READING RESULTS ARE IN!! For 6th November 2018 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Nov 06, 2018
READING RESULTS ARE IN dear Souls!!! Scroll down to see what number you chose earlier today to see what message from the Ascended Masters has come through for you today.
We are heading into Dark Moon territory, things are being shed from either your consciousness or physical life - allow it. For when there is space created, the Universe will always fill it.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Isis - Balance Career & Home Life
Well, this card has a straight forward message - Balance Career & Home Life. Yet, what I am sensing here has also deeply to do with the Divine Feminine. Isis is the epitome of the Divine Feminine and so there are two aspects playing out here - yes, you need to balance career & home life - has it been all work and no play? And is there something in your Home that needs to be tended to? What has been - not just on your mind, but deeply weighing on your Heart about your Home life? What is that slightly irritating feeling, the thing that is puling on your Heart strings about your Home life that needs to be tended to? With Isis being the deep representation of the Divine Feminine - this is all about receiving. If there is something going on in your life right now that is 1. out of balance and 2. deeply weighing on your heart strings, I bet there are other little agitating things, just sitting under the surface too. What are you having trouble receiving at the moment? When it is is all work and no play 1. you are tired all the time and 2. nothing can come IN when you are go go go in your Masculine self/drive all the time. Now, there is a key here - you CAN be in both your Masculine doing AND your Feminine receiving at the same time! Yes, it is a skill and art even, but you CAN do so - why? Because it is an energy thing. If you are a powerful driven woman - like Isis, or even a male with a drive to succeed and never stops, the strong message coming through here with Isis for you today - is check where your ENERGY is at. You can soften your energy with a simple choice. You can soften your Heart with a simple choice. You can expand your energy with a simple choice and you can OPEN your energy to receive all that IS around you right now - simply by choosing it and allowing it to come in. Now, what makes us stop letting things in? When we have been hurt and when we get hurt. We tend to put this wall up - we close and our Masculine drive not only kicks in to protect us, but it also blocks anything further else happening. This may need to happen in some aspects for example leaving a domestic violence situation. That is when you need your inner Masculine to step in and protect and take the action needed to get out of that space. Yet, once done, it is important to allow yourself to heal what is underneath, the hurt, the pain, the tears… the everything you didn’t get at the time. And deeply allow your Inner Masculine to hold that divine space for you to FEEL what is going on underneath. When you do - you then allow yourself a ‘safe space to fall’ - you have YOU. And when you do - you can let things come IN again, because 1. you feel safe with yourself, you inner self, which then reflects into your outer world and 2. you aren’t full of hurt and tears and emotions, so you have a ‘clear space’ to allow things to come IN - including the divine masculine to come in and support, which allows you to receive and therefore create. This internal dance is crucial to reflecting what you need, want and your Heart felt desires to be fulfilled. What needs to be tended to, in your Home? Including - your Inner Home? Love, Hannah xxx Are you wanting to understand how on Earth you even do this internal dance? What is the crucial aspects to even understanding this space and what does it really mean at it’s depths? There is only 3 more days to be able to do this! Trust Your Intuition has every tool you will ever need to not only Trust Your Intuition, but join a space of highly empathetic people who have been through the wringer, come out the other side, deeply understand energetic dynamics, totally get what you are saying, before you even say it - if you’ve ever been called crazy by a ‘normal’ person simply because you were just tuning into the truth of the situation and are highly intuitive naturally - these are your final days to be one of the founding members in a space where we all get it - deeply. Click here for all the details to jump in before this closes:
Card #2: Kuthumi - Stay Focused.
I feel like there is a part of you losing hope in some way shape or form - in what area of your life is that? It feels like you are questioning every little aspect of what you are doing, what they are doing and analysing every possible scenario until the cows comes home. Have you been exhausted lately? That’s what will do it! Worry! And being in your head. Have you been getting the nudge to exercise recently? Move your body? Do you know why that is? Because it get’s you out of your head and into your body! It stops you thinking and starts you FEELING. And THAT right there is your answer. Don’t analyse - just feel what your HEART wants to do. Now - the reason that you won’t, don’t and most people don’t feel and are stuck in their head analysing until the cows come home is because if you have been hurt in some way shape or form, there will be a pile of it sitting in your heart and you haven’t felt that yet. And feeling? Well, if you’re not comfortable with feeling, then you just won’t and this keeps us in our head. It is why when starting a new exercise regimen is the hardest because you will start feeling your emotions and that is uncomfortable for most, simply because as a child, we are told to stop crying or I will give you something to cry about and more. So we just, stop. And we wonder why society is so ‘messed up’! If everyone just had a big cry. Ah, I am getting sidetracked! As, the other message that was/is coming through from Kuthumi for you today is yes, we can get distracted ESPECIALLY when we are so close to finishing something - every little which thing will come along to try and pull you off path, to not finish the thing. Recognise it as this, remember it is okay to say NO! Yet, the other message I got about this saying no thing IS - Kuthumi is reminding you, that you are multi-talented, you can multi-task and you can and ARE someone who can do 10 things at once, and much more AND get them all done beyond perfection. So anything that comes along that does distract you from it? Is just your perception of it. Because you can do more than one thing at once - and yes that sometimes means shutting everything else out until you do. Yet, it is also your reminder today that you can multi-task, do 10 things at once and get them completed. This is who you are right? You know there is no waiting until, you know there is only now, and you also know you…. CAN. The other message I am getting is that you are sooo close, you are nearly there and to remember this - just how far you’ve come. You can taste it, smell it and it is almost here - because YOU have created it so. Open your arms to receive beautiful one, your time, has come, because you have done the work and it is almost complete. You can feel this in your bones, keep holding that space, because your physical reality is about to make a huge rapid shift - are you ready? Love xxx If you are wanting to understand how you can be with all the energies of other people, feel the Earth, let alone your own energy, if you want to be clear in what your energy and intuition is and how to not get confused or doubt yourself one moment more, these are your FINAL days to get into Trust Your Intuition as a founding member of this space that not only shows you how to do 20 things at once AND be clear in your energy, allow yourself to know deeply who you are and get onto the path of your Life Purpose, but to deeply get into the core of why you are here in the first place, click here for all the details and to jump in before this closes in 3 days:
Card #3: Green Man - Retreat Into Nature
These cards have a very clear message today! This one? Nature! Have you been spending too much time indoors? Or have you been reconnecting with your natural self - your SOUL recently? I am also picking up ‘death’ here and it feels like there is a part of you that has died, or feels like it is dying. Remember - there is ALWAYS a part of us that is ‘dying’ because our Soul is ever expanding and our human self expands with that all the time, so there will always be a part of our consciousness that is being shed and ‘dying’ - just like a snake that sheds it’s skin - in the Liquid Crystals, Snake is Lapis Lazuli and it’s simple purpose is Realisation - every time we have a new realisation, a re-awakening a remembering of your Soul’s ever expansion and connection to all that is - we are shedding an aspect of ourselves that was ‘covering that up’ so to speak. You’ve just outgrown it, people, situations and things. It doesn’t mean it was bad. It doesn’t mean you’ve made wrong choices in your life - far from it! You have ALWAYS been following what is naturally yours along the way - you’ve ALWAYS been tuned into your natural state in one way shape or form, conscious or not - because your Soul’s evolution - is natural, is ever present - IS. It has a natural feeling, just like Nature. And you can reconnect to this natural state of who you ARE - just by spending time in Nature. They say 2 hours spent in nature, listening to the natural sounds of the world, totally resets our energy frequency field and changes our brain wave state. So if you are feeling stressed out, the fastest way to recovery is to book yourself into nature for 2 hours solid asap! Best part about it? It’s FREE! So - no excuses 😉. The other message I am getting here is - are you waiting for the perfect time? Yes, there is flow and when things aren’t flowing - it isn’t that it isn’t meant to be - it is just a timing of flow - HOWEVER - the message I am getting here is that you CREATE YOUR OWN FLOW. When you consistently put energy into something - you create your own flow! And this, creates it’s own momentum and this carries you - to the path you are CREATING, not just want to go. Have you been putting 99.9% of your energy into what you are creating? Into where you want to GO? Are you present with your own natural state of energy flow that comes from deep within you, like a pure source of wisdom, guidance, eternal energy? That you can - channel that? Draw on that - know this is your true source and truest self and you can pull that part forth to use that in whatever momentum you are creating/building and where you need to go? REMEMBER your true Nature - as well as BE in nature the key here is CONNECT with Nature - in all it’s forms, including YOU. Remember who you ARE. This powerful divine Soul, who is intimately connected to the Source of all, who IS the Source of all. Draw on this, for this is what Green Man has come to remind you - who you really are. Your natural state of self. If you can’t - get outside… minimum 2 hours. Connect. Be. Love xxx If you are wanting the support system, the depth of understanding of ‘how’ to connect and STAY connected, these are the final days to get into Trust Your Intuition that does exactly that, heals out all your blocks to creating and living your dreams and stepping up to what is most important to you every single day. Click here to join us before this closes in 3 days:
Card #4: Lady Nada - Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter.
Ah, the Divine Feminine is here again! Did you pull 2 cards today? Isis came through today too - and She is the epitome of the Divine Feminine! I am wondering if you have had a specific dream lately about the Feminine? A significant female in your life - is there someone that comes to mind? And what is it about this? I am getting the message that significant patterns of your past are being cleared out right now - it may not have been easy this past few weeks, yet, I am sensing what is going on here, is deep ingrained patterns/belief systems and more are being shifted out. These patterns are significant in the way you relate to the world - about how the world treats you, what you feel the world gives you (or lack of), what you feel like when every abandons you, what you feel like when you are unwell, what you feel like the world IS - comes from the first feelings you have about the significant feeling of the female that cared for you growing up. If you have not done work on healing these little instances in your life that you’ve experienced, your world will be created around this. Now - there is nothing wrong with this! At all! Especially if you are happy with your life! However, if you are not happy with your life - this is where you start. I feel like this has been shifting, unravelling and coming to the surface for you quite naturally this past few weeks, but if you haven’t been able to put your finger on exactly what it is - it is this. White Lily is coming to mind for some reason - do these flowers have any significance for you? Is it a loved one from the other side trying to get in contact with you? (Yes, I do Mediumship healing sessions!) I am sensing you are receiving a lot of signs right now, and maybe there is a part of you doubting it, maybe you feel depressed or just down right now. The signs are there, and there is only so much faith you can walk in right? Yet - the key here is that when you think you are stretched - you can stretch some more. Why? Because our Soul, is limitless, ever expanding and growing and we can always reach in and draw on this strength. Always. Deep Mother Healing. Deep Feminine Healing is what Lady Nada is drawing your awareness to about this situation that is prominent in your mind right now. What Feminine healing do you need to tend to? Is it simply spending time with a female that is important to you in your life right now? Or is it deeper healing that also needs to take place? Lady Nada is drawing your awareness to this now, the time to act on it - is now. Love xxx Ready to drop into the deepest healing aspects on the planet that you can use for the rest of your life and continue to deeply use, even after it’s done? Trust Your Intuition is every single healing tool you will ever need to heal out the deepest spiritual wounds and learn how to shift rapidly, so you can get through your spiritual awakening and continue on with LIFE, rather than being bogged down in it, which most tends to happen with spiritual awakenings that seem to never end and are just ‘heavy’! Time to shift that! Click here for all the details to jump into Trust Your Intuition, before the doors close in 3 days!
Card #5: Amaterasu - Come Out Of The Closet.
There is a part of you hiding right now. I feel like there is something you are deeply needing to voice in your Heart right now - something needs to come out! I am sensing you already know this and I do feel it has to do with your career changes and Life Purpose. Yes, relationship - but it is also under the core of this relationship - is the birthing of your Life Purpose. Have you just moved in some way shape or form? Is your life very different to what it was - just 3-4 months ago? It feels like something deep has shifted, whether physically or internally, but your life is not the same as what it was a few months ago and Amaterasu has come to you today to let you know that it is time to let this other part of you OUT! It feels like you already know this! What has been on your mind, that is going to push you out past your comfort zones? It is this coming out - you already know this don’t you! If you are not sure what it is - I am sensing that not long after reading this, you will know. It will intuitively, gently, drop in. It will become clear. It feels like there is bit of crossroads almost in your path ahead - not in a bad way - just literally this situation could go very well, either way and your life could look in 2 completely different outcomes in the next 5 years and beyond. Which way - will you choose? I am deeply sensing this has to do with Base Chakra regardless, which is career, life purpose and physical reality. What physical reality are you creating, choosing? For nothing - NOTHING - is set in stone. You have complete power over the choices you make today = which is what creates your tomorrows! What are you choosing today? Is there something in your heart which wants to be expressed? What is it, you are burying in there? I am also getting the message to ask for help! Which - is also what came through in the weekly energy forecast for this week for Thursday - asking for help. Your Heart may be ‘full’ or ‘blocked’ due to feeling like you have no one, that you have to do it on your own and that you are not worthy enough to receive love and support and HELP in general! Being who you really are - is worthy enough - is loveable - you do know this? It feels like the more you can release your fears of what other people think of you and just step into being who you are - the fastest your manifestations will occur. You will always rattle cages - it just depends if you let them rattle you back. Be who you are - for eventually, they will be asking you how you did it. In the start, is always the hardest because you are changing and people don’t like change. That’s all. Then when you keep doing the thing, the authentic you thing - people get used to it. Don’t let the rattling cages. For it is… what sets you FREE. Love xxx Are you tired of hiding and worrying what other think - simply because you FEEL every single emotion that they do? Are you tired and exhausted of hiding who you really are because you don’t know how to get out of the situation you are in and actually take the steps forward to do what you know your Heart is calling you deep down and so strongly to do you just can’t ignore it? These are the final days to get into a space where EVERYTHING and every tool you need to step out, know how to feel the rattling cages and do it anyway and let your heart be FREE. Trust Your Intuition closes in 3 days, this is the FINAL ROUND, click here for all the details and to jump in before this closes now:
Card #6: Peace Offering - White Buffalo Calf Woman.
“The only constant is change.” When you can realise this, know it, walk it, live it - these constant ebs and flows, when you can be comfortable with change, when you can understand the cycles and know how to support yourself in this way through any change, no matter how big or small - you have mastered the keys of life! I am also getting the message - as I did on livestream with our Weekly Energy Intuitive Forecast, that this - is also White Buffalo. And whenever there is a white animal that surfaces, it is seen as an omen, of things to come. It feels like there is significant change on your doorstop - change that you have somewhat given up on and resided to things being the way they are. It doesn’t feel like you’ve lost hope, but you have lost some drive somewhat? Something has ‘dropped’ a little in your energy. Remember - this is a huge energy week in the world and November itself is a big energetic month. It feels like, in a month, less than a month, life won’t be the same as you’ve known it - or ever known it. It will literally be like you have stepped into a new era of your life and it feels like you have long awaited these changes. They almost won’t come as a surprise, because of how long you’ve been holding faith that they are here and now they come in, it is almost a like a neutral feeling - because - well - this is how it has always supposed to have been! This is normal to you and your gratitude steps in for a different embodiment of self. It also feels like you are about to ‘hit another level’ or should I say, ‘travel another depth’ of your consciousness, awareness, sense of self and you didn’t realise how much deeper you could go right? It feels like this White Buffalo Calf Woman has come to you today as a signal of not only your spiritual growth, but of what is about to hit your shores. Hold faith, because you are about to walk into a whole new reality that you’ve been expecting for some time. It may appear different to what you ‘thought’ - but the feeling? Oh, you know that feeling very, very well. Is there anything else you need to do, to prepare? Ride the waves of change - you know how to do this, and you’ve been ready for this, for a long, long time. This is, your Soul’s destiny after all. Love xxx If you are wanting to take your spirituality, consciousness and depth of self to the next level and how to stay grounded and functioning in modern day society whilst you do so, these are the FINAL DAYS to join Trust Your Intuition of how to do exactly that, but also become one of the founding members for this life changing training that awakens the deepest parts of yourself to do what you’ve always come here to do: