🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN for Tuesday 30th October 2018 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Oct 30, 2018

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN for Tuesday 30th October 2018 🔮

There is a strong overlying thread for today's reading - Trust Your Intuition and GROUND it! There is only so much visualising, wishing, hoping and dreaming we can do - then you need to take physical action to make it manifest into your reality.

The other strong message is that you are healing, this situation is healing and to KEEP THE FAITH. We are stepping out of an old paradigm and into a new one - which will continue to happen for quite some time. This 'unknown' is the new black... stay grounded, trust your intuition - ACT on your intuition and welcome to the paradise that is the manifestation of your dreams - by continuing to trust the unknown, knowing that as you trust your intuition - you are always, always... right on path. 

Train yourself to get comfortable in the unknown. For in it, lays all the possibilities of the Universes & beyond.

Scroll down to find your number from the Angel Therapy Deck today, to see what messages have come through for you today. 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Goddess. Express your Divine Feminine Energy, embracing it’s magical intuition and nurturing qualities.

Ah - Moonstone is coming deeply to mind when I read this card for you - Moonstone Mother Goddess and deeply connected to the cyclic flow of emotions, intuition, feelings and the deeply cyclic nature of LIFE itself. There are many factors that could come through for this card - yet the message I am getting here is that recently you have deeply taken your power back with your emotions. It feels like there is a part of you that has deeply come into acceptance of who you are and shifted a lot recently that has enabled you to come into deep witness of your emotions, rather than your emotions taking you over! I am also getting the message that there is intuition that has been coming in for you, messages that you have heard, felt or just know, or perhaps you have been having prophetic visions or dreams about and I am getting the message for you to pay attention to them. It feels like it is something you are worried to take action on - for fear of making the wrong choice?! Yet - no choice is also a choice and if you are feeling stuck or a bit ‘off’ - what intuition have you not acted upon yet? If you feel that you are not clear in your intuition, have you been taking care of yourself? This Mother Goddess card, also comes with a deep reminder of how important you are and if you are not giving to YOU then how can you have energy or be clear in what it is your are receiving from the divine? I also feel like someone is coming in to support you - it feels like there is a new comer about to arrive in your life the next 2-4 weeks could see significant life changes coming your way that have been expected but also unexpected at the same time. It feels like they deeply see you, deeply feel you, deeply know you. This is a deep soul level connection that you thought you’ve felt before, but this is brand new at the same time. This could be love, career or friendship, yet this new comer brings significant change a ‘lift’ and a deep soul bond. This may or may not be permanent in your life, but they are definitely going to uplift and bring a desired change and energy to your life, that you knew was possible, but haven’t experienced until now. This profoundly shifts your physical environment too - the key here is to allow these changes, the deep Mother Goddess coming in for a reminder of the cyclic flow, the ebs and flows, the people who come in and the people who go out. So, about that self care? Time is now - is that the intuition you have been receiving? About making changes that support your health? As - with what is coming up in November? You want to be your best, to support this incoming, this inflow, this positive life direction shifting change right? So, what self care do you need to tend to - now? Love xxx Ooooh, less than 48 hours for Early Bird before our FINAL ROUND of Trust Your Intuition opens! Once these doors close, this will significantly shift due to the Practitioner Certification coming deeply IN and with what is in the works for 2019 - are you going to be one of the founding Trust Your Intuition Tribe?? Click here to grab Early Bird, before this closes tomorrow, for our Final Round: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #2: Be Willing To Forgive. Ask the Angels to clear your mind and body of past pain in exchange for peacefulness.

Mmmmm, your Sacral Chakra is deeply coming to mind as I read this card for you and the Feminine. Is there a part of you that doesn’t trust your intuition? Or other people? Do you walk in fear of making the wrong choice or feel like people are not trustworthy - even when they are? I am getting the sense that there is deep, deep womb healing that needs to occur here - or, you have just started working on it. How do you really forgive? How does true forgiveness happen? Do you know what I say when clients ask me how to forgive?? I say, ‘F*&K forgiveness!!!’ Why??? Because UNTIL you FEEL YOUR EMOTIONS of the pain, trauma, sadness of your past - there is no way you TRULY forgive. You might KNOW you need to forgive, you might KNOW that holding onto unforgiveness breeds resentment and illness - but the truth? Until you FEEL your emotions of what hurt you have been carrying from that incident/s you will never authentically forgive. You might say you do and even think you have forgiven them, but I bet, there is buried emotions in there that you haven’t expressed, because it hasn’t felt safe to, or the logical kicks in and spiritual bypassing kicks in because, oh well, it is just the way it was and they didn’t know better. But underneath you are seething with hurt, rage, anger and deep deep sadness, because how can they truly speak to you that way? Be that way with you? Right? If you feel like you have forgiven a situation, but find yourself excessively tired all the time, no matter how much rest you get, you are probably carrying unforgiveness aka emotions you haven’t felt at your core. Most of society right?! And most of society is taught that feeling is not okay! If everyone had a massive cry/cries about the things that have hurt them in their past, we would have a much more peaceful world and fast. So how do you work through the grief, the pain, the hurt? If you have’t read my blog on letting go, which explains the grief cycle, which if you want to become savvy at this human gig without being exhausted by tiredness and every ailment that comes along with that, then click here to read this: https://www.realityawareness.com/blog?tag=how+to+let+go+of+a+relationship Easy? No. It takes practise to get comfortable with FEELING! Once you have truly felt the depth of your emotions on a deeply feeling, authentic core level, then you will FEEL forgiveness as natural. It won’t even be in your mind, because you won’t have any associated emotions with it pent up inside you. What this also does? Free your energy up. For more LOVE to BE present and forefront, rather than a pile of grief and other emotions covering the way for feeling LOVE at it’s core, pure, deep, present LOVE. I am also getting the message that this in particular, is relation to someone who isn’t speaking to you, or does, and then pulls back or leaves you hanging. I am wondering, what emotions you have sitting there that are causing you to ‘be triggered’ by this current situation? It feels like a deeper layer here, but this surface/current situation is triggering what happened when you were… 7-11 years old. It feels significant times for you then. And with this age bracket that comes through, it feels like healing with masculine, that although you might have had mother stuff then, it feels like you had to ‘carry’ everything back then and that, is a very masculine thing to have to do, to hold it all together. So perhaps feeling abandoned by the masculine, not being there to ‘hold’ YOU, protect you and be that safe space for you to…. be who you really are? What deep part of you, are you needing to wrap up in your tender arms and hold right now? What emotions and feelings does this part of you have, that you are needing to release? Perhaps you have already just shifted out this timeframe of healing for yourself… and if so, are there any lingering emotions or have you just ‘cracked the code’ of emotional healing that you’ve never experienced before? Get ready, life is about to be very, very different in a whole new positive way. Love xxx Ooooh, less than 48 hours for Early Bird before our FINAL ROUND of Trust Your Intuition opens! Once these doors close, this will significantly shift due to the Practitioner Certification coming deeply IN and with what is in the works for 2019 - are you going to be one of the founding Trust Your Intuition Tribe?? Click here to grab Early Bird, before this closes tomorrow, for our Final Round: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #3: Listen to Your Intuitive Feelings. Your body is receiving accurate messages from the Divine.

Have you been listening? I am getting the message for you that recently? Your intuition has sky rocketed! It feels like you have shifted out of a stuck/stagnant/old situation that has been there for quite some time and from this, you are also feeling very intuitively clear and receiving a lot of messages! However, I am also sensing that you need grounding. Yes you may have shifted and what happens when we shift, is that it is all new and a bit scary somewhat and so what happens in that space is we freak out and leave our body/become ungrounded. It is important to self talk at this time, ‘I know you are scared and this is a bit strange, but this is just change and I am here and I am safe through this passage of change that is bringing me closer to my desires and dreams every step I take.’ Or something along those lines. Telling yourself you are safe and being actively present to stay grounded in your body through exercise, grounding techniques, like walking barefoot on the Earth, touching/leaning up against trees, stomping your feet saying, ‘I am here, I am here’, wearing red socks or nail polish and giving yourself foot massages get you grounded in your body. I am getting the message you are having rapid shifts and fast and you are being guided to stay grounded as a way to anchor this new level of vibration and light you are holding in your body. I am also getting the message that your clairaudience is heightened at the moment, what songs are you getting stuck in your head, what words are you hearing in your mind - you are not going crazy, you are deeply tuned into the truth babe! Listen to the lyrics in the song, google them if you have to, Archangel Sandalphon is guiding you through this time in your life, through sound and words through music and through people you just ’randomly’ over hear conversations when you didn’t hear anything around you before, it was all just a blur and then that 1 conversation was crystal clear like it was the only thing going on around you! What are the messages you are receiving? Your Ear Chakra’s are deeply connected to your Base Chakra as well - are you grounding the messages you are hearing, or just staying in your head about them? Action, action, action - whether it be physical exercise to get you in your body, or acting on the messages you are receiving that need to be grounded - what intuition are you receiving that you haven’t acted on yet? This card comes as a strong message for you today to get grounded, trust your intuition and know that you are accurately tuned into the truth. Now is not the time to doubt yourself. You are safe to step into who you really are this lifetime, trust it beautiful one, your time has come. Love xxx Ooooh, less than 48 hours for Early Bird before our FINAL ROUND of Trust Your Intuition opens! Once these doors close, this will significantly shift due to the Practitioner Certification coming deeply IN and with what is in the works for 2019 - are you going to be one of the founding Trust Your Intuition Tribe?? Click here to grab Early Bird, before this closes tomorrow, for our Final Round: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #4: Cancel, Clear, Delete. Use only positive words and thoughts, as they’re rapidly manifesting into form. Ask the Angels to cancel the effects of past negative thinking.

Hmmm, I am getting the message that 2 weeks ago, there was a significant event that had a crucial factor to what is going on right now - what is that? I am also getting the message that now, now is the time to ‘make it up’ or ‘change the way you are thinking’ about the situation. Venus is retrograde right now, so relationship patterns are ripe for the taking right now in a sense that - old patterns will be being played out in ALL relationships. Yet, what the retrograde does, is give us an opportunity to either continue to repeat the patterns - or choose to break them. Breaking them, may not feel easy, or comfortable - usually they feel horrid and sometimes feel like death, because - you are literally breaking an old pattern. I am getting deep, deep Sacral Chakra healing for you right now, your Sacred Womb and the place where we birth and gestate our desires - meaning, the patterns you are shifting out of at present, aren’t just a mental idea of the pattern - this is deep core healing, soul life directional changing patterns that have been ingrained for centuries through your DNA and generational patterning. If you have been through some of the toughest weeks of your entire life recently, even though good things are happening - I am getting the message for you that you are going through a huge initiation right now, which is deeply aligning you to your Life Purpose in a way that you didn’t realise was part of your path! I am sensing there is a prominent relationship in your life that has a significant factor in this path and initiation you are experiencing right now. It almost feels like you are - or have been - at crossroads, but just in the last 48 hours, you have had a big shift, that has set you ‘back on path’ again. I am wondering what that is for you? It feels like you are actually very clear again and almost like ‘Geez, what was that?!’. I am getting the message to remind you that with Venus Retrograde until mid November, now is not the time to make any life changing decisions, for you might regret them after Venus goes direct and ‘the dust settles’ on the relationships that you are dealing with right now. I am also getting the message that you are coming out of this a complete different person (of course!) - yet, it is literally like  you are about to walk into a completely different life in a moment - so - this Cancel, Clear, Delete message is a big - be mindful of your thoughts, don’t beat yourself up for past mistakes, because there is no such thing, only decisions that felt right at the time, so never go back on it and beat yourself up for the ‘wrong’ decision, because it is not. I am getting the message of lots of energy clearing and physical cleansing, clearing and crying/grief, if that comes to truly let go of the past. And hearing ‘focus, focus, focus’ - now is a time to truly implement those manifestation practises that help you to ‘focus, focus, focus’ - because as you clear out generational, eons of patterns? You want to embody, engrain, retrain and create new ones right? So what are they? What are you practising everyday - where is your FOCUS for 99.9% of the day/night? THIS is your key right now - are you? Love xxx Ooooh, less than 48 hours for Early Bird before our FINAL ROUND of Trust Your Intuition opens! Once these doors close, this will significantly shift due to the Practitioner Certification coming deeply IN and with what is in the works for 2019 - are you going to be one of the founding Trust Your Intuition Tribe?? Click here to grab Early Bird, before this closes tomorrow, for our Final Round: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #5: Crystals. The energy of crystals supports you and helps you with your present situation.

This is another grounding card - did you pick 2 cards today!? There is 2 messages I am getting for this card here, Crystals - is, if you are currently on The Liquid Crystals, or have taken some recently - that the situation that is deep on your mind today, has and is being influenced/healed by the Crystals you have taken/are taking or thinking about taking. I am getting the message to get really familiar with the Crystal you are taking, read about it, tune into it, be present with it - as it is having a significant effect on your current situation at hand today for you. Or maybe they are physical crystals that you have recently aquired - notice what is in your energy/physical life as these are deeply relaying messages to you right about your situation - are you paying attention to them? The other message here is about grounding as Crystals are born of the Earth and being drawn to crystals, is yes, and activation of your pathway into different healing avenues that you are being drawn to right now, maybe through a course of study or otherwise, but this is also a time of being deeply grounded. I am also getting the message that actually you are ‘taking off’ from your current situation soon - have you been thinking about travel?? Are you feeling grounded where you are - or has moving or travel been on your mind? I am sensing that the change in energy is also what your Soul is calling forth in you - you have been ‘stuck’ or ‘grounded’ for a long time in one place - is there another place calling your Soul right now? Where is this ‘grounding’ calling you to go/be/do right now? Are you making ‘grounded’ plans for this to be ‘Earthed’? There is only so much spiritual work/dreaming/manifesting/visualising that we can do, before we must take physical action on such. What plans do you need to ground into your reality to actual make things happen? I am getting a strong message here for forward planning, meticulous forward planning for the rest of the year - are you super clear on your next 8 weeks of 2018? It might not have been an easy year so far, or a slow paced one - but this, what is coming up? You have the power to choose your reality from this moment forward - and grounding your ideas, your intuition into reality - to birth your dreams - requires diligence, clarity and consistency PLUS being able to say no to ANYTHING that pulls you away from your goals and where you are going and moving towards. If you are not meticulously clear - it is easy to get swayed by outside influences and deeply pulled off path, away from what you know in your HEART you need to be doing and focusing on - so you can GROUND where your Soul is calling you to. So, are you meticulously clear? Is it time, to be so? Ground every aspect of your physical reality right now so you are creating a container for your dreams to come IN. Love xxx Ooooh, less than 48 hours for Early Bird before our FINAL ROUND of Trust Your Intuition opens! Once these doors close, this will significantly shift due to the Practitioner Certification coming deeply IN and with what is in the works for 2019 - are you going to be one of the founding Trust Your Intuition Tribe?? Click here to grab Early Bird, before this closes tomorrow, for our Final Round: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition


Card #6: Ascended Masters. Powerful, loving and wise spiritual teachers are watching over and guiding you.

Ah, the Archangel Azrael and the Master Crystal Devas from The Liquid Crystals are really strong through this card! Archangel Azrael, is about letting go, helping Souls who have passed over, are about to pass over and helping you let go of grief. I am also getting the message of Jesus too - and whenever he appears, for me, it is about Faith. Continuing to walk in Faith, that 'blind' faith if you may, in a sense that even though you can’t ‘see’ where you are headed, you feel in your HEART that it is right and you continue to turn up, deeply connected to your Heart, in ways you didn’t know were possible until you continue to turn up and CHOOSE your Heart over and over again. I am also getting the message here for you to focus your thoughts and feelings - is there a relationship that you are or have been going through hardship recently? The strong message I am getting here from Jesus - is about continuing to CHOOSE the relationship. It is easy to walk away. Yet, continually CHOOSING the relationship and CHOOSING to FOCUS on what you want in the relationship, in what you are creating in your relationship I am getting the message is of paramount importance for you today - and to deeply remember this on Friday. For the walking in faith I am also getting the message that you have a decision to make coming up? Has this been weighing on your mind recently? Remember, to listen to your Heart when making these decisions as I am getting this is the primary message for this card today - what would your Heart do - your head will always talk you out of what your Heart is calling you to do, it just depends if you… trust your Heart? With Azrael, coming through so strongly, I am wondering if there is grief in your Heart about a situation you are needing to let go of? What situation started happening 2 years ago that really ‘hit home’? It feels like you are coming out of a cycle of what started around this time 2 years ago - but there maybe bits of grief still in your Heart about it? Has there been a past lover on your mind? I am getting the sense that it is about this and that the tail ends of grief to come out, are what will free you from this situation completely. I am also getting the message this will happen quite naturally, so don’t stress about ‘how’ it will come out. Sad movies, always get the tears flowing - but I am also sensing it that, there is a lot of joy going on in your life at the same time right now - you have come a LONG way since this time 2 years ago and it is this celebration that may also bring on the grief, in just how much work you’ve done, how far you’ve come and what you have manifested in your life right now - because I am also sensing - there is a big space right now of dreams coming true right? Another 6 weeks - will be even more dreams coming true. Another 2 weeks from now though, let go of any last threads from your past… so you may welcome your new dream life IN with loving open arms, free of any energy of your past. Love xxx Ooooh, less than 48 hours for Early Bird before our FINAL ROUND of Trust Your Intuition opens! Once these doors close, this will significantly shift due to the Practitioner Certification coming deeply IN and with what is in the works for 2019 - are you going to be one of the founding Trust Your Intuition Tribe?? Click here to grab Early Bird, before this closes tomorrow, for our Final Round: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition