🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 16th April 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Apr 16, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 16th April 2024 

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today, to see what message is awaiting you from the Angel Therapy Oracle today 🤍

Your gateway to mastering your intuition, harnessing your psychic potential, healing deep-seated traumas and fully embracing your life’s purpose - with two decades of experience in healing and teaching what my heart and soul calls forth for you to step into your unique life’s purpose - the doors, to Trust Your Intuition are open now.

If you’re ready to develop strong psychic abilities, heal and release past traumas that are keeping you stuck so you can clear the path for unique life’s purpose to be shown to you, if you’re ready to step into your life that is filled with purpose and joy - Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Earth Angel. ‘You are a lightworker who has come to Earth to teach about love.’ 

You have been getting signs that there is something more for your life than where you currently are. It feels like you’ve known for a while, but haven’t really done anything about it and are just recalibrating after a fairly hard stint - have you been hibernating/hiding a bit? Recuperating your energy? It feels like this has been essential to recover from what you have been through… but now? you’re being pushed out of your comfort zone and time to spread your wings and fly. You have been getting signs of this - and… here’s another one! But to create change - you have to change. When we have been through the wringer, it is normal to cocoon - but then to come out the other side of that, we need to push to come back to life and then it becomes normal - this, living life thing. I also wonder if you have been feeling like you’re in a pressure cooker recently? Like being squeezed through a portal that you didn’t ask for (or did you!?) and now you’re questioning everything… honey - do not give up! You are so close to the breakthrough of your butterfly (or angel!) wings coming into full effect. The last few years have taken you on a rollercoaster and this entire time - you have been building stability. If the ‘wind has been knocked out of you’ this last few months, know that - the road that was heading - was not sustainable - obviously! And it is why things have changed for you. Your purpose is awakening. You are being guided to work consciously on your spiritual gifts and activate your higher purpose that is trying to stream through you. Have you been having a lot of psychic visions lately? Or your telepathy is through the roof? Or you just know things before they happen and whilst this has always been normal for you - lately it is ten fold and happening all the time! Your spiritual guides are leading you to the answer to your prayers. Your psychic gifts are nudging you to open and work on them. Your purpose is guiding you to show you who you really are: You are a lightworker who has come to Earth to teach about love. You love helping people, you love doing your thing, you love doing what you love to do and sharing that with people, you love this psychic stuff and now it’s time to take it seriously and even get paid for it. You’re being called to step up and step into this in a whole new level. Are you getting the message? The 50 millionth sign.. from your Angels? Love xxx Your gateway to mastering your intuition, harnessing your psychic potential, healing deep-seated traumas and fully embracing your life’s purpose - with two decades of experience in healing and teaching what my heart and soul calls forth for you to step into your unique life’s purpose - the doors, to Trust Your Intuition are open now. If you’re ready to develop strong psychic abilities, heal and release past traumas that are keeping you stuck so you can clear the path for unique life’s purpose to be shown to you, if you’re ready to step into your life that is filled with purpose and joy - Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Base Chakra. ‘Choose only positive thoughts to describe your home, career and finances, as your words determine your outcome.’

Base Chakra - Home, Reality, Physical Relationships, ‘who is in your home’, Finances, Life Purpose, Sexuality, Trust, Safety. Working on Base Chakra Consciousness can be confronting if you have been living ‘out of reality’ for some time, about your currently reality. When we face anything that we’ve been avoiding for a long time or just start consciously working on changing our reality, it can feel like everything is going backwards and turning inside out - as you literally change your internal reality - your external reality will shift. That may mean that your entire reality will change at some point and the complete crumbling of all that you have known - whether mentally, spiritually or emotionally will start pouring out. This… is a sign of change. At this time, you are being asked to diligently look at all the things you have buried and put on a shelf for another day. You are being asked to look deeply at your energy leaks and where you are giving your power away to the core pieces that makes up your Base Chakra. You are being asked at this time to bring deep conscious light, fast aligned action and a deep trust within Spirit that you are being shown the light at the end of the tunnel - even though you can’t see it - from your old reality to your new. You are being shown things right now, that you didn’t even think were possible and you are on the verge of a major breakthrough and reality change for yourself and your family. Signs that you’re on the precipice of a big change are: feeling like nothing is working or going backwards, even though you feel 100% okay with it all (your old self would’ve been losing it, but somehow, you’re ‘fine’ about everything and you’re just moving through the motions of it all) this is the sign.. of a quantum leap. The major breakthrough you’ve been working on is here - notice it’s signs and continue to embody this new level of frequency that you can feel in your heart and soul that is so normal…stay positive, choosing your outcome with what you know is your path, purpose, destiny and that you indeed get to create your reality. Deeply drop into your absolute worthiness of the life you desire that you are birthing right now as this, is the magic that manifests miracles and the reality you desire. This is your realm to play in, you are the magic. Remember that. Love xxx Your gateway to mastering your intuition, harnessing your psychic potential, healing deep-seated traumas and fully embracing your life’s purpose - with two decades of experience in healing and teaching what my heart and soul calls forth for you to step into your unique life’s purpose - the doors, to Trust Your Intuition are open now. If you’re ready to develop strong psychic abilities, heal and release past traumas that are keeping you stuck so you can clear the path for unique life’s purpose to be shown to you, if you’re ready to step into your life that is filled with purpose and joy - Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: Heart Chakra. ‘The answer that you seek is in your heart right now. Be open to giving and receiving love.’ 

Have you felt more joy and love in your heart than you’ve experienced before? And I am wondering if - sounding contradictory an increasing about of anxiety for some reason? There are a lot radiation light pulses coming in from the sun and cosmos that are penetrating through our now non-existent radiation shield - this - amongst the message that you are extremely sensitive to things in your environment right now, is so important to be aware of that is causing the anxiety. Anxiety is always a sign of ‘too much energy in the heart’ - meaning, you need to cry combined with a fear of the future. Foods and drinks that your particular body has mild sensitivities to are extraordinarily sensitive to right now so be sure to be strict about what you are placing in your body at this time to not exasperate this. I am also getting the message that you are quite extremely heart broken about something someone has done to you. I am also sensing it has made you tighten boundaries even more and who you let into your sphere. I am sensing that you have begun a journey of really reassessing who is in your immediate sphere, who has close access to you and who you are moving forward with into your future. It feels like you ‘have been hurt all over again’ - but this doesn’t come as a shock (and yet of course energetically it does) -  and just now - you’re starting to really feel the grief of it all. You gave them everything and the ‘best years of your life’ - you gave it your all and it was all ‘thrown in your face’. I am hearing that this purging must be released out of your heart at this time. Also, have your fingers been sore, or hands or something to do with your hands - have you been back and forth with someone and now your hands are sore? Or you keep knocking them? I know sounds strange, but hands/arms are related to the heart chakra and are primarily ‘how we handle situations’. Once you have a big cry/grieve about this situation, energy will lift and I feel you’ll be able to see clearly again - as right now, you’re feeling quite burdened with the energies that feel like a dark cloud over you? Hmmm, also getting the strong message to be super mindful of ‘whose’ energy this actually is too. Yes, you have your own grief, but this dark cloud, can be if you have lost someone to the other side recently (passed away) or also - the grief from the other person. Remember when there is any change in any relationship - the grieving process will occur  - as this is triggered by any change. Make sure to move through this cycle completely to truly allow yourself to let go, be free from it energetically and move on with your life. ‘Follow your heart’ is important at this time, as I feel it is a strong light in the darkness for you and is a crucial piece to you reclaiming your peace, your prosperity and your joy right now. What do you need to do, to fully follow your heart, trust it and go action that? (before the mind kicks in - what does your heart say yes to?). Love xxx Your gateway to mastering your intuition, harnessing your psychic potential, healing deep-seated traumas and fully embracing your life’s purpose - with two decades of experience in healing and teaching what my heart and soul calls forth for you to step into your unique life’s purpose - the doors, to Trust Your Intuition are open now. If you’re ready to develop strong psychic abilities, heal and release past traumas that are keeping you stuck so you can clear the path for unique life’s purpose to be shown to you, if you’re ready to step into your life that is filled with purpose and joy - Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Vegetarian/Vegan. ‘Fresh organic fruits and vegetables give you a boost of high life-force energy, which elevates your spiritual frequency.’ 

It is time to take a break from the meats, from the dairy, from the wheats and the glutens. I know you are pretty good with your diet, but your symptoms are being exasperated by an excess of what you consume on a regular basis. The meats you think your body needs - actually your liver and your body needs a break from it. That coffee that you think is okay, is actually keeping you up at night. The dairy you think you can handle, actually you can’t. And the bits of wheat products you have every now and then (check your supplement containers for hidden gluten and wheat products or products you wouldn’t think have it in - especially if you ‘can’t live without them’). You’re a person that ‘nothing ever affects you’ - and yet, that was all well and good when you were living out of alignment with your Soul’s Purpose… they were coping mechanisms, helping you through the unconscious dealings with being ‘off path’… now that you’re on path - these items are having a detrimental affect on your spiritual connection and is affecting the mechanisms mechanically on how your spiritual soul body communicates and connects to your physical body. You are being guided to stay away from these for a time. It doesn’t have to be forever, but you are being urged to take rest from them. You have a highly addictive personality - this isn't a bad thing - but your food items ‘hold you captive’ and a huge undertone piece of that, is because certain foods items/cruxes - remind you of something from your childhood and it is this memory that is ‘making you feel loved’ for example and that is why… one won’t let go of ‘their favourite vice, even if it is killing them’. The love we have for the time we were touched with love is strong - especially if your world fell apart after that, the vice will be stronger - because well, what else is there? #huge. At this point, it then isn’t about focusing on the food - but the emotional core that you just tapped into if you even were ready to go there consciously as you read that, is where you need to focus on right now - then worry about foods and vices later. However, if you know you need to do this and find it overwhelming just start with one thing. It could be removing meat & dairy & cooked foods from your diet for a change and just keeping the coffee for now, it could be the other way around, it could be something else - sometimes it is easier to deal with one thing at a time - don’t try and be a hero and do it all at once, especially if you have deep wounds to tend to, because the focusing on food won’t stick if you won’t heal psychologically from the reason your vices are your vices in the first place. Choose one thing. Your soul is urging your immediate attention to this. Love xxx Your gateway to mastering your intuition, harnessing your psychic potential, healing deep-seated traumas and fully embracing your life’s purpose - with two decades of experience in healing and teaching what my heart and soul calls forth for you to step into your unique life’s purpose - the doors, to Trust Your Intuition are open now. If you’re ready to develop strong psychic abilities, heal and release past traumas that are keeping you stuck so you can clear the path for unique life’s purpose to be shown to you, if you’re ready to step into your life that is filled with purpose and joy - Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Manifestation Power. ‘Use your spiritual gifts and natural abilities to attract your desired outcome.’

You are being reminded of the magic of your power and how you create your reality right now! Get out of your funk and if you can’t - go do something that WILL move you out of it, because I guarantee you that the thing you’re focusing and forcing on, won’t! Go remove your focus and go do something else… for a time - and watch how magic really works. You know how to manifest, you used to do it all the time, you used to be in heighten success of it - and…. you’re remerging this now - I was typing remembering this now - but remerging auto spelled so I left it there for you! Because… how true this is. There has been resurgence in your energy, a milestone in your mind, a magic in your soul and a fire in your heart - you have been lit the fuck up recently and it is THIS fire that has been missing from your heart and soul life that you dreamt of in your heart. What you have been through, has grown you and like the phoenix to the ashes and the king to the throne - you’ve arrived at a place where you’re rock solid in your personal power and knowing who you are in your soul. As you step into greater and greater levels of your power, those who have only known you for ‘who you’ve always been’ may get triggered, leave you, tell you how they feel about you (and all this time you thought you were friends/colleagues!) and those… that support you will still be there witnessing your magic. Remember to re-focus on these. It is normal to go through losses as you go through any change, whether ‘good or bad’ - and it is here the firelight to your Soul is shining a light on what magic has re-ignited and the point of this message for you today is - ANCHOR THIS IN BABY. You were too swayed before as you rose to your power and their rattling knocked you down. You’ve learnt from your lessons, you’ve learnt from your past and it is here… you’re not who you used to be and you have a fuck tonne of wisdom compared to who you used to be and god knows you are using it baby. It is here, this god given elevation is flooding your soul and it is here your light is shining brighter than ever before - rise here and watch the Universe bring in those who are soul aligned, those who are destined to meet you and those who will help you on your path. Rise! And keep fucking going. Love xxx Your gateway to mastering your intuition, harnessing your psychic potential, healing deep-seated traumas and fully embracing your life’s purpose - with two decades of experience in healing and teaching what my heart and soul calls forth for you to step into your unique life’s purpose - the doors, to Trust Your Intuition are open now. If you’re ready to develop strong psychic abilities, heal and release past traumas that are keeping you stuck so you can clear the path for unique life’s purpose to be shown to you, if you’re ready to step into your life that is filled with purpose and joy - Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Visualise Success. ‘See yourself doing well in this situation and have faith in a positive outcome.’

This card, is self-explanatory and yet, the reminder is to DO YOU and block everything out so you can FOCUS. You are being tested right now beyond measure. You are being shown a new life and it is tangible and you can taste it but it is not quite here yet. I am also getting the extremely strong message to deeply remind you - there is no time. Time does not exist. Outside of our realm, time is experienced extremely differently to what we experience it as a human on Earth and right now - your manifestation is only ‘halted’ by you thinking that ‘it is coming’ - no… you stand on the edge of time right now, this moment is all that exists and you are being asked to remember this in the grand scheme of what you are manifesting in your life right now. You are being asked to deeply come back to this moment of now that time is but a continual loop that you have entrapped yourself in. Right now is all that exists and you are being asked to come back to this continual eternal moment of now. in this moment of now al exist that you desire because all is all there is right now, so what is it? I know you hear this ‘spiritual cliche’ all the time, but you are being asked to step outside of your human construct to remember so deeply who the fuck you truly are and manifest your dreams into reality. The only thing that has been keeping you stuck IS your human construct of the mind you have created in the prism of yourself. The eternal moment of now - on the precipice of extraordinary change and quantum leaps - live here… on the edge.. of time. What is there, without time? What exists in this perpetual ever existing moment of now? All.. that you want, desire, can imagine and nothing at the same time, from here - what is the expanded version, way more than the birds eye view - but the expanded version - of you - get to choose from here? Have Eagles been present for you recently? You’re being asked to remember the ever moment of now and that outside of the realm of the human construct of time, is a realm of limitless possibility that you can collapse timelines and pull your desires into effect of now…. and in essence? You already ARE it - so collapsing timelines is you, becoming…. the version of yourself you’ve been manifesting for like… ever. .not in the future.. but the ever present eternal precipices of the edge of time now. Who… are you here? Yes, I have repeated myself in this card… read it again.. it is an activation - receive it. Love xxx Your gateway to mastering your intuition, harnessing your psychic potential, healing deep-seated traumas and fully embracing your life’s purpose - with two decades of experience in healing and teaching what my heart and soul calls forth for you to step into your unique life’s purpose - the doors, to Trust Your Intuition are open now. If you’re ready to develop strong psychic abilities, heal and release past traumas that are keeping you stuck so you can clear the path for unique life’s purpose to be shown to you, if you’re ready to step into your life that is filled with purpose and joy - Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition