🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 22nd August 2023

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Aug 22, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 22nd August 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Daily Guidance From Your Angels Oracle ðŸ•Š

There is a magical place on this Earth that exists within you - within your Heart. Your Heart is the gateway to your dreams, it is the doorway to your Soul, it is who you really are and it where the magic enemates from the core of your being that is what magnetises your dreams TO you.

You are a walking element of the Goddess Sun of Light. Opening your Heart, requires courage. Keeping it open, requires you to walk forward in trust and leave the past behind. It is the place where dreams come true, but are you really, ready to receive them?

Are you truly, that game to take such a leap of faith and let the Universe show you how good, it can really get?

Heart Chakra Consciousness Journey commences in just a few days, that means, the doors close in a few days! Click here for all the details - you do, want your dreams to come true right? 

You do, trust your Heart enough to know, that this is where it resides, right? Click here to join us, this is going to be one life transforming journey: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Focus on Service. “Your soul desires only to joyfully serve and to swim in a constant stream of bliss. This stream continuously feeds you everything you need. Put your entire focus upon staying in this stream of giving and receiving in every situation and in all that you do.” 

If you are not sure what to do - focus on service. Sometimes this can be like really confusing - ‘Yeah, like what though?!’ And to find the answer to those questions, it is simply to ask yourself, what do I want? What do I want to do? What do I love doing? What do I do without even thinking about it? What can I do and love doing with my eyes closed? What am I really good at? These are the leading questions that open up threads to the answer to your prayers, to the way forward, to ideas that you might have thrown in the bin, but these are your baby, your heart and things that are really important to you. Perhaps you ‘threw them in the bin’ meaning, you were angry it ‘wasn’t here yet’ and so let it go. Somewhat resentfully because well wtf. And yet….this entire process is and has been preparing you for what is to come. You would not be able to receive your next level had you not walked through this darkness, had you not understood what true service to others means. Understanding the most core deepest aspects of yourself to be able to serve at the capacity you do… just you wouldn’t be here reading this, you wouldn’t be here living through what you are, you wouldn’t be here understanding exactly what I am talking about, if you were not in throws of this level of Mastery. You and your unique Life Purpose Blueprint has been chosen and chosen by you to create and support mass awakening on the planet. Know this as deep truth as you walk through the throws of darkness in all the questioning with only droplets of light guiding the way, showing you, you’re on the right path. When a person reaches a stage of spiritual evolutionary development - everything will go dark. It will be like all your Angels, Spirit Guides and even your Psychic Skills that you’ve developed to date will just stop working’. You will question things, doubt things, wonder if you made the right choices and on top of that - your Spirit Guides have even abandoned you! WTF! I know this one, all too well, from myself and guiding my clients through it. Know that not everyone reaches this evolutionary stage of spiritual development, and you are here, because you’re not only ready for a new level of spiritual understanding, you’ve also chosen a different timeline that has made you ‘outgrow’ your original blueprint that you came to Earth to achieve. This is created from a variety of factors of external cosmic shifts of course yes, but also for what you have stepped up to say yes to and given all those sparkles of temptations that have come in to try and pull you off path - you’ve said no. No. You’ve held your heart’s values over everything sparkly that was an ALMOST yes over anything like this and… it has paid off and will continue to. THIS. This is the epitome or true Sacred Service, true Focus on Service, TRUE Service to Others - because if you are not being true to your true heart - how on Earth, can you be in true Service to others? It ALWAYS - ALWAYS begins with you. With you following, and strengthening your heart. With every no, even though it is 99% aligned… with every no…. your 100% FUCK yes, is getting closer, and closer. Do not deny the pull of your own heart to lead you to the truest Sacred Service. It always begins with What do I want? What do I want to do? What do I love doing? What do I do without even thinking about it? What can I do and love doing with my eyes closed? What am I really good at? This. These. Only always ever these. Love xxx There is a magical place on this Earth that exists within you - within your Heart. Your Heart is the gateway to your dreams, it is the doorway to your Soul, it is who you really are and it where the magic enemates from the core of your being that is what magnetises your dreams TO you. You are a walking element of the Goddess Sun of Light. Opening your Heart, requires courage. Keeping it open, requires you to walk forward in trust and leave the past behind. It is the place where dreams come true, but are you really, ready to receive them? Are you truly, that game to take such a leap of faith and let the Universe show you how good, it can really get? Heart Chakra Consciousness Journey commences in just a few days, that means, the doors close in a few days! Click here for all the details - you do, want your dreams to come true right? You do, trust your Heart enough to know, that this is where it resides, right? Click here to join us, this is going to be one life transforming journey: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey


Card #2: Innocence. “Beloved One, everyone is guiltless in truth as no one can alter God’s handiwork of perfection. Give us your feelings of heaviness so we can lighten your load. Give us any guilt, anger or blame that may sound your loving outlook. Enjoy the peace within your heart once more.”

This heaviness you’re feeling - you have been carrying for YEARS unconsciously. The only reason it ‘suddenly feels heavy to you’ is because it is coming to consciousness and surfacing to be worked through and released. You’ve done a lot of work to this date, and BECAUSE of this - the true, raw, deepest, darkest aspects of humanity that are stored in your body and psyche as trauma wounds from whatever you experienced throughout your life and perhaps even past life - is now coming up. The new evolution and highest iteration of your Soul is becoming stronger and pushing this old toxic crap OUT of your system, which, in the beginning, you’ll feel extra tired all the time, then you’ll all of a sudden feel very old (this is the masculine trauma shell of protection starting to crack energetically and disintegrate, like an old frayed/brittle piece of plastic that has been laying in the sun for a long time). Next, it is time for the conscious personal development work of healing these core woundings that are now very present in your awareness. (This is what I teach and train you in my course, Trust Your Intuition, Early Bird opens in Sept/Oct for our 9 month course next year). This… honey, is what is going on for you right now. And amongst all of this - you haven’t done anything wrong. But… it feels like it right?! There is a part of you questioning what you are doing, even though it feels right for you, but you are not sure, but you are, but you are figuring it out but - gah - stop! You’ve not done anything wrong, you’ve never done anything wrong and you certainly aren’t right now. Again, this, ‘wrongness’ feeling, that can almost feel paralysing at times, or leave you with crippling anxiety, is definitely not ‘you’ - meaning - these feelings are also, the trauma from the darkest rawest form is surfacing for you to be released, that is all. Know that, you’ve done nothing wrong, that losing your mind ten times over right now, is just you allowing yourself to come to the next level of your healing and that you’re here reading this so you know that all the work you’ve done to date ‘didn’t not work’ - it is just, you’ve hit deep core layers - which is ALL I am passionate about at Reality Awareness - and why people get triggered by me, my content and my teachings - because they are not quite ready for this level. But you are, because you’re here, reading this. So honour this in yourself. It’s all going to be okay. You’re just at… this new level that feels strange - because it’s a whole new paradigm you’re anchoring in and you’re in the right place. Exhale. Love xxx There is a magical place on this Earth that exists within you - within your Heart. Your Heart is the gateway to your dreams, it is the doorway to your Soul, it is who you really are and it where the magic enemates from the core of your being that is what magnetises your dreams TO you. You are a walking element of the Goddess Sun of Light. Opening your Heart, requires courage. Keeping it open, requires you to walk forward in trust and leave the past behind. It is the place where dreams come true, but are you really, ready to receive them? Are you truly, that game to take such a leap of faith and let the Universe show you how good, it can really get? Heart Chakra Consciousness Journey commences in just a few days, that means, the doors close in a few days! Click here for all the details - you do, want your dreams to come true right? You do, trust your Heart enough to know, that this is where it resides, right? Click here to join us, this is going to be one life transforming journey: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey


Card #3: Assertiveness. “This situation can be healed gently and with love as you’ve requested, yet there is also a need for your strength and truthfulness with the other people involved. We will stand right behind you as you speak your truth, giving you strength and guiding your words.” 

There is something you want to say or speak  - so speak it clearly, precisely with acute clarity and know that you will be heard. Don’t over-explain yourself or get into emotional dumping (that’s what your Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor is for) just ask, zip it and stay in your power, knowing that you are worthy of your need to be met. Also - if you speak your truth and people get reactive, defensive, edit their comment ten times and then block you because you continued to pull the truth out of the convoluted egotistic mess that you can see exactly what is going on underneath know that - you have tapped into truth; you see clearly what is going on. Now, you know that I am not one for the whole ‘they are egotistical’ - what I see, is a wounded heart still in need of resurrection from the throws of the Ahriman abyss of nothings that they have not travelled yet. I LOVE the word ego and really get hurt when anyone uses it in vain, simply because EGO is our Human self and without it we literally wouldn’t be alive. It is not  bad AT ALL, but has been given a bad wrap in the spiritual community - which when you really think about that aspect is a DEEP psyop in itself. (how deep do you want to go!? This is Reality Awareness btw ;) )  For a long time, my abandonment or ‘wrongness’ used to get triggered when people ‘wouldn’t come into Reality Awareness’ - until I realised, they just were not ready for this level of truth! It rocks people’s world. Remember when you were first awakened and a simple chakra clearing was mind blowing wtf and some right?! Now you do it with taking a simple breath and don’t even think much of it. So remember this depth of who you actually are when you speak truths whether in deep intimate conversation with someone or publicly online. Any kickback, means you’re doing something right and is always good to take note on a shadow work standpoint of what is going on, but also to know that you hold such great deep power, truth, insight and is just who you are. This card is coming to you today, because it is truly time for you to own your power, stand up in your truth and speak it clearly, acutely precisely and with solid certainty of who you are, back yourself the entire way and don’t falter. Oh, and another thing? The first time we stand up to speak our truth - we will be shaking in our boots - speak your truth and shake anyway okay? Then, the more you stand up for yourself, speak up and say what you really want to say, the shaking gets less and less and your confidence muscle is stronger and holds more ground and weight for what you stand in - becomes a natural resonance frequency - your entire reality will undergo a MASSIVE transformation and then you will suddenly find yourself in a whole new reality - which is the entire reason you stood up for yourself, what your heart truly wanted and backed yourself the entire way right? Stand up for yourself, speak up for your truth, for what you desire and go and make it happen anyway. You’ll create a swopping massive energy like a river stream following you as the Universe moves mountains to catch up with you and create the path - because YOU went first. The question is - do you TRUST this much in yourself, your truth and your power? This is… what you are born for - so go do it. Now and forever more. This is what you are here for. What are you waiting for? Permission? You just got it. No excuse. Just do it. Love xxx There is a magical place on this Earth that exists within you - within your Heart. Your Heart is the gateway to your dreams, it is the doorway to your Soul, it is who you really are and it where the magic enemates from the core of your being that is what magnetises your dreams TO you. You are a walking element of the Goddess Sun of Light. Opening your Heart, requires courage. Keeping it open, requires you to walk forward in trust and leave the past behind. It is the place where dreams come true, but are you really, ready to receive them? Are you truly, that game to take such a leap of faith and let the Universe show you how good, it can really get? Heart Chakra Consciousness Journey commences in just a few days, that means, the doors close in a few days! Click here for all the details - you do, want your dreams to come true right? You do, trust your Heart enough to know, that this is where it resides, right? Click here to join us, this is going to be one life transforming journey: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey


Card #4: Go For It! “Your prayers and positive expectations have been heard and answered. We’ve been working with you on this situation since it’s genesis and we continue to watch over you and everyone involved. Stay on your present path as it will take you very far indeed.”

Ha, rolling off Card #3 - JUST DO IT - the last sentence in the card reading there lol Love it #ofcourse! This card - says it all. If you were looking for a YES sign - GO DO IT! GO FOR IT! The Universe will catch you, move mountains and support you - but YOU have to move first. Also - you’ve had a HUGE amount of synchronicities leading up to this decision and it hasn’t even been a decision - more the synchronistic energies have led you the entire way. BUT this is because you have trusted and have been following your intuition, your heart and knowing and being so clear in what you want and now this has suddenly appeared after a sequence of crazy extraordinary synchronistic events that have left you awe inspired - well, honey, that should be enough of a ‘sign’ what are you even looking for if you’re still looking for confirmation!? I am also wondering and getting the sense that you’re awaiting more information too, yes? I am sensing that in this ‘waiting for more information’ or ‘to be shown the way/more signs leading to ‘the way; type feeling for you - is that this is a time to get EXTRA clear on what you want. Yeah, you are pretty clear, but I feel this is a good time ‘whilst you’re waiting’ - to also write down in extraordinarily more clarity - because #1 - this deserves this level of attention, given the extraordinarily set of circumstances that this has occurred in right? It definitely deserves this, but also that now you have this level of clarity, what else? What next? What is the next piece after this, given that you have now received this level of clarity and understanding of where you’re kinda heading - what other important aspects are now becoming apparent to you that now are clear on this? This acute clarity in the ‘finer details’ if you may - place your order. You have a clean slate, there are so many options and opportunities on the table for you right now - crossroads doesn’t even cut it, more like extradimensional timelines crossing and available for your choosing - which one do you choose? (yeah, I think I made up a word, it’s a thing). Get clear on these details, hold your vision and stay so clear in what you want, because it is all available for you right now - in utter abundance, the question is, do you choose it enough to action it, say yes and live the life you know you’re born for? Love xxx There is a magical place on this Earth that exists within you - within your Heart. Your Heart is the gateway to your dreams, it is the doorway to your Soul, it is who you really are and it where the magic enemates from the core of your being that is what magnetises your dreams TO you. You are a walking element of the Goddess Sun of Light. Opening your Heart, requires courage. Keeping it open, requires you to walk forward in trust and leave the past behind. It is the place where dreams come true, but are you really, ready to receive them? Are you truly, that game to take such a leap of faith and let the Universe show you how good, it can really get? Heart Chakra Consciousness Journey commences in just a few days, that means, the doors close in a few days! Click here for all the details - you do, want your dreams to come true right? You do, trust your Heart enough to know, that this is where it resides, right? Click here to join us, this is going to be one life transforming journey: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey


Card #5: Acceptance. “See yourself and others through the eyes of the angels, with the unconditional love and acceptance. In this way, you inspire and lift everyone to their highest potential.” 

I feel like you are getting so much information about your Life Purpose right now and it is so important to take note of this - but when you commence it, almost - don’t tell anyone, just let it do it’s thing. Create it, nurture it like a new born baby and trust when ‘it’ gives you the nudge to share it publicly. It feels like you are being given such deep insight, clarity, aha moments and deep solid grounding within yourself of your path. The undertone is one of such groundedness and a deep knowing that this is what you’ve been waiting for your entire life - this path, this purpose, this feeling, this peace, this understanding of who you are and what you’ve known your entire life to get here. Ah. What a feeling. Because this new idea that has just dropped in has almost dissolved ALL barriers in an instant right?! And given you that sense of - now anything is possible, because the only block has been the barricade around your heart and that has dissolved yes? And with that gone, you can be free to trust, to let everything sink into your reality because all of a sudden it all feels possible?! The only thing holding you back is you. I also feel that on another level or another ‘wave’ of person reading this, you may be coming to terms with a reality that you thought was something else but reality has left you with a highly unsatisfactory place of WTF have I done/got myself into/how is this my reality right now and ALL those feels. This… is a big reality check that follows with a tonne of grief and a dismantling and breaking down of old paradigms. This may mean that your physical reality changes greatly OR it means that it FEELS like it is or could or would or is going to - and yet the shedding of old, outworn, outdated energy dynamics is what is going on. I am getting the sense just at this moment, hold the highest vision that you WANT - not what some mentor told you or some reel you watched or some other thing told you of an old toxic paradigm - hold the highest vision for this moment, for if you watched my 3 Part Livestream Series of the Important Collective Update - you will see we are in a CRUCIAL timeline jump/switch/choice right now - I don’t feel now is the time to be making drastic life changing changes that are based out of fear or toxic teachings (no matter how valid - domestic violence is NOT okay, please know where I am coming from here) - but hold your vision of your highest for the next two or so weeks (if you haven’t watched the 3 part series, please do to understand this) - and know that you are being given a huge potent, powerful teaching right now that is allowing you to transform the darkest of dark energies, being replaced with crystalline codings in your body and is so important for you to realise this. You are holding a very high frequency and this is directing - not only your life, but humanity as well. You are a powerful God/Goddess/Priestess/Wizard - the Magic of the Land has been transferred into you and this.. is what you are holding. So if everything is crumbling around you - let it. For you it will rise with you after the purge… or fall away. For now.. hold your vision solely. You know you have this power, hold it with grace, become it and know…. this is who you are. Love xxx There is a magical place on this Earth that exists within you - within your Heart. Your Heart is the gateway to your dreams, it is the doorway to your Soul, it is who you really are and it where the magic enemates from the core of your being that is what magnetises your dreams TO you. You are a walking element of the Goddess Sun of Light. Opening your Heart, requires courage. Keeping it open, requires you to walk forward in trust and leave the past behind. It is the place where dreams come true, but are you really, ready to receive them? Are you truly, that game to take such a leap of faith and let the Universe show you how good, it can really get? Heart Chakra Consciousness Journey commences in just a few days, that means, the doors close in a few days! Click here for all the details - you do, want your dreams to come true right? You do, trust your Heart enough to know, that this is where it resides, right? Click here to join us, this is going to be one life transforming journey: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey


Card #6: Steady Progress. “We acknowledge you for the progress you’ve made in remembering love in your daily activities. We can clearly see the contribution you’re making to the world through your thoughts, feelings and actions of love.” 

When it feels like it isn’t moving - oh honey, it soooo is. You are gaining soooo much momentum right now - I know it doesn’t feel like it. You might be seeing tiny snippets and yet you catch yourself thinking, ‘but it isn’t enough’ and you’re quick to catch it, because you’re so onto it with your mindset and know that this is 90% what creates your reality, your success and all the things you’re choosing and right now you can FEEL this insane momentum but.. it hasn’t quite appeared in the physical BUT the signs are there and these - are your guiding lights right now - to stay focused, to realise the progress you are making, have made and are turning your life around on right now. I feel that humanity has ‘knocked out a lower timeline’ even though it feels like we are headed off course with what is coming - no, I feel that this is a ‘pull into the shiny thing’ (even though it ain’t shiny to us, but… analogy) - and we know we don’t even look at those shiny things because we are so focused on our Purpose and that… is what leads humanity all the way home. The MOMENTUM baby. The momentum comes from constant dedication, constant showing up, constant - daily - make it normal, make it who you are, make it non-negotiable. It can take 2.5 - 3 years of this constant DAILY showing up to take and feel it’s own momentum when you are starting from complete scratch, so if you’ve drawn this card today - this is your sign to keep going when it feels like it is not working, keep going when you feel like you’ve had enough, keep going when it is all black and dark and not even the signs are there anymore, keep going when you want to walk away because I GUARANTEE you honey - you are about to break through to the Diamond - not is not the time to walk away. Hold the line, hold your vision and know that drawing this card today - you ARE making progress, but it can be very frustrating in the start when you don’t know and can’t see it. YOU ARE. So keep going. You ARE doing the right thing, even without the likes, the comments, the views - because one day they WILL be there. I promise. But if you stop, they won’t be… so keep going, even when you can see it but can feel it. Walk in trust and keep going. Your angels have come today to give you this message, so listen. Love xxx There is a magical place on this Earth that exists within you - within your Heart. Your Heart is the gateway to your dreams, it is the doorway to your Soul, it is who you really are and it where the magic enemates from the core of your being that is what magnetises your dreams TO you. You are a walking element of the Goddess Sun of Light. Opening your Heart, requires courage. Keeping it open, requires you to walk forward in trust and leave the past behind. It is the place where dreams come true, but are you really, ready to receive them? Are you truly, that game to take such a leap of faith and let the Universe show you how good, it can really get? Heart Chakra Consciousness Journey commences in just a few days, that means, the doors close in a few days! Click here for all the details - you do, want your dreams to come true right? You do, trust your Heart enough to know, that this is where it resides, right? Click here to join us, this is going to be one life transforming journey: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey