🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 2nd April 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Apr 02, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 2nd April 2019 🔮  

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today from The Soul's Journey Lesson Cards to see what message they have there for you. 

FINAL HOURS BEFORE LIFE PURPOSE MENTORSHIP INCREASES! Click here to jump in at $33/mth now before it's too late!

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Indecision. I use my intuition in all aspects of life.

Just use your intuition to make a decision. Easier said than done when you’re feeling confused and doubtful right? Whilst the fastest way to get clear on what choice is the right one for you, is to come into your heart and listen to what your heart says before your mind kicks in and tells you this and this and this, I am actually getting the message for you with this card of ‘wait’. I am sensing that you have quite a big life changing week ahead of you, some big things are changing for you and I am getting the message of ‘wait’. So, perhaps your indecision, confusion, is actually just a  process for you to receive more information? When you are unsure of what to do, what decision to make, which way to go, it is important to check in and remember to ask for more information and with the ‘wait’ message I am sensing that by Thursday you will have your answers, you will have a burst of energy, have a big, energy influx even, that is going to give you a lift and propel you forward again. I am sensing though, to keep quiet about your ‘news’ just for a little longer yet. Just get on with it, get it done, and trust when you talk ‘out there’ about it. I am sensing there are some people ‘looking in’ right now and awaiting to see what your next move is in a way and that is why, to just do your thing and move to your next goal in your own ‘little world’ before even announcing what you have just organised/received/created. There is great power in silence and harnessing your energy of FOCUS to where you are being guided to go. So often we move into this space of telling everyone everything, then they give us their input, then we get confused, let down, put down, told why it won’t work and wonder why we are confused, feel stuck and  not making any progress in our lives - OR why we seem to be going around in circles and end up at the same place every single time. ‘Listen to your intuition and make a decision’ - the biggest part about that is trusting yourself, about trusting your intuition, about actually knowing what your intuition is guiding you to do, instead of what your head is telling you to do. I am also sensing that something around you needs cleaning - your energy - have you been interacting with people you don’t want to anymore? Have you been doing things you don’t want to anymore? This is the key time to make changes and it starts with becoming really clear about what is no longer serving you, what is no longer in alignment and what needs to change and now. If you’ve been interacting with people you no longer want to, you will take on their energy more. If you are in situations you no longer want to be, you will be picking up the energies around you and they will be stuck in your aura like a sticky roller that grabs the lint off your clothes. Time to remove yourself from this situation! Perhaps your decision has become clear now for you after reading this? Regardless - your Heart already knows the answer deep down hey? Perhaps it is something, you’re just not wanting to face? Which is usually - doing the things our intuition is guiding us to do - is something we are scared of actually doing… and trusting? Yet, your Heart is deeply connected to your Soul and your Soul’s Purpose, is the reason, you are here? Love xxx The Life Purpose Mentorship is OPEN! BUT for a VERY limited time at $33/mth! This is usually $97/mth and will be increasing to $47/mth after midnight tonight. If you’re trying to, struggling with or wanting to up-level your skills in business, mindset, journalling, money, Life Purpose, have a business currently or looking to turn you spiritual gifts into a business and release the blocks that are stopping you from receiving money and charging for your work, if you’re needing support, tools and want to understand how to build your business, attract clients who totally adore you, have incredible results, increase your consultancy rates or just want clarity on where to even start with all of this spiritual stuff into a business, where you can work when you want, with who you want and the income level you want, then this is for you. LIMITED TIME ONLY at $33/mth before it increases to $47/mth at Midnight tonight AEST. Click here for all the details before this increases.


Card #2: Patience. I accept that everything happens in Divine order.

There is a gentleness that comes in Patience and there is a control and agitation that comes in impatience. I am getting the message for you that whatever occurred for you last Saturday? There is more of that coming beautiful one! It feels like there are signs abound and you ‘got a taste’ of it on Saturday - yet, something is coming that brings you into greater alignment, more, stable alignment than ever before. Yet - you already know this? You’ve been working towards this for a bit right? This card has a lot of yellow on it and yellow is deeply connected to your Solar Plexus, self worth, self esteem, trust in yourself, taking your power back, aligning with who you really are, knowing and uncovering who you really are and being your whole self without any masks on. I am also getting the message that in this space, that ‘feels like you are being held up’ right now - like you’re wanting to move forward the energy is so strong and you’re very clear about things, but you physically can’t yet. It is like your energy is there, but your physical reality hasn’t caught up yet. However, I am also getting the message that this past 2-3 weeks has taught you alot? You have had many realisations, especially int he past 10 days and almost, feeling regretful about some things - yet these are important lessons for you too? I am sensing that amongst this regret, it is regret, but then not, as you are noticing how much you actually have moved forward in the past 10 days at the same time, so that in this next 2 weeks coming up - a lot of it has also already been done and I am sensing a gratitude about this, so you don’t have to ‘catch up of the last 10 days’ most of it is already done. Have you recognised this? What ‘topic’ of your life is this relating to for you? I am also sensing a ‘let go’ for you - like, let it go, but it is also feels deeper, like a surrendering - you are realising how much you don’t have control of this situation and this past 10 days of what has felt like excruciating pain for you, you’ve also had no choice, but to let go of ‘trying to control it’ and I feel this hasn’t been easy for you. Yet - there is great power in surrounding. This isn’t ‘handing your power over’ - but it is - handing the situation over to a higher power to ‘take the reins for you’. And we all know what happens when we let go right? That is when it turns up. I am also getting ht message for you to get really clear on what you need to do, clear your desk, clear your mind, clear your life and get focused. It has been intense for you this past few weeks, but especially this past 10 days, so allow yourself to drop into Patience, surrender and trust and know that your Soul - already has everything worked out ‘how’ you just need to turn up to the next thing and the next thing and be clear about your end outcomes/goals and bigger picture vision. You do have one of those right? Get clear, focus, and let go, all at the same time. Trust beautiful one, it is all working out, exactly how your Heart is calling it forth. Always has been. Believe. Love xxx The Life Purpose Mentorship is OPEN! BUT for a VERY limited time at $33/mth! This is usually $97/mth and will be increasing to $47/mth after midnight tonight. If you’re trying to, struggling with or wanting to up-level your skills in business, mindset, journalling, money, Life Purpose, have a business currently or looking to turn you spiritual gifts into a business and release the blocks that are stopping you from receiving money and charging for your work, if you’re needing support, tools and want to understand how to build your business, attract clients who totally adore you, have incredible results, increase your consultancy rates or just want clarity on where to even start with all of this spiritual stuff into a business, where you can work when you want, with who you want and the income level you want, then this is for you. LIMITED TIME ONLY at $33/mth before it increases to $47/mth at Midnight tonight AEST. Click here for all the details before this increases.


Card #3: Service. I feel good when I can help others.

Hmmm, feeling stuck? Not sure which direction to go in? Put your hand on your heart and ask, ‘What is my Soul’s deepest desire right now? What action do I need to take, on my Soul’s desires?’ Hmmm, I am getting the message for you that whatever occurred for you mid March this year - there are some final threads that need clearing out about that situation. Also, you made some changes again, last Monday too? These are interlinked somehow and I am feeling like you’re stepping up more and more in the direction you are being called to go, yet, there is also something blocking you - yes, coming into more Service, but something else… what is that? Heart stuff - your Heart Chakra - what has ‘broken your heart’ recently? It feels like some threads there for you to unpick - this is about your receiving at a deeper level. What Female in your life has brought you some pain recently? What situation brought to light, issues around receiving? Love? Money? Female relationships of some sort? What was this about for you? Is there something you have been tolerating that isn’t acceptable anymore, but you haven’t made changes yet? I am also sensing that there is some grief in your heart about something that you haven’t expressed. It feels like there is a pool of emotion sitting in there awaiting you come out - and this it he block. As soon as you take time to feel these emotions, they will come out and you can shift this block, quite instantly. Water - have you been drinking enough water? Do you need to spend time at the ocean, or listening to oceanic music? Lots of Heart and Emotions and movement in this card. If you’ve ‘lost your mojo’ - what brought you alive back then? When was that shift for you from the aliveness to the nothingness or blah space right now? I am also getting the message that your focus has been too narrow. What Service are you forgetting that your Soul just wants to do? If you weren’t doing ANYTHING else in your life - what would you and your Soul be doing? This is the fastest way to come back into your Heart, is to ask your Heart and Soul what it wants to do. I am also getting the message that you have been using ‘time’ as an excuse? You know that we are the ones who create our own time schedule? There is always enough time for what we deem important and sometimes we need to rejig our schedule, step outside our comfort zones and change something to accomodate what ‘Service’ we are being called to. Once you start moving in this direction, you will come ALIVE again and your Heart’s energy will increase, so your Service will become second nature, will become a priority in your life, because you know that feeling, is what is most important and MUST come before anything else. What could, be more important than your Soul’s work after all? Nothing. That’s right 😉😍 So, what are you waiting for? Love xxx The Life Purpose Mentorship is OPEN! BUT for a VERY limited time at $33/mth! This is usually $97/mth and will be increasing to $47/mth after midnight tonight. If you’re trying to, struggling with or wanting to up-level your skills in business, mindset, journalling, money, Life Purpose, have a business currently or looking to turn you spiritual gifts into a business and release the blocks that are stopping you from receiving money and charging for your work, if you’re needing support, tools and want to understand how to build your business, attract clients who totally adore you, have incredible results, increase your consultancy rates or just want clarity on where to even start with all of this spiritual stuff into a business, where you can work when you want, with who you want and the income level you want, then this is for you. LIMITED TIME ONLY at $33/mth before it increases to $47/mth at Midnight tonight AEST. Click here for all the details before this increases.


Card #4: Worry. I am learning that worry doesn’t change an outcome.

Hmmm, lots came to mind when I saw this card for you! Yet, this ‘worry’ I feel like it is linked to you losing something? Or fearing that you are going to lose something? Or that you are wondering, what to do, because you are realising you don’t really align with something anymore, but wondering how on Earth you now tread this path, because, well, you though this was it, so, like how do I get out when I am in too deep? I always say, that if something isn’t working anymore, or feels that way, that it needs upgrading, re-structuring, changing. And within that, you will get clear whether something really needs to go or whether it just needed a change around/upgrade. And sometimes that means upgrading our internal system to match your current reality and destiny. Something that did align with your Heart, may not anymore. It is a bit like your ex boyfriend or girlfriend no longer being attractive to you anymore, you know there is some serious growth going on there in the internal world for you. Have you been doing internal work lately? Because I am sensing that this almost ‘freak out’ space is because of this and like gosh, so much has changed already, how do I even ‘do this’ anymore? I am getting the message to ‘wait’ as well for you with this card. I feel that you will be given more information over time with your next steps and you don’t necessarily have to have all the questions and answers figured out for/with you right now. I am also getting the message that if you’re worried about a certain person - you know they are connected to their own Soul and their own Soul’s path is guiding them right? They may not be ‘conscious’ of their Soul completely - but you do realise and remember, that everyone’s choices are leading them to ‘waking’ up in whatever aspect of their life they are needing to be woken up in? That - the more you trust in this, imagine them connected to their own Heart, to their own Soul - the stronger that connection also becomes for them - because you are focusing on it ‘for them’ if that makes sense? So, it is better to turn ‘worry energy’ into ‘trusting their Heart and Soul’ energy - because what would you rather be pouring over them? Worry and fear, anxious energy, or deep Trust Heart & Soul energy? Which one, feels more, loving? Because that is the only reason you are ‘worried’ about them - because you love them? I am also getting the message to remind you that any internal work you do within your own life - IS how you help them, because it is a ripple out affect that they feel subconsciously and you shift them in your energetic field, just by you focusing on you. So if you are in a state of anxiety worrying about THEM - focus back on YOU - what is it about YOU that you are not wanting to face the truth of the reality of? This is where you start dear one, this is about you, not them. Love xxx The Life Purpose Mentorship is OPEN! BUT for a VERY limited time at $33/mth! This is usually $97/mth and will be increasing to $47/mth after midnight tonight. If you’re trying to, struggling with or wanting to up-level your skills in business, mindset, journalling, money, Life Purpose, have a business currently or looking to turn you spiritual gifts into a business and release the blocks that are stopping you from receiving money and charging for your work, if you’re needing support, tools and want to understand how to build your business, attract clients who totally adore you, have incredible results, increase your consultancy rates or just want clarity on where to even start with all of this spiritual stuff into a business, where you can work when you want, with who you want and the income level you want, then this is for you. LIMITED TIME ONLY at $33/mth before it increases to $47/mth at Midnight tonight AEST. Click here for all the details before this increases.


Card #5: Blame. I accept responsibility for my well-being.

Hmmmm, where are you placing Blame? What are you jealous of, or pissed off about in your life? I am also getting the message that this is mainly about yourself? What are you blaming yourself for? Did you know you can never do anything wrong? Did you know that everything you’ve ever done, has been right for you IN THAT MOMENT? It wasn’t like, back then, you were thinking, ‘Oh, this is the wrong choice for me, I am going to make this choice.’ - Nope, not at all. So, you can let go of thinking you made the wrong choice. Maybe you WISH you had made a different choice back then, but as they say, ‘Don’t look back, you’re not going that way.’. I am also getting such a strong sense of doubt with yourself, like you are being heavily influenced right now, or perhaps someone is telling you shouldn’t be doing something a certain way, or they are telling you to stop thinking a certain way. I am getting such a strong sense for you to not listen to them right now. It is so important for you to stay your course, there is something really strong for you going on and I am sensing it is like this underlying pull - you know deep down what you are creating, what you are being intuitively called to do and I am getting the message for you to trust yourself on this. No one understands your Life Purpose but you beautiful one, even when others don’t see your point of view - honey, you’re speaking to the wrong tribe babe! Not your people! Your tribe, your people, understand your language. Everyone else, you don’t need to open your mouth to. Just listen. People like talking about themselves, so just listen. And if they are ‘taking up too much listening time’ set boundaries, leave and go and do the thing that is calling you deep down, because that calling will not stop until it is done… but then it just evolves into something else and something else - and when you follow this - you find others who are your tribe, who get you and those people who don’t get it, become less and less. So the ‘Blame’ ceases, as the ‘Blame’ that you are sensing around you… is because, those people, actually don’t get it and perhaps the ‘whinging about the fact they don’t and aren’t willing to make changes’ is actually you giving your power away, because it isn’t about them is it? But actually about you, not being ready to face yourself yet? And so, projecting it out there and making it about them? So, if you were to stop facing ‘out there’ and hold a mirror up, and ‘What you’re saying about ‘that person’’ and actually say it about yourself, what does that bring up for you? Say it 3 times over, what comes up for you? Time to, see what gift is really trying to emerge out of this situation beautiful Soul? Isn’t it time to release this block? This is, what this is? That, all of a sudden, when you ‘face it within yourself’ shifts it almost immediately, bringing radical responsibility for your reality and your life and making the changes, you wish to see in the world? Love xxx The Life Purpose Mentorship is OPEN! BUT for a VERY limited time at $33/mth! This is usually $97/mth and will be increasing to $47/mth after midnight tonight. If you’re trying to, struggling with or wanting to up-level your skills in business, mindset, journalling, money, Life Purpose, have a business currently or looking to turn you spiritual gifts into a business and release the blocks that are stopping you from receiving money and charging for your work, if you’re needing support, tools and want to understand how to build your business, attract clients who totally adore you, have incredible results, increase your consultancy rates or just want clarity on where to even start with all of this spiritual stuff into a business, where you can work when you want, with who you want and the income level you want, then this is for you. LIMITED TIME ONLY at $33/mth before it increases to $47/mth at Midnight tonight AEST. Click here for all the details before this increases.


Card #6: Discipline. I can accomplish what I set my mind to.

I am getting so strongly beautiful one, that you are sooooo close to what you began end of February, start of March last year - sooo strongly is this coming through. It might seem far away, but another 6 weeks and it will COMPLETE! Well, for now right? Cause in this line of work, well, the dreamers and goal reachers - we are never done right? Yet - whatever started for you end of February, beginning for March last year - this cycle is coming to an end and it will be like you have stepped into a completely different reality. So don’t give up hope, you are so close. The other strong message is don’t let others opinions drown your Soul - your desires are strong, your creations are strong, your Life Purpose is strong, you deep down know what you are creating, no one else, so don’t listen to them, just keep doing your thing. They will see eventually and ‘then’ understand. And maybe they won’t see and that isn’t the point, but the strength here is blocking out everyone else’s opinion and just doing your thing. I am also getting the message here that you have ‘mastered’ the art of discipline. Even when you don’t feel like it, even when you are not sure - you do it anyway right? And if you don’t maybe it is time to trust yourself a little but more, stretch your faith in yourself a little bit more. Yet, the sense deeper here is that you do and people are noticing this within and from you. I am sensing like a ripple affect going out to you right now, something is deeply shifting within you, deep in cellular core level - these changes, this cycle that was/is from early last year - was the commencement of making these changes permanent. It hasn’t been an easy road right? It feels like there is a bit more to ‘complete’ but hang in there honey, you’re soo close now. I am also sensing the need to ask for more help. I feel that these upcoming few weeks, now more than ever, is the time to call in more support and help with these final threads. I am getting that ASKING for help is the key here - we can get resentful when we don’t ASK. Yet, I am also sensing this a deeper aspect of ‘finalising’ these changes so to speak. This is core structural DNA cellular change/healing/repair and core pattern changes. So right now? At the ‘end’ of these final structural and huge life changes that you’ve been working on for quite some time now - to NOT ask for extra help, would be sabotage to something that - is exactly why you’ve been working so hard to make changes in the first place? To receive more? More money, more love, more time, more freedom, more - everything? To ‘code’ these huge changes with the ‘final touches’ asking for help is CRUCIAL at this final stage of ‘doing’. So are you ready to Discipline yourself to ask for help too? What are 3 major things you need to complete in the next 6 weeks? And, who are the 3 people you need to ask for help and support for to this ‘asking’ to recode your cellular structure to ‘receive’ support with, even if you don’t know how you are going to make it happen yet? Do you, trust and can you feel the depth of how crucial this final stage of ‘recoding’ is? Love xxx The Life Purpose Mentorship is OPEN! BUT for a VERY limited time at $33/mth! This is usually $97/mth and will be increasing to $47/mth after midnight tonight. If you’re trying to, struggling with or wanting to up-level your skills in business, mindset, journalling, money, Life Purpose, have a business currently or looking to turn you spiritual gifts into a business and release the blocks that are stopping you from receiving money and charging for your work, if you’re needing support, tools and want to understand how to build your business, attract clients who totally adore you, have incredible results, increase your consultancy rates or just want clarity on where to even start with all of this spiritual stuff into a business, where you can work when you want, with who you want and the income level you want, then this is for you. LIMITED TIME ONLY at $33/mth before it increases to $47/mth at Midnight tonight AEST. Click here for all the details before this increases.