🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 16th January 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jan 16, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 16th January 2024 

Scroll down to see what message is awaiting you there today from the The Herbal Astrology Oracle for you today.

The entire reason I have been put on this planet is for you to heal from your past, remember who you are, activate and live your purpose and leave your Legacy in this world.

My heart and soul were taken to another realm and back this last week… there is a very potent astrological line up right now and I was shown a whole new level that brings my entire 8 years of being online - into one, potent, powerful space. The doors are open - for Life Purpose Legacy, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Comfrey. Completion. 

You have come full circle. And it is time for you to acknowledge this. It feels like a celebration or some way to mark this completion is really important as you step into a brand new cycle in your life. The old is done and dusted and now it is time for the new. I feel like the strong message here is that you have to choose it - over and over again until it becomes normal. If you want to lose weight, get fit and healthy  - that doesn’t just happen, that means you need to get up and move - and so - you have to choose it, every day over and over again. Things happen from you making choices and decisions and that means you have to choose it, over and over again - but don’t choose the same things! If you want different results you need to do different things right?  The old cycle has finished and you may be feeling a bit… of a lull or a loss or not sure ‘how’ to do things moving forward and yet - do you know what the truth is? Deep down you do. Because that is why you made the big changes in your recent past in the first place - so you can move forward with your plans - so what were they? What was the part you that knew you had to make changes so you could do - what? You’re very clear on your big picture plan, on your vision, on why you made the changes to begin with. You knew there was something you had to do - want to do in this world and now, you can lay the foundations to create that. Every time we complete something or release something into the world, I see it as a birth. And so for a few days to a week to up to a month, you can feel like, okay, now what? And now what is yes, of course you can rest, but now is not the time for resting, now is time for doing what you know how and what to do best. And perhaps, that is a complete body and lifestyle overhaul, because, let’s be real… does the version of you - that made the choices to leave what you were in, that part that made the choices, is that the part of you that is ‘happy in the old way you do things’? Didn’t think so. If you’re not sure ‘what to do now’ you’ve completed the old cycle, the answer is right in front of you - right in your hands. It is time for a complete body and life overhaul. Who do you want to become in this new cycle? That is the question to be asking. Who am I in this new cycle? Who am I in my clothes, hair, make up, what do I look like, how do I walk? Perhaps you’ve been thinking about that wardrobe make over or body changes, perhaps it is changing who you hang around or something in your environment needs changing. Completing a new cycle, can be celebrated and the start of a new cycle commenced with a celebration into a new way of Being that creates a new life. That is, why you left the old cycle in the first place. So, who do you get to become? Who do you hang around? What sort of life are you creating? Are you… choosing it? Over and over? Celebrate the new… by becoming it. You literally create magic and miracles, you’re a manifestor - so what you do you create? Love xxx The entire reason I have been put on this planet is for you to heal from your past, remember who you are, activate and live your purpose and leave your Legacy in this world. My heart and soul were taken to another realm and back this last week… there is a very potent astrological line up right now and I was shown a whole new level that brings my entire 8 years of being online - into one, potent, powerful space. The doors are open - for Life Purpose Legacy, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy

Card #2: Horsetail. Patience. 

Hmmm, whilst this ‘Patience’ is usually like the - yes divine timing and blah blah blah - what I am truly feeling for you with this is - not even ‘have patience with yourself’. I feel this card is - enough waiting around. Like there are things you can truly be doing right now - every single day to move your life forward. Whilst there sure, may definitely be divine timing and big picture out of your hands things, lining up and that are still requiring patience - I bet there are zillion things on your to do list that you can get done! So whilst you’re ‘waiting around’ for the Universe to do it’s thing - that isn’t actually how life works lol So, this Patience card is actually time to kick your butt into gear and get all those things off your to do list. This will require discipline and not letting yourself get distracted. It feels like you have a lot to do - but get stuck even starting because of the pile so to speak? So, now is the time to make a very detailed plan and make things happen. I always say to my clients, in the lull - what can you get done? For - when you are busy again - what do you wish you had achieved or done ‘when it was quiet’? This… is what you’re needing work with at this time. I also am getting the message to regulate your nervous system more - focus on good sleep and long spaces of deep meditation. After what you’ve been through, you need to reset your nervous system and keep it regulate. Peace is a state of being and anything that sends your nervous system to fight or flight is out for 2024 - yes? Also - how can you organise your schedule so you’re able to make space like this a priority? 2024 is your year and whilst your biggest, most highest bigger picture dreams, do indeed take patience, it is you.. who creates them with daily aligned action. Love xxx The entire reason I have been put on this planet is for you to heal from your past, remember who you are, activate and live your purpose and leave your Legacy in this world. My heart and soul were taken to another realm and back this last week… there is a very potent astrological line up right now and I was shown a whole new level that brings my entire 8 years of being online - into one, potent, powerful space. The doors are open - for Life Purpose Legacy, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy

Card #3: Skullcap. Stillness. 

Time out! But, like Card #2 - this is a strong message about - a strong mind requires a strong body to house it. So if you are feeling scattered or like you can’t focus - honey, you don’t have an ADHD brain.. you have a weak and dirty body that is requiring you to clean up your act, stop the drugs, stop the caffeine, and stop the shit food and clean up the vessel that your strong soul and mind is requiring for you to house it in this body, this vessel you’ve been given. Have you felt ‘out of body’ or ‘spacey’ lately? That is because your body is calling your attention - ground it! What do you ENJOY doing that is active, that gives you a good feeling (afterwards!) and that you know has been on your mind? Your Soul is guiding the way - but your human self requires discipline to  put it into action and I am hearing that your health, your physical body and your entire life is needing an overhaul - so, this is your sign! You will ‘feel stillness’ and ‘peace’ and ‘happiness’ when you tend to this beautiful vessel before anything else. I am also hearing parasite cleanse - as some health issues - whilst you can be taking all the health supplements in the world, nothing will work of what you put IN to your body if you don’t kill the vermin and leeching parasites from inside your body first - because they are taking what you put IN and when they are taking up space, nothing will work! So, get a good parasite cleanse - one that resonates with you - and make this priority for then everything else will flow. Now, if it is too cold to do such at this time, what other ‘parasites’ are leeching off your energy and need to be cleansed from - within your devices, social media accounts or around your house and family and friendship circles? You know what to do. Love xxx The entire reason I have been put on this planet is for you to heal from your past, remember who you are, activate and live your purpose and leave your Legacy in this world. My heart and soul were taken to another realm and back this last week… there is a very potent astrological line up right now and I was shown a whole new level that brings my entire 8 years of being online - into one, potent, powerful space. The doors are open - for Life Purpose Legacy, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy

Card #4: Milk Thistle. Peaceful Warrior. 

You are in your power! You are strong, courageous, confident - and - your liver is needing support! Or a cleanse! Why? Because Milk Thistle is a deep support for your liver - even maybe, you’re just needing to take Milk Thistle- but this is about liver in general, which deeply relates to your Solar Plexus Chakra, which is about personal power, taking your power back, releasing yourself from unhealthy situations and toxic relationships (even with unhealthy addictions), remembering your light, trusting your intuition and shining your light brighter than ever before! It feels like you’ve stepped into a level of power recently and sometimes - you’re wobbly with this and sometimes you’re super strong and committed to who you are becoming. It feels like you have been in doubt of your intuition recently but… you have ‘just chosen’ to trust instead and the aligned action taking is where your confidence grows. Meaning - when you just do the thing and stop thinking about it - you rapidly increase your energy, your light grows stronger and because ‘you just did it without thinking’ so to speak, you’ve gained a level of mastery not many achieve because they are too busy thinking about it! I see you - taking action! I see you - mastering your reality! I see you making waves with your Purpose! I see you - leaving your LEGACY! Peaceful Warrior - I SEE YOU! Love xxx The entire reason I have been put on this planet is for you to heal from your past, remember who you are, activate and live your purpose and leave your Legacy in this world. My heart and soul were taken to another realm and back this last week… there is a very potent astrological line up right now and I was shown a whole new level that brings my entire 8 years of being online - into one, potent, powerful space. The doors are open - for Life Purpose Legacy, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy

Card #5: Cacao. Initiation. 

Initiation means being squeezed through tight passageway to see if you will make it! It’s called BIRTH! ha! And yet, so many babies are being ripped out via caesarian today which changes so much energetics of this realm we are in and this is a BIG conversation  - makes me sad - but there are still soooo many still being born naturally and at home - so let’s focus on this! This is a message that you’re being squeezed into a new reality right now and so it is going to require you to shape shift your body, to breathe differently, to feel different - to CREATE differently. This means your entire life will look different. I also feel that if you’re confused about your message or wondering what to say - it is because you are trying to figure it out and are in your head about it. Whilst logical structure and strategy is super important when building your business - when you’re trying to work it out and it isn’t flowing - it is because you’re trying to figure it out too much - like - get out of your head and into your heart. Because you know what to say, do and think - and I want to say - go back through your old and gold content because you hold so much wisdom and sometimes you forget this. I feel it will spark ideas and you will remember your deepest purpose. Sometimes along the way and path called - life - we get distracted or fall out of alignment with what we are doing because some trauma along the way that pulls us off path and we forget who we are. The journey to consciousness is that we experience unconsciousness in areas we want to be more conscious in so we can master reality in this area - consciously! So don’t judge yourself, nor beat yourself up - you just had to learn the entire spectrum, because you’re being initiated into a higher realm of understanding of what you’re learning, so you can teach it from this higher perspective and work with different clients. That is - why you just changed everything right? Trust it. You’ve so got this, or you wouldn’t have made the changes. Your Soul knows. Remember who you truly are. Love xxx The entire reason I have been put on this planet is for you to heal from your past, remember who you are, activate and live your purpose and leave your Legacy in this world. My heart and soul were taken to another realm and back this last week… there is a very potent astrological line up right now and I was shown a whole new level that brings my entire 8 years of being online - into one, potent, powerful space. The doors are open - for Life Purpose Legacy, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy

Card #6: Mandrake. Sensuality.

A few things here… this is about coming back into your Empress, your Goddess Self. This is about cleaning out your womb (sacral) to release any stagnant residue from ex-partners, any trauma associated with relationships or birthing - whether physical projects or actual babes in the wombs. If you don’t have my clearing or ritual specifically for this comment RITUAL and I’ll send it to you. This helps clear deep generational trauma stuck here too. Sensuality is more than just about the power that relates here - this is a signature blueprint to your divine essence and who you are as you incarnated here. I am getting deep past life issues for you to clean up here as well. It feels like something is anchoring you to your past and it is time to shift around the DNA associated with what happened back there. Relationships will shift in this current life when you choose to work on reclaiming your sensuality and all that entails aka your true self - remember - not everyone in your life is meant for a lifetime so be okay with letting go, being on your own, recalibrating, chasing your dreams and living the life you were born for. Love xxx The entire reason I have been put on this planet is for you to heal from your past, remember who you are, activate and live your purpose and leave your Legacy in this world. My heart and soul were taken to another realm and back this last week… there is a very potent astrological line up right now and I was shown a whole new level that brings my entire 8 years of being online - into one, potent, powerful space. The doors are open - for Life Purpose Legacy, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy