bit out it feels like. Holding back, for fear of the outcome or, not knowing how or where to after this, is only stopping you moving forward with what you know you are needing to do right now. Have you been feeling extremely tired? This can be your energetic self holding down all this and holding it all back from flowing through you. Want more energy? Let out what is calling to be let out right now beautiful one, let the Universe, the divine space of the Universe that you are made up of, that you are, pure divine consciousness, flow through you and express through and as you - that is what your Heart wants after all - to come out of the cave, out of the cage and fly free with the divine heart connection that you are desiring and know in your Soul is ‘how ti is supposed to be’ - but that does, start with you, letting your own heart fly free, you do realise this right? Love xxx If you want unlimited help and answers for 21 Days straight to support you in stepping up and speaking your truth, and coming out into the light and the world with your gifts right now, plus the keys to unlocking what is sitting there but you aren’t 100% sure of what is supposed to come out but you can feel it, through 21 Day Shifter Program is your sacred key to supporting what you know you need to do, but just need that extra bit of support, courage and guidance to do just that, click here for all the details and to book and get your answers and support right away: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program


Card #4: Mintakan. Longing for Home. Belonging. The Original Lightworkers.

Ah, this card! Sensing such a ‘missing part of your Soul’ and/or a space that it feels like can never be filled right? And/or feeling like such an outcast, but it is more, coming into a deep place and realisation that you don’t fit in to any crowd, that you aren’t part of a tribe so to speak, but you are coming into this place of realisation that you don’t fit in, or moreso, resonate with what they are sharing, or that you have been betrayed by a certain ‘tribe’ so to speak, even family, but what you are realising is that, well, because you aren’t supposed to fit in. You have a very futuristic view of the world, your wisdom is well beyond your years and you are just not meant to fit into what is currently here, you are here to create something that is not here yet. You are deeply realising this in your Soul. ‘Lonely at the top’ is a phrase used to describe those that know they are leaders, step into following this and being the leader they are, yet, it doesn’t have to be this way. For when you truly come into this space and realisation of who you are, what you are here to do, you don’t feel lonely. Lonely comes from a disconnection with self and losing sense of your connection to who you really are. When you are truly empowered and taking care of yourself every area of your life, which ultimately is your own responsibility and no one can ever do that nor, fill that space for you, the ‘loneliness’ isn’t there, because when you are truly the leader of your ultimate Life Purpose - this is a fulfilling feeling, not an emptiness. Your Life Purpose FILLS you, completes you, is you, ALL of you. If you’re feeling this sense of loneliness and emptiness, it is something else going on for you, yes, coming into deep alignment and realisation that you are not one of them, because perhaps you thought you were but realising, actually you are not, can be heart breaking in yourself and the grief is important to release to release the energetic threads, ties and embodiment of NOT who you are, so the true you can emerge. For it isn’t about embodiment - you don’t need to embody anything - for you ARE everything and everything is YOU. There is no separation when it comes to what you are, so why need to embody anything on this planet or beyond, when you already are it? Your HOME is within you, it IS you and when you can truly BE all of who you are, without the guilt, shame or withholding any ounce of your true heart, your true hearts desires and what you know is calling your Soul, your HOME is what fulfils you, sustains you, it is you. This card feels like it is coming to you today, to remind you of your true self, what are you looking for outside of you, that is actually already within you? Yes, the reflections of others can help show us what our desires are, what our needs are and what is important deep down, however, it is up to us to step up, take responsibility and CREATE that in our life. I am sensing too, a reconnection to your deepest desires and what has been calling you - have you been pushing your desires aside, awaiting for someone else’s approval? Someone else’s permission to be all of who you are? Someone else to tell you it’s okay to do it? Someone else to say, aren’t you doing it yet? That someone honey, is you. You may feel alone, yet, the person you are ultimately looking for, the path you are looking for, that ‘someone to create an amazing life with?’ - That is you dear one. This card has come to remind you that you may have felt left, abandoned, kicked out, not feeling like you belong ANYWHERE on this planet, that they are doing better than you… is just showing you all the signs of what is WITHIN you. Are you ready to belong to your own home? To ground yourself, to commit to taking the action steps every single day, that is going to build the momentum of your own Home, your own space and the creation of such, is what enables you this solid foundation and strength to deeply support the birthing of your reason for being on this planet? The stable foundation lays right at your fingertips - what is that? What is right in front of you dear one? Your key, is right here being mirrored right back to you dear one. Trust it. Trust your Soul, trust YOU. Love xxx Want 12 months of deep supportive committed encouragement, training of your psychic intuitive gifts to reawaken the parts of you that feel like they are missing and this longing for deep reconnection, lays right in front of you dear one, are you ready and willing to not look back one moment more and put your everything into the amplification and acceleration of your Life Purpose to create not only Heaven on Earth, but your HOME on Earth? Click here for all the details as applications are closing soon for Life Purpose Accelerator, where all your dreams are realised: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #5: You’re Already Doing It. Stop Overthinking. Keep Facing Your True North.

Ah, two strong messages here 1 - stop doubting yourself and the decisions you’ve made and 2 - is someone or something distracting you from what you know you need to be doing? I am getting the strong message for you that ANYTHING is a sabotage at the moment for this crucial pivotal space of your Life Purpose right now. It feels like you are right on path and ‘doubt, doubt, doubt’ is what keeps coming up for you in a way too, you move forward and make a decision then doubt will stop you - babe, when you make a decision doubt will ALWAYS come up, and it is important to just walk right on through it, rather than let it stop you. When doubt surfaces just notice it, wave hello and goodbye to it and keep walking forward with the decision that you have made. You are supported, as long as you keep your focus on where you are going, not where you have been or what changes you’ve recently made. Keep your focus on your desired outcomes and you will make your mark, is a strong message through here for you. With the anything is a sabotage right now, what is distracting you? Who are you entangled upon/within your energetic field and space right now? Who is on your mind that you need to release yourself from, even energetically? It feels such a strong pull to where you are and where you are going and you have been making extremely fast and rapid progress, however I am sensing that this next 6 weeks especially is going to be full on for you, in many positive ways and many things that could ultimately pull you down/off path, if you don’t keep your focus, your unwavering faith, your self care practises and those things that you know you need to do to keep you strong. Don’t let lack of time be your excuse, honey, you CREATE time remember? Even if it seems to be a good thing, but is not allowing you the time and space to get your work done/your project - then this is still a sabotage and distraction. I am just getting that this time is so pivotal for you right now in expressing who you are, what you are here to do and it feels like you are ‘on a roll’ right now, so don’t let those things stop you anymore. Just focus. Sometimes that calls for asking for time and space alone for chunks of time to get your work done, or self care done and asking people to honour this space for you. It isn’t alike it is forever, just until you get this done and the ones that love, respect and care for you, will happily honour and respect your needs and requests for this, deeply dear one. Do you trust this? Are you ready to totally commit to you, your path and what is calling you to do, even when the ‘good distractions’ are there too? Right at the end, can be and usually is the hardest to say no and stay focused. I just keep hearing ‘pivotal ’ and feel like this is such  turning point for you. Something is about to ‘land in your lap’ - but this is from the dedicated focus you have been pouring into your heart and souls’ calling for so long now. So, don’t let even your tiredness be your distraction, allow rest and self care yes, but know how close you are and this is your sign to keep following that flow and blocking out anything that is not your flow. The more focus n your flow, the stronger that river becomes then it carries you the rest of the way down stream, the Universe carries you from here on in. You create your own momentum, you create your own life, you create your own flow, know that you are super close to the damn walls being released and that flow carrying you from here on in, even though, you’ve already felt it recently, its about to get even stronger beautiful one and  you know what? You deserve every single ounce of it. Trust, trust, trust. Block out, block out, block out. Flow, flow, flow. You’ve so got this. Stay Focused. You’re sooooo close, Love xxx Do you want that depth of support that enables you stay focused right till the very end and beyond? To expand, amplify and guide your next movements, before they have already come into reality, to increase your energy, increase your sales and increase the being of who you are, with income, clients and the life you dream of? Life Purpose Accelerator keeps you focused, dedicated and right on track, to do just that dear one! Applications are closing soon, click here for all the details to join this rapidly growing Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers that are here to change the world: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #6: Unbound. Releasing Soul Patterns, Contracts and Past Lives.

Ah, you have done A LOT of work dear Lightworker! I am sensing this space of freedom for you - it is like you can taste it, it is right on your fingertips now, you are seeing and experiencing glimmers of this powerful space deep into your physical reality now, everything is stepping out of dream land and into deep reality of your being and life now. This is what you have been ‘dreaming’ about - and that space now, is becoming more and more, ‘When your reality is better than your dreams’ - you are feeling a sense of reprieve, release and like you can breathe again. I am sensing you have done a lot of work to release patterns, people, life situations from your heart, soul and physical reality and you are starting to see the glimmers right in front of you. I am also sensing that Thursday is going to be another big reality boost for you, something is deeply coming in, coming to light and helping you rise to new heights even more. Nothing is weighing you down anymore, you are free to rise and release whatever last threads that are clinging on and it feels like this release, is becoming increasingly more powerful and strong for you in every moment of time that you sense and feel around you. It is like when something comes up now, you are more focused on where you are going rather than what is trying to distract or pull you down, but deeply realising it isn’t even pulling you down, it is just releasing from your energetic field so you can continue to rise and you do the necessary steps and tasks to release it from your field completely. I am also getting the message that this thing coming in, will rock you a bit, but you have the stable foundations in place, that it doesn’t drain you from your field so to speak, yet, at the same time, this equal amount of good pours into your being, life, energy and physical experience. I am hearing too, ‘Are you ready? Hold on for the ride of your life’ and wondering what this means for you? I am also sensing that you will have to make quite a big decision towards the end of the week, it feels life changing, but more so, heart strings are pulled in two different directions, however, I also feel that in the end, both places are ‘pulled together’ in a different sort of way than what you expect, so trust and allow what ever unfolds this week, know that the Universe has your back, that there is a bigger plan in place than what you can see right now and that as long as you keep turning up to the next thing your intuition/Soul is calling you to do and trusting that, you are guided every single moment through this somewhat intense, but much easier than the past transition space coming up for you. It feels like you will/are going through a birth canal right now and there is only one way to continue going to birth the full fruition of your dreams. RISE dear one RISE 🔥 Love xxx Applications are closing soon for this 1:1 deep support and lifetime access to those tools, tribes and support networks, systems and birthing the fruition of your Life Purpose dear one. You are deeply supported through unlimited access to intuitive guidance, support, unlocking and cracking the code on your unique Life Purpose gifts, that shifts you to unfold even more of what you are here to do, because you know deep inside, that right now is only the beginning, even though you sense what is birthing out of you, is just the foundations and that something else is being built upon this. Click here to apply for this deep support that will propel you into this strong foundational support that enables you to build beyond your wildest dreams: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator