🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 13th June 2023

Jun 13, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 13th June 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today 🤩

Lots of messages of staying aligned to your highest ideals, beliefs and what you truly want in your life in this week's Tuesday Tarot Messages. It feels like a huge cosmic alignment and shift is happening for the collective and is greatly affecting everyone. There is a cosmic higher timeline that is arriving on Earth, so if things seem delayed or such.. it is just alignment factors, energetic resonance and vibrational frequencies lining up - hold the faith! 

Master Manifestor starts tomorrow! The magic has already been weaving it's magic with sooo much coming to pass already - ready to amplify and take this to the next level? Click here for all the details, for all of those who are ready to truly remember who they really are, Master Manifestor is for you: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Relationship. “Your primary relationship is with yourself and God, and every other relationship follows from there. To attract, heal or balance a relationship, then snuggle more closely with your loving Creator. As you feel safe and loved within, so shall your other relationships bloom and prosper.” 

A few things here… Magic is around you at this time - be sure to notice it. Look at what you’ve just manifested - look at what you’re working on, look at what is so clear to you - look at the direction you’re going in - you’ve just had a shift, an idea or several ideas come to you at once that ‘feel like a path’ right? I am also getting something about commitment - is what you ‘think’ you need to do an escape from ‘commitment’ or truly committing to what you know in your heart is right for you? Also, this is your sign to meditate more. It feels like, there is a part of you that is giving up too easily - this is different to surrender. I wonder if this part of you doesn’t feel supported? It feels like you’re doing EVERYTHING you can right now and even coming to deep peace with where you are - but almost every other second showing you - um, wtf am I doing here?? It feels quite ‘wavy’ for you - meaning, the ups and downs are quite big, even though you’re most adept now to riding these massive waves, you’re also… trying to figure out what is really right because it seems that when you are surrendering and genuinely found peace, it is testing you at your finest. You’re doing so well right now, is a strong message coming through, but I also know deep down, you’re questioning if this is right relationship or situation for you. And yet, you also? You know. You know that it isn’t right. But you’re also biding your time, doing your inner work diligently and truly coming into a place of peace… and it is here - you’re being shown all the truths you need to make a true and solid decision for yourself. At the right time, you will make changes that are right for you and I also feel so deeply underneath it all, is a divine timing that is aligning just for you and that.. is why you’re also surrendering in this deep ‘adrift’ current, because right now it is all you CAN do as well. Make sure you are supported through this process. I feel at the time, you are getting SUPER clear on what is important to you. Through things you don’t like and things you do like - you are getting super clear on what is important to you - these are what you value and your values become a base line standard for what you live for, for what you end up enjoying or not enjoying of your life. Remember, you are the creator of your life and if you find yourself not enjoying where you are currently - you have the power to change it. Yes, this can take time, but you’re working on it and…. you’re getting clear on what is really important to you as mentioned - this, gives you the strength to stand up for what you believe in and want in your life. The only reason you won’t, is that you don’t love yourself enough which can come from deep childhood wounding.. which… I feel you’re also working on. So know, you are on the right path, getting super clear on what you want and… at the right time, with the deep inner work you’re doing… you will make changes that will open your heart and bring yourself into the true alignment of what you want… otherwise you just wouldn’t be here reading this. Write those things down in your sacred journal - the things that are really important to you. And go create that…. because ultimately? You don’t need to wait until x-y-z - you are the creator of your reality and you have the power to change your inner world… which in turn affects your outer world, no matter the circumstances you’re in. Go deep within, start and be here and follow your intuitive guidance as your inner world changes, you will start getting more signs, leading you the way you’re meant to go. Trust… yourself. Love xxx Master Manifestor starts tomorrow! The magic has already been weaving it's magic with sooo much coming to pass already - ready to amplify and take this to the next level? Click here for all the details, for all of those who are ready to truly remember who they really are, Master Manifestor is for you:  https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor 


Card #2: Heart Chakra. “Love is the heart of the matter. Your heart is the centre within your physical being attuned most to love. It’s safe for you to love and be loved with an open heart, as we stand by with perfect protection and guidance.” 

The Heart Chakra, healing your heart - came up in a reel reading I did recently… and here, it feels similar message - so if you got both - are you truly listening to this message? Your heart.. is requiring healing at this time. Have you been feeling physical heart palpitations/sensations you don’t usually feel? There is due for big solar storms next year and we are already getting wind of them now (pun intended!). They are creating different atmospheric pressure at this time and blowing through the magnetic field - which - is what you’re feeling. Now, I am not a doctor, so if you need to - seek professional medical advice. But I am a Healer and you would’ve already been receiving signs hearing what I am about to say - so take it as double confirmation. Your heart needs healing. This may be emotional - but it affects the physical. You may be waking up at 4am stark awake and wondering why - it is because this it the lung time and you need to cry. You may be feeling weird around 11am-1pm. This is the heart time and you need to heal your heart. You need to avoid dairy, meat and other cholesterol boosting foods at this time. Your heart and arteries need a detox and decalcify from the plaque that has built up through your veins and deep in your heart. Now, this will be a double whammy if you have been feeling extra sad recently (the last 2-3 years even) because your heart is sad due to whatever is making your heart sad. That combined with no body movement (exercise) and high fat foods, dairy and animal products is the prime recipe for a heavy heart on all levels. Now, what comes first, the chicken or the egg? Was it the not good for your heart food that has built up over time or is it the built up grief and hardship that made ‘your heart hard’? What came first, the chicken or the egg? It ultimately doesn’t matter… what matters is, is that you are aware now and can do something about it. The other ‘sign’ is that, you’ve gone off certain foods recently and it just hasn’t resonated with you to eat a certain way anymore - you’ve been getting messages about it all - before you have received this card today. Now, if this hasn’t resonated with you - the message for you here is that you HAVE been detoxing, you HAVE been cleaning up your diet and your lifestyle and… the dreams of your heart are not only awakening - but are coming true. You may have had some news recently that has opened your heart and now you can ‘make your heart’s dreams come true’ - because you were unsure how things were going to pan out for a while there! Well, the doorway of your heart has opened and it is time to follow it now. Bringing dreams to reality has never been more true for you than what it has now, so deeply come into your heart and follow it all the way home. Love xxx Master Manifestor starts tomorrow! The magic has already been weaving it's magic with sooo much coming to pass already - ready to amplify and take this to the next level? Click here for all the details, for all of those who are ready to truly remember who they really are, Master Manifestor is for you: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor


Card #3: There’s Nothing To Worry About. “You are safe and this situation is under the perfect control of Divine providence and universal order. Only infuse loving throughs and emotions into the situation to ensure that the highest possible outcome flows effortlessly to and through you.” 

A situation that you have been concerned about is working itself out to the highest degree for you right now. There are many guides, ancestors and angels, working diligently behind the scenes to figure this out for you and making it happen. You are in the midst of huge changes in your life and this transition is bringing about your highest dreams. Stay focused and clear, because you’re being guided step by step right now. Make sure you’re taking quiet time out to contemplate what you want and allow space for ideas to drop in. Follow inklings, intuition, thoughts and signs to lead you to the answer to your prayers. It feels like you’ve been getting a lot of signs - but have you acted on them yet? If something isn’t flowing - know that is because you have a turning point and a new direction about to open up to you ‘that is why the other didn’t work out’. Trust what you’re being shown at this time and when you are ‘gaining movement’ know, that you’re about to make a new turn onto a new path - but it is a path that you’ve been asking for, a path that you’ve known for a long time - but the timing… has been waiting for now. At this time it is so important for you to stay in alignment with your truth and you know when that feeling of THIS ONE or IT’S TIME - because when it is not those feelings, you won’t move forward on it yet. But when the feeling is there, the feeling is there and it is TIME. So, wait for that big YES THIS IS IT feeling. Of course, we create our own momentum and we create our own reality, our own opportunities for sure, however, you also know when something is aligned to a big YES to do the thing you were born to do, the path to take, the opportunities to say yes to, the time to take a big leap of faith, a big risk, a big movement forward. If you have just done that - this is confirmation for you - stop doubting yourself! You have made the right decision and you know in your heart of hearts, that you couldn’t have kept going the way you were… and when an opportunity presents itself - of course, you’re going to jump on it. That is who you are. Don’t doubt yourself now - lean more into trusting yourself, because you’re right on path. There’s literally nothing to worry about. Love xxx Master Manifestor starts tomorrow! The magic has already been weaving it's magic with sooo much coming to pass already - ready to amplify and take this to the next level? Click here for all the details, for all of those who are ready to truly remember who they really are, Master Manifestor is for you: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor


Card #4: New Partner. “A chance meeting is no mistake. It is Divinely orchestrated as a catalyst to set the wheels in motion for the fruition of your prayers. Pay careful attention to new people we send into your life. You will recognise them by your sense of familiarity, comfort and safety.” 

I am getting the message for you with this card is that this can be ‘new direction’ - as well. Either a new person has entered your life - or - a new direction has opened up for you (which can also mean, leaving a person who has been in your life). I feel that there is a certain element here - there is a distinct feeling that is coming through for you about this new direction or partner. It is like a familiar path and feeling - but…. also completely different than what you thought it was going to look like. I feel like you’ve thought about it, but brushed it off because you didn’t think it would be necessarily possible now - but… it is here now. You have felt this feeling and shift into something coming in for you for a few weeks now, but ‘reality hadn’t caught up yet’ and yet, it is here for you now. I am also getting the message that there are things in your reality that are ‘jumping out at you’ that you haven’t jumped on yet! If it truly is a new partnership that you’re desiring and ‘doesn’t seem here yet’ - what signs to join groups, dating sites, new hobbies, new locations to move to that keep tapping you on the shoulder? Are you going to take action on them? Movement creates movement and you’re being shown what to do for your next steps - but only you can take them honey! I feel that the ‘floodgates are about to open for you’ if they haven’t already - but - it does come from you taking forward motion steps forward and following the signs that are leading you to take healthy action in directions you’ve been called to take. I feel that this new direction and ‘New Partner’ is close, if you haven’t already ‘bumped’ into them. There is forcing things to happen (which never feels good) and there is a divine synchronistic flow that you just know you have to follow and take intuitively guided action on. That, is the strong message of this card to lead you to this new direction and/or to your New Partner. So, what has been on your mind and ‘jumping out at you’ of the divinely aligned action for you to take? Love xxx Master Manifestor starts tomorrow! The magic has already been weaving it's magic with sooo much coming to pass already - ready to amplify and take this to the next level? Click here for all the details, for all of those who are ready to truly remember who they really are, Master Manifestor is for you: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor


Card #5: Law Of Attraction. “Each thought is an investment that pays immediate dividends, so invest wisely. You have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace and harmony. At your request, we will gladly attune your energies to higher frequencies.”

There is something that has been on your mind to do. This card for you today is your ‘divine magnet’ of attraction - the thing that you’ve been wanting to do, travel to, complete, get done, change the way you dress, show up or show the world who you are - is calling your attention right now. You’ve been in a bit of a slump or delaying your projects or procrastinating or thinking you have more time and whilst we always are in the drivers seat with how we create time in our lives - I am getting the message for you that - don’t waste anymore time! Get on with what you know you need to complete and move your butt on this one honey! I feel there has been a ‘lull’ time for you - but… everything has picked up pace quite rapidly (which you knew was going to happen!) and this card has come strongly for you to not waste anymore precious time. I am also getting the message to take care of your health and your body - have been getting the message to move your body in a different way? Different types of exercise? Not what you usually do? When we travel to different locations or even drive a different way home, it shifts our brain neural pathways - moving your body in different ways to what you do normally also shifts new neural pathways. This creates entirely new realities and opens up paradigms in your life that were previously inaccessible to you. If you have been getting the message to try something new or do something out of your norm, then trust this as a breakthrough point to grounding a reality into your existence that you’ve been wanting to ground down for quite some time. Also - have you been working on new affirmations or mindset or changing yourself in some way shape or form? As this is opening up new pathways and opportunities for you. Ideas that drop in - are because you have opened yourself up to the realm of possibilities that were not there before - simply because of the inner and mindset work you’ve been doing, paying attention and following signs. I feel that you’re about to shift your entire reality quite rapidly ‘in a moment’ and it feels long awaited. I am also getting something about animals - you have a strong bond and connection to animals (there are many on the card with this Angel in the picture) and I feel that when you see lots of animals, or feel that deep connection quite strongly with so many animals ‘all of a sudden’ - this is God’s Omnipresence deeply reaching out to you - holding you from all angles, letting you know that you’re deeply supported in this process. You’ve been doing important work in the world and you’re seen by God for what you do. Know that everything is getting better everyday and everything is working out for you. You are deeply supported, trust this and move forward, leaning into this. You’ve reconnected back to YOUR flow after a time of not being in it… let the magic begin. Love xxx Master Manifestor starts tomorrow! The magic has already been weaving it's magic with sooo much coming to pass already - ready to amplify and take this to the next level? Click here for all the details, for all of those who are ready to truly remember who they really are, Master Manifestor is for you: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor


Card #6: Blessing In Disguise. “What appears to be a problem is actually part of your answered prayer. You’ll understand the reasons behind your present situation as everything resolves. Trust in heavens protection and infinite wisdom to answer your prayer in the best way.” 

You know that feeling when you’re blocked and blocked and you’re just like wwwhhhhaaaattttt is going on?! You know what I am going to say right!? “What appears to be a problem is actually part of your answered prayer.” It most of the time, doesn’t feel like this in that moment! But deep down, we do know ‘why’ it didn’t work out. But… we still question it! I am also getting the message that may not make sense this moment, ‘What you think you have to do, you won’t need to do that to get where you want to go’ - it feels like there is an even bigger blessing about to ‘land on your doorstep’ or ‘land on your lap’ right now, because of all the pulling yourself into deep alignment that you are doing at this time, feels like you are deeply being guided to a whole new realm right now. A new home perhaps? New relationship? New Career? Travel? All of the above? I am also getting the message that something you wanted to do that didn’t work out - was actually working out! For example trying to do something/get something done then other things come in and ‘stop’ you or ‘distract’ you - actually wasn’t this, but all part of the process of the energetic distortion that has been clearing and cleared out of your body, energetic field and life at this time. If people have walked away, if you have walked away, if you have been sick, if something has shifted in a new direction unexpectedly - this is all part of the energetic resonance shift that is bringing you into full alignment of your desires. Know that if there is a delay… it is only an alignment, nothing good or bad, just… alignment. Stay focused, keep patiently surrendering and staying clear in what you want - do not compromise at this time, because.. what you truly want, is coming true. Hold it. Love xxx Master Manifestor starts tomorrow! The magic has already been weaving it's magic with sooo much coming to pass already - ready to amplify and take this to the next level? Click here for all the details, for all of those who are ready to truly remember who they really are, Master Manifestor is for you: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor