🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 23rd April 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Apr 23, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 23rd April 2024 

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today, to see what message is awaiting you from the Magical Messages from the Mermaids today 🤍


We are on the flip side of the eclipse.. and the energies are GO TIME in the direction of your dreams. You are being 'pushed' into your Purpose. You are stepping up, you are amplifying, you are clear and you are on path. You are ready to dedicate your life to your mission. You are deeply on fiery passion with what you know you are here to do. You are done with the old, you are definitely elevating yourself out of the busy every mundane and you're choosing to shift your frequency to the state of being that calls forth your highest mission - you are committed to this. Your career and creating a stable foundation for your life and family is more important to you right now than anything else and you're determined to succeed. If this sounds like you - Trust Your Intuition is for you.

Doors are open now - only those dedicated to their healing their past, taking their psychic development to the next level and live their purposeful mission in life, making the moolah they desire, in deepest service to the divine, in loving alignment with their heart and soul's purpose need enter, doors are open now, you enter the Inner Circle when you join Trust Your Intuition click here for the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Blessed Change. ‘A major life change brings you great blessings.’

Blessed be those that follow their Soul. Blessed be - those that have the courage to act on what their intuition is guiding them to do. Blessed be all the doors open for those that say yes to their soul and act on what their intuition is guiding them to become - today. Today you can take steps in what you’re being called to do. Today - you are being guided to take steps in what you’re being asked to do. There is something pushing you outside of your comfort zone right now - and everything you’re asking for - like your literal dream life? IS on the other side of breaking through your comfort zone. But your dream life requires you to do YOUR DREAM LIFE - meaning - what is it that lights your Soul on fire? Anything LESS than that - is NOT your dream life and means you’re SETTLING. THAT… is not who the fuck you are right?! NOPE! And if you’re settling and staying in your comfort zone, it means that someone has claws in you and there is no energetic removal that will do this one - this… is on you honey. You know there is a certain relationship that has claws in you and is drowning you like an anchor and is making you get rid of everything you love with all your heart and soul!!! GET RID OF THEM! Blessed is those that follow their SOUL. Blessed is those that have the courage to act on what their intuition is guiding them to do. Blessed be all the doors open for you like MAGIC when you ACT on the courage of your destiny, ignoring ANY doubt, shame, self loathing - that has only been plopped on you from the shit you are allowing in your life - no more!! Standards RISEN. Self worth HIGH. Values THROUGH THE ROOF. And the courage to stick to them, even when your entire world is crumbling to let your DREAM LIFE TAKE FLIGHT and forefront of everything you ARE. That. This. You are being summoned by your Soul. Do not miss this doorway of POTENT opportunity that the cosmos is gifting you to change your life on this 20 year portal shift into Aquarius. Really think about it - how old will you be in 20 years time? And what do you want to look back on for this next 20 years and say? Yeah, I lived the FUCK out of my life and have been living my best life ever since and than FUCK I chose my DESTINY. Thought so. Love xxx We are on the flip side of the eclipse.. and the energies are GO TIME in the direction of your dreams. You are being 'pushed' into your Purpose. You are stepping up, you are amplifying, you are clear and you are on path. You are ready to dedicate your life to your mission. You are deeply on fiery passion with what you know you are here to do. You are done with the old, you are definitely elevating yourself out of the busy every mundane and you're choosing to shift your frequency to the state of being that calls forth your highest mission - you are committed to this. Your career and creating a stable foundation for your life and family is more important to you right now than anything else and you're determined to succeed. If this sounds like you - Trust Your Intuition is for you. Doors are open now - only those dedicated to their healing their past, taking their psychic development to the next level and live their purposeful mission in life, making the moolah they desire, in deepest service to the divine, in loving alignment with their heart and soul's purpose need enter, doors are open now, you enter the Inner Circle when you join Trust Your Intuition click here for the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Healing Heart. ‘You’re a powerful Healer. Keep up the great work!’

You are a Healer - protect your heart. That means, strong as fuck boundaries. That means taking care of yourself. That means looking at yourself in the mirror and thinking, I am doing fucking amazing and I DID this... and I can change it - because I know who I am and I am the creator of my destiny. I am the most potent person in my life and I can rely on myself to have my own back and choose the life I want to live. I have power, confidence, courage and tenacity to bring my dreams to life. I am the super power in my life and I deeply follow my soul in every thing that I am being guided to do and miracles and magic are opening up right before my eyes like the magical life that I KNOW I am born for this. Your Heart has healed. Sure, there are still parts that need working on - but reality - we are always a work in progress - but now, compared to 2 years ago? MASSIVE and it is sooo important at this time you SEE this within yourself now. Sometimes we are so busy healing, we forget to see how far we have really come. Right now - you’re being asked to see the true Healer you REALLY are and realise that you have HEALED YOUR OWN HEART. Sure, you might have had mentors and healers you’ve been working with, but reality is that you are HEALING and HAVE HEALED and sooo important to see where you are NOW. This is MASSIVE. How are you celebrating?! I am sensing that you are also now being pushed into a place where you are being guided to take your business to the next level in what you are offering. This is because at this stage of the game, you need to be playing a bigger game and with your Heart now healed - you are ready for this or you wouldn’t be getting these nudges in the first place! Your heart is expanding and so is your life and it is important to say YES to these opportunities that cross your path that stretch you - because not only is this where the growth is, this is where the freedom, love and joy that you so desire - is waiting on the other side of you saying YES and continuing to follow your heart. Your heart, never got it wrong… it has always led you to where you are now are and meant to be…. because there is MORE waiting for you. Follow it. You won’t be disappointed on the other side of this stretch right now! Believe - but ACT and trust… you were born for this. Love xxx We are on the flip side of the eclipse.. and the energies are GO TIME in the direction of your dreams. You are being 'pushed' into your Purpose. You are stepping up, you are amplifying, you are clear and you are on path. You are ready to dedicate your life to your mission. You are deeply on fiery passion with what you know you are here to do. You are done with the old, you are definitely elevating yourself out of the busy every mundane and you're choosing to shift your frequency to the state of being that calls forth your highest mission - you are committed to this. Your career and creating a stable foundation for your life and family is more important to you right now than anything else and you're determined to succeed. If this sounds like you - Trust Your Intuition is for you. Doors are open now - only those dedicated to their healing their past, taking their psychic development to the next level and live their purposeful mission in life, making the moolah they desire, in deepest service to the divine, in loving alignment with their heart and soul's purpose need enter, doors are open now, you enter the Inner Circle when you join Trust Your Intuition click here for the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: A New Dawn. ‘The worst is now behind you and positive new experiences are on the horizon.’

You feel different, you’re experiencing different and you know different too. You don’t feel like who you were just the other week let alone yesterday. This is a sign you’ve stepped into a different realm of dimensional reality and this means that magic is at your fingertips. It also means that ANYTHING you’re thinking of and feeling is manifesting SUPER fast into reality so it is important at this time that you are in alignment with what you truly desire. Just then - what auto spelt instead of ‘important’ was imprint! And then I kept saying - ‘that you are in alignment with what you truly desire’ - so if you are manifesting anything other than what you truly desire there is an imprint (wound) that is needing release from your energetic body. This can be a ‘big or small event’ an event you haven’t healed from and may have come to your awareness in just the last few days since the eclipse or the last 24-48hrs triggered you greatly. Work with this - as this is now ‘clear’ for you so you can truly have this New Dawn - which - let’s be real, you’ve been asking for this new start and I think we sometimes forget that entire structures collapse to birth the New Dawn/your new reality/manifestations coming to reality from dreamland. I am also getting the STRONG message - to STAY IN YOUR MAGIC right now! You’ve just through a dark portal/low vibrational clear out of your system and elevated yourself… sooooooo STAY HERE. Don’t be tempted to go back to old relationships, old pricing structures or old ways of doing things. You’re being urged to STAY IN YOUR MAGIC and elevate higher. There is something you’re wanting to do - that you see others doing that your SOUL is calling you to shift into and… now… is the perfect time, so, you know what you have to do and this New Dawn energy is supporting you to birth this right now into this so, here we GO! Can’t wait to see your magic elevating higher! Love xxx We are on the flip side of the eclipse.. and the energies are GO TIME in the direction of your dreams. You are being 'pushed' into your Purpose. You are stepping up, you are amplifying, you are clear and you are on path. You are ready to dedicate your life to your mission. You are deeply on fiery passion with what you know you are here to do. You are done with the old, you are definitely elevating yourself out of the busy every mundane and you're choosing to shift your frequency to the state of being that calls forth your highest mission - you are committed to this. Your career and creating a stable foundation for your life and family is more important to you right now than anything else and you're determined to succeed. If this sounds like you - Trust Your Intuition is for you. Doors are open now - only those dedicated to their healing their past, taking their psychic development to the next level and live their purposeful mission in life, making the moolah they desire, in deepest service to the divine, in loving alignment with their heart and soul's purpose need enter, doors are open now, you enter the Inner Circle when you join Trust Your Intuition click here for the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Helpful Person. ‘Someone wants to help you. Think of whom that might be and initiate contact.’

You’ve been in contact with someone that can help you and you’re being asked to take the steps, initiate that contact and know that this is a divine synchronistic alignment that you have been listening to your Soul and elevating to your next level and you have crossed paths with someone that your Soul has guided to you - because they have the capabilities to help you shift through this to your next level - who comes to mind with that? This is an opportunity to step into your greatness and accelerate the reason you know your Soul has been born for this. You have been praying and asking and now your paths have crossed and now you’re here. I feel that you know deep in your soul this is for you, but have been wondering how and thinking about it - too much! When you know, your soul and you always find away… but you have to want to that is all and as soon as you take steps to make it happen, it might feel like the whole world is against you and THEN the Universe steps in. I don’t like the word ‘testing you’ - but - it is like you are being tested when you say you want something and then ‘it feels’ like the whole world is against you and then - if you would only not. give. up. you will see you were just being tested and thank fuck you didn’t cave and go back to your comfy safe spot that has only been keeping you in survival away from your dream life! Nobody gets to creating their dream life without sacrificing something along the way for however long - the question is - how willing are you to go after your dreams UNTIL they manifest and then… keep going? Because #1 - where is the line? And also where to once you’re ‘there’ wherever there is? You’re being asked to pull up the deepest well of courage, trust, faith and deep knowingness that you’re not only born for more - you deserve more than what you’re settling for and that is why this person wants to help you. Don’t pass up this opportunity right now - your destiny is calling and you… I am not telling you something you don’t already know - you can feel it. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is open - doors are open at the same time as Trust Your Intuition and TYI is open now - given this ‘helpful person’ Life Purpose Accelerator is for you who is ready to elevate your standards, shift your life and activate your destiny path. It is for you who is ready to shift out of the old and into the new. It is for you who knows they are ready to accentuate and hone their craft, to master the entrepreneurship side of their intuitive gifts and do what they love, be the leader they know they are born to be and live the life they dream of. Click here for all the details or send me a message for the details for Life Purpose Accelerator: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #5: Self-Forgiveness. ‘Let go of old guilt and remember that you’re God’s perfect child!’ 

You… have been WAY too hard on yourself! STOP THAT! You.. keep thinking there is something wrong with you and you are also triggered by those around you that something has changed and are wondering WHY they are doing that. Honey - change is the only constant and to live out your true authentic dream life from your heart and soul calling - yeah, you are going to have to change! I am wondering if ‘someone has fallen off the pedestal' for you? It’s a big one to learn when the people close to us are actually - human! Yeah, we all have our stuff but you - have been way too hard on yourself and what is happening here is your entire reality is collapsing because you have been doing work to create your dream life - with no movement - and now - all the energetic work has caught up to your reality and now that is why your reality is shifting! Sometimes… we forget this! BUT - celebration is in call for this shifting now - although at times, it doesn’t feel like YAY because omg the feeling of your entire reality crumbling when that is all you’ve known.. yikes! Yeah, destabilising is more the feeling. Now - remember - when you chase your dreams, you are following a path that you cannot ‘see’ but your Soul knows and that - is the faith that led you here in the first place and that faith - is the one you now step up to and deeply pull back up from your unconscious mind and let. the. reality. fall. away. That, yes? The snake shedding it’s skin is tender, is ‘bare’, is treading carefully to not pierce it’s fresh skin until it slightly hardens as it becomes aware of this new reality it is learning. This - is where you are at and also - to stop beating yourself up that you are not there yet, because although it feels so many are ahead of you - you are also ahead of many because you are actually actively working on it all! So…. stop being so hard on yourself. Catch the heavy self talk and instantly switch and choose to change the way you speak and treat yourself. Think about it - if your inner child self was standing alone in a cold dark room - would you be scolding him/her? Or would you be dropping to your knees, hugging them and nurturing them back to celebrating how far they’ve come and how well they are doing despite all the darkness? That. That one. Now, you know what you have to do. Love xxx We are on the flip side of the eclipse.. and the energies are GO TIME in the direction of your dreams. You are being 'pushed' into your Purpose. You are stepping up, you are amplifying, you are clear and you are on path. You are ready to dedicate your life to your mission. You are deeply on fiery passion with what you know you are here to do. You are done with the old, you are definitely elevating yourself out of the busy every mundane and you're choosing to shift your frequency to the state of being that calls forth your highest mission - you are committed to this. Your career and creating a stable foundation for your life and family is more important to you right now than anything else and you're determined to succeed. If this sounds like you - Trust Your Intuition is for you. Doors are open now - only those dedicated to their healing their past, taking their psychic development to the next level and live their purposeful mission in life, making the moolah they desire, in deepest service to the divine, in loving alignment with their heart and soul's purpose need enter, doors are open now, you enter the Inner Circle when you join Trust Your Intuition click here for the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Playtime. ‘The Dolphins know the importance of playing as joy creates miracles and manifestation.’ 

IT IS TIME TO PLAYYYYYY! You KNOW you need to have more fun and perhaps you’ve been planning it in? Perhaps you’ve been making a conscious effort TO play more - or have fun or lighten up or commit to more joy? In the joy - in the fun - in the lightness - your energy is freer - your mind is lighter and it is here, more higher vibrational options, alignment and higher purpose guidance floods in. If you haven’t - you are being urged to shift your vibration as you have a plethora of guides around you right now that you are BEAMING ideas into you and this joy, play and movement of your body, mind and life - is allowing you to receive them (make sure you act on them as soon as they come in - gift from heaven right now) - did you know you actually answer prayers when you act on ideas that come to you?! If you do not act on your ideas, then you are not answering your own prayers! When you ask, it is always given but you #1 - have to be open to receiving them and #2 - have the audacity and courage to follow through on those ideas yes? This playtime - if you have been feeling stuck - MOVE and go and do something you love for an afternoon a day or a week or more. If you have been in a lot of joy - make sure you’re paying attention to who is saying what to you - meaning, I feel (am being shown!) you’ve been in an environment with lots of people lately and you have been speaking to someone or like I am seeing the same message trying to get through to you from several people or something. Like you are nodding your head saying yes yes you agree - but you’re not actually doing anything with that information and this is your HELLO can you PLEASEEEEE act on that information like - today! This.. is the answers to your prayers which ultimately is going to bring in MORE joy yes? Soooo - time to! Love xxx We are on the flip side of the eclipse.. and the energies are GO TIME in the direction of your dreams. You are being 'pushed' into your Purpose. You are stepping up, you are amplifying, you are clear and you are on path. You are ready to dedicate your life to your mission. You are deeply on fiery passion with what you know you are here to do. You are done with the old, you are definitely elevating yourself out of the busy every mundane and you're choosing to shift your frequency to the state of being that calls forth your highest mission - you are committed to this. Your career and creating a stable foundation for your life and family is more important to you right now than anything else and you're determined to succeed. If this sounds like you - Trust Your Intuition is for you. Doors are open now - only those dedicated to their healing their past, taking their psychic development to the next level and live their purposeful mission in life, making the moolah they desire, in deepest service to the divine, in loving alignment with their heart and soul's purpose need enter, doors are open now, you enter the Inner Circle when you join Trust Your Intuition click here for the details or send me a message with any questions about it: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition