🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 30th July 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jul 30, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 30th July 2019 🔮

Very interesting cards today! They seemed to all have a similar theme today and I wonder if that is the Celtic Trees themselves, or those particular cards - very similar theme and threads of LETTING GO today 💜

Scroll down to find the card that you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the powerful and Ancient Wisdom of the Celtic Tree Oracle today 🌳🔮🌳

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑 

Card #1: (19) Eadha White Poplar/Aspen

The Aspen Tree. Powerful, majestic, balanced and free is the sense I am getting from Aspen before even looking deeper into the message of this tree that has called to you today. Are you feeling this? Or even - seeing yourself as the powerful, magnificent being that you are? Or have you been speaking to yourself harshly and allowing everyone’s view of you to continue to erode at your self esteem? Shake that off now - shake, shake, shake - get everyone else’s energy off you now. Literally jump up and down, shake all your body and get it moving now. You can literally stand outside on the grass and shake up and down saying to yourself, ‘I now release everyone else’s view of me now and shake and release it out of my energy field now! I command that everyone that is not in the highest alignment with my true vision and being self, be released from my energy field NOW!’ Aspen is the tree of letting go, of releasing, of closing off of one cycle and beginning a new cycle and sometimes we go through a dark winter to release all that no longer serves us. The period of change for you is upon you now - walking away from all that no longer serves you - yet, I am sensing you are worried, fearful of what ‘they’ might do - if you really were to follow the own road of your true hearts desires, that you have… felt for a long time, is not where you are right now or with whom? I am getting the message to remind you that no change comes without feeling a bit uncomfortable and scared for a bit! Whether it is positive of negative change, we feel unsettled and a bit worried - the key is catching this and having the support around you as you go through massive changes. The other part is also preparing yourself and getting all the information you need by calling people, places, enquiring, doing the research so you have a clear space and head around what to do, which steps to take and move forward. I think we feel more fear when we are unclear or unsure, so make some phone calls and start asking questions and you will already start to feel a bit more settled just knowing your options in front of you. Just like the leaves of the Aspen - they fall in autumn/winter and grow back in the spring. Know that you cannot grow new leaves whilst still holding onto your old ones, there just isn’t room, or they will grow deformed and be cluttered and feel overwhelming and something just ‘won’t feel right’. Whatever it is you are holding onto Aspen has come to you today to remind you to let go and know that you will go through a ‘winter’ of your life as you release what no longer serves you - but remember, Spring always follows Winter, no matter how long the changes take - you will see Spring in your life again. The question is do you trust the calling of your Soul? Do you trust yourself enough that, you wouldn’t be feeling the call to make these changes, if you also didn’t have the strength to get through it, no matter how dark winter becomes? Love xxx I feel deeply excited to open the doors to Your Personal Intuitive Healer! To be able to serve in this way, brings deep joy to my heart and soul, now having my team to run the crucial elements of Reality Awareness so I can be there personally by your side for 6 months with deep 1:1 Immersion, walking through each step of your life that needs sorting out, clearing, healing and deeply aligning you to the next level of your Life Purpose, whether you are just beginning or are deeply advanced. Your Personal Intuitive Healer is your 1:1 Immersion if you don’t like working in groups, if you need that 1:1 support whilst you shift through the biggest part of your life, healing your body, mind and Soul, amplify your business and Life Purpose to the next level. Click here for all the details and how to apply as there is limited intake of clients for this one to honour the sacred space of what Your Personal Intuitive Healer entails: https://www.realityawareness.com/your-personal-intuitive-healer


Card #2: (17) Ohn Furze/Gorse

Mmmm, the beautiful yellow bloom of Gorse! Of course, your Solar Plexus comes to mind, self worth, self esteem, self respect, self love, taking back your power, empowering yourself, deep Soul alignment for your Life Purpose. Gorse has come to you today to deeply pull you into alignment with your goals, dreams, aspirations, hopes and where you are wanting to be. It is also about asking for help, reaching out to those that have walked this path before you, have deeply lived what you are seeking and know it inside out like the back of their hands. Why would you take advice from someone who isn’t living the life you know you want to or the direction you’re heading? I am also getting the message that - you are afraid of stepping out for fear of doing something wrong? Making a wrong decision? Or you currently feel like you are in the wrong? There is something about wrongness or guilt here beautiful one. Can you let it go? Ultimately feel the hurt of the feelings of what happened in that incident and decide, choose and walk forward knowing that you did the best you could with the knowledge you have now? This is deeply about acknowledging your power and being able to empower yourself to move forward and into your future with the lessons that you have learned to not do that again. ‘Live with no regrets’ - if there is something you are teetering on the edge of but are unsure - when you fast forward to in 5 years time - what does that future self of you say to you? What are you saying to your own self of not worrying about and what choices to make now? ‘live with no regrets’ - what things do you need to put in place, so you can walk forward in peace and integrity knowing you have done everything in your power to ensure you ‘live with no regrets’? So - if something did happen in the future - you are more ‘at peace’ - because you are not looking back, thinking fuck, if I had only made THAT choice or done that thing that I kept thinking about - perhaps that wouldn’t have happened. Because the key is - that we are given intuition to guide us on the safest most efficient path. Sometimes we see visions that frighten us or have premonitions that come true then you become scared of your own visions because you see ‘bad things happen’ and they come true. Yet the key with this is the fact that your intuition is giving you this information - is a warning for you - that if you continue with your current plan then your bad feelings are probably going to come true!  HOWEVER the PURPOSE of your intuition showing you these things through your feelings, intuition, visions, dreams - however they come to you is you CHANGING YOUR CURRENT plan and then that thing won’t happen, or not to the extent of the ‘damage’ that it would’ve happened. How many times has something happened and you were like, damn, I wish I listened to my gut! You only have ‘bad feelings/visions’ - as a gift that your intuition is guiding you to make other choices in your life. Where is that happening now? What decisions do you know you need to make but are scared to? Where do you need to take back your power? I am also getting the message about this ‘tap, tap, tapping’ about your goals? What have you been putting off on the back burner, because of fill in the blank? Any sentence that is ‘Yes, this, but - ‘ anything that follows the but is an excuse - you MAKE the time to do the thing. You make the time for other things, you don’t just do them, you MAKE the time for them so you need to MAKE the time for your goals/projects as well. And I am getting the message that this is a strong message of Gorse for you today too. Gorse also represents, ‘collecting’ collecting and gathering all the things you need to do to fulfil your dreams, destiny and the reason you are on this planet. Right now, if you are not already, trust the courses you’re drawn to, books you’re drawn to and people you’re drawn to and places that are calling you - as these are key signs of ‘gathering’ all the skills you need for the fulfilment of your Life Purpose and destiny. It is time to take back your power, pull your energy back in from all unnecessary sources and trust the calling of your Souls goals and purpose. #itstime Love xxx I feel deeply excited to open the doors to Your Personal Intuitive Healer! To be able to serve in this way, brings deep joy to my heart and soul, now having my team to run the crucial elements of Reality Awareness so I can be there personally by your side for 6 months with deep 1:1 Immersion, walking through each step of your life that needs sorting out, clearing, healing and deeply aligning you to the next level of your Life Purpose, whether you are just beginning or are deeply advanced. Your Personal Intuitive Healer is your 1:1 Immersion if you don’t like working in groups, if you need that 1:1 support whilst you shift through the biggest part of your life, healing your body, mind and Soul, amplify your business and Life Purpose to the next level. Click here for all the details and how to apply as there is limited intake of clients for this one to honour the sacred space of what Your Personal Intuitive Healer entails: https://www.realityawareness.com/your-personal-intuitive-healer


Card #3: Ruis Elder

Ah, similar themes in these first three cards, but especially this one connected with Card #1 today. Ruis Elder is about RELEASE of what no longer serves you, a time of regeneration and rebirth and connecting with deceased loved ones on the other side. Have you been considering increasing your skills in Mediumship? Trust the calling of your Soul about this! I am also sensing deceased loved ones around you - more than you are taking notice of? I wonder if you are brushing off your intuition about this and/or you are taking notice but not taking notice? The big strong message pouring through I can feel right now for you is that they are there by your side - almost propelling and pushing you into these changes in a way - they are highly encouraging you take these steps you are unsure about think you are, but then don’t, or are already in process of. I am sensing this is a big time of stepping out and a big time of change for you going on right now and they are wanting to know they are right by your side in all of it. Know this. The other part of this card that I am sensing is the generational healing - are you working on generational threads, releasing karmic ties and generational pass down? It feels you have, but I am wondering if you are also needing a time of just chill time/down time/release time? To honour the changes you’ve been walking through? It feels like there is a lot of confusion around you at the same time? I am wondering if you are carrying someone’s energy and/or are you needing to create stability in an area of your life? What is it that you are doubting about your own intuition? Confusion comes from when you are doubting your own intuition - like you are clear, then you listen to someones advice or opinion and then you start doubting your own choices/words/thoughts and then you end up in the standstill again that you just started to move forward again from, let alone feeling exhausted tired and agitated most of the time - because you’re not listening to your own intuition. I am also hearing that, ‘You haven’t lost anything’ - and I am wondering what this means for you? Do you feel like you’ve lost time, need to make up for lost time or think you’ve lost part of your life by what has happened in the past? Sometimes we can feel frustrated that we are ‘losing time’ mucking around when we are in the sense that you’re not listening to your intuition own the steps you need to take and are instead going back against your own intuition and lose time this way - valuable time that can be spent in meaningful purposeful ways which that feeling comes from listening to your own intuition, not doubting yourself one moment more and getting up on the right path for the fastest route to the manifestations of your heart. What are you needing to release? Where are you needing to recognise, just how much support you have around you, including in the Spirit world? Where do you need to ask for more help and have more faith in yourself about what your heart is calling you to do, regardless of what people say around you? What action do you need to take, to align with the calling of your Soul? What grief, people and things do you need to walk away from, let go of, that are dragging you down energetically and release from your life so you can, be free once more? Or have you, just done this and this is confirmation for you? Can you feel uncomfortable for a while, whilst you walk through this transition, that is leading you to the place your heart can feel happy once more? Love xxx  I feel deeply excited to open the doors to Your Personal Intuitive Healer! To be able to serve in this way, brings deep joy to my heart and soul, now having my team to run the crucial elements of Reality Awareness so I can be there personally by your side for 6 months with deep 1:1 Immersion, walking through each step of your life that needs sorting out, clearing, healing and deeply aligning you to the next level of your Life Purpose, whether you are just beginning or are deeply advanced. Your Personal Intuitive Healer is your 1:1 Immersion if you don’t like working in groups, if you need that 1:1 support whilst you shift through the biggest part of your life, healing your body, mind and Soul, amplify your business and Life Purpose to the next level. Click here for all the details and how to apply as there is limited intake of clients for this one to honour the sacred space of what Your Personal Intuitive Healer entails: https://www.realityawareness.com/your-personal-intuitive-healer


Card #4: (24) Phago’s Beech

Mmmm, you are surround by powerful, loving, wise Ascended Masters, the teachers of your own Soul, magic and the power of your being right now - I feel that you are being led to situations, places, people and events that are going to amplify the power of your Soul and lead you to your destiny. Phago’s Beech comes to you as a sign that whatever course of study, or place on this Earth that is calling you right now? Is being led by not only these powerful, wise Ascended Master, but also by the wisdom of your own Soul. I am also getting the message about quiet time - are you needing to carve out more time for meditating, connecting with your Soul and taking the steps to return to your true nature? This could mean strict dietary and lifestyle changes that enable you to come into deep alignment with what your body is feeling and leading you to nourish it to its core. Travel is quite strong with this card I am sensing for you too - are you travelling somewhere, planning to travel or have just come back from travel? Is it physical travel or is something calling you about the land there with travel? Visiting sacred sites, or the energies that are on the lands of sacred sites that you are drawn to? Even just watching Netflix shows can fulfil the cravings of your Soul about travelling to far away lands, because in that whether you are there or not - the energy is calling you. What I have discovered about certain lands calling you at certain times, is that it amplifies and is a calling, a deep Soul calling and longing for the reconnection back to the homelands of ancient times you once already walked that familiar place in a past life. You may be called to reclaim parts of you, you left there long ago, places you once lived and died there living your Soul’s life. Notice what you feel even reading that and reconnecting deeper to the lands that are currently calling your Soul. Whatever areas of study or land you are drawn to, know you are reclaiming parts of your Ancient Soul that is ready to reclaim these memories, return your Soul to wholeness and share your messages with the world, whether through a book or blog of your travels or creating a course, workshop or building your clientele with your gifts - something is calling you to reclaim so you can share your message with the world in some way shape or form. This ancient land, in current day times could also be calling you as a way of healing a current relationship issue that has been on your mind recently. The pull that you have to learn/study/travel - has been propelled into action by the callings of your Soul to heal this past relationship wound that has been sitting there for a long, long time. If it is an upcoming trip or you are deeply captivated by a tv series currently - trust the deep healing that is unfolding without you even doing a thing as your energy reconnects with these lands that are pulling you back in time right now. There is a sacred gift and learning you are reclaiming right now, even if you are not 100% conscious of it, but just know you have to keep trusting what is calling you and know you are receiving the answers, even energetically and that deep healing and activations of your purposeful driven life are happening right now. What is it that your Soul is guiding you to do? Travel? Learn about the country you’re drawn to? Someone of interest there? The course that you’re feeling like you HAVE to do? Trust it beautiful one. I am also getting the message here with Phago’s Beech about the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine - have you been doing work on healing this recently? Are you coming back into balance? I am sensing that you have either done work on this, or are needing to? Of course there are many layers, but I feel you are quite conscious of all of this, so this can also be confirmation for you too. The double leaf on this card - it feels like continue to trust and follow the callings of your Soul, that are leading you somewhere right now, reclaiming and healing past lives in ancient lands, to reclaim your Soul’s callings and guiding of what you’re here to do this lifetime. Alignment with THIS also brings in alignment with everything in that picture of your dream life - including a loving relationship - which with the double leaf on this card, feels like a reconnection back to your Soul, balancing and healing the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within to attract that, which is also balanced within an loving relationship and/or deep transformation in your current relationship. Know that this upcoming trip or the show you can’t get enough of right now - is showing you that you’re right on track to returning to the wholeness of that which you are. Love xxx  I feel deeply excited to open the doors to Your Personal Intuitive Healer! To be able to serve in this way, brings deep joy to my heart and soul, now having my team to run the crucial elements of Reality Awareness so I can be there personally by your side for 6 months with deep 1:1 Immersion, walking through each step of your life that needs sorting out, clearing, healing and deeply aligning you to the next level of your Life Purpose, whether you are just beginning or are deeply advanced. Your Personal Intuitive Healer is your 1:1 Immersion if you don’t like working in groups, if you need that 1:1 support whilst you shift through the biggest part of your life, healing your body, mind and Soul, amplify your business and Life Purpose to the next level. Click here for all the details and how to apply as there is limited intake of clients for this one to honour the sacred space of what Your Personal Intuitive Healer entails: https://www.realityawareness.com/your-personal-intuitive-healer


Card #5: (6) Huathe Hawthorn.

Ah, these cards have a somewhat similar theme today and it makes me wonder if it is the Trees in general, the Celtic Trees and the Druid themselves that live their lives around ritual, release and renewal - which would make a lot of sense. The Huathe Hawthorne is about purification and preparation for Sacred Marriage - is that a Sacred marriage with someone? Or a commitment and deep honour of yourself and your calling? This is about purifying and detoxing your life - it is time to get cracking on that dietary change, on that release of your old excess weight and baggage from your life and move forward with gusto as you prepare for Sacred Marriage. It feels like cleaning the slate, detoxing every area of your life and all I am seeing is white, white, white, which IS the colour of purification and innocence. I am also getting the purification of your mind - do you need to purge out negative thoughts, detox your mind and energy from people you are living with and around and from your past? It is not sufficient enough to cover up negative thoughts with positive thoughts - it is better to purge them out and then re-write the positive ten times over to truly rewrite and anchor in and not just write them out once, but this writing of your positive statements should be done daily - well, that is if you want to create a better life for yourself! Also - I am getting the message to breathe in white light frequently - just imagine yourself filling your body with light with every single inhale and it flooding in through your blood and moving around your entire body, organs, bones, every atom that makes up your body. I am wondering too - if you’ve heard of recoding your energy frequency, your body frequency and that it might be time for you to do this, if you haven’t looked into it already? I am sensing huge positive changes coming up for you and this urging for purification is strong for you yes? You’ve been having thoughts about how you’d like to be healthier, look better, feel better? Then you’re right on track with the changes your Soul is guiding you to make as I feel that this purification over the next few months for you - is preparing you to receive that which you’ve been working to manifest - you are coming into deep alignment with your Soul’s purpose and this physical purification of body, mind and Soul, is your ‘final’ phase to the manifestation of the full purposeful life you’ve been looking to create in the first place. What purification aspects come to mind when you read this? Is it dietary, fitness, grief in your heart, outdates relationships and friendships that just drain you and don’t bring you alive anymore? It’s okay to say no you know! And it doesn’t have to be forever, just for a time whilst you sort your life out. I also feel like this guidance you’re receiving to ‘purify’ is leading you into a space of wonder, mystery and awe, I am sensing you will receive way more than just the physical benefits of this purification/detox coming up - it feels Ikea his is the reconnection back to your Soul, the wonder and awe that you have been - feeling like has been missing a bit lately? That divine spark and aliveness you once felt for life - has disappeared a bit? Don’t worry - this will be part of the return back to your true self, to your happiness and the love and joy for life you once felt. The hardest part has been walked through, the fire has been walked through. The detox/purification phase may be a little bit challenging, but this is a space where you just need to push through this and stay committed to it, in this sacred embrace that is leading you to your heart’s desires, the sacred marriage you are craving or looking for in life - comes, when you create the sacred divine union within your Soul and your lust, joy and sparkle for life comes shining back. People like shiny things 😉 Become shiny again - your spark is what attracts every great thing to you - cleanse, rejuvenate, let go of any stagnation and return to the light that you are. Love xxx I feel deeply excited to open the doors to Your Personal Intuitive Healer! To be able to serve in this way, brings deep joy to my heart and soul, now having my team to run the crucial elements of Reality Awareness so I can be there personally by your side for 6 months with deep 1:1 Immersion, walking through each step of your life that needs sorting out, clearing, healing and deeply aligning you to the next level of your Life Purpose, whether you are just beginning or are deeply advanced. Your Personal Intuitive Healer is your 1:1 Immersion if you don’t like working in groups, if you need that 1:1 support whilst you shift through the biggest part of your life, healing your body, mind and Soul, amplify your business and Life Purpose to the next level. Click here for all the details and how to apply as there is limited intake of clients for this one to honour the sacred space of what Your Personal Intuitive Healer entails: https://www.realityawareness.com/your-personal-intuitive-healer


Card #6: (7) Duir Oak.

Ah - are you doubting or worried about something? You are and you aren’t worried at the same time about the thing? As Oak says, ‘Sit against me and let me take all your troubles’ and I am wondering if you need to breathe in this powerful tree energy medicine of the Oak and remember that Spirit has your back? You wouldn’t have been given the dreams, the desires and the urge to create certain things in your life, take the leaps of faith that you have, if you weren’t consistently given the time, energy and resources to also support yourself along the way? I am getting the message that you may be worried right now but are trying to avoid it type thing - but perhaps do a purge - because it is sitting there and better to purge it out of your field so you can re align your energy? Simply write all your fears and worries down on paper and then at the end of that purge, choose to release it from your field simply by stating so - I now choose to let all this go and then write positive statements/create your life with your positive affirmations. I am also sensing - have you been creating new structures in your life? Has something physically changed around you/moving house or house stuff or something to do with how you work/live in the world? With these changes, always comes a bit of fear and unrest - but again - you know that you’ve had to make these changes to get to where you are now and whilst it can be a little bit of an adjustment, things always work out right? The Universe has your back and I wonder if you can look back to the past 3 days and see where you have seen signs that your ‘future is here’ - but haven’t really taken this as a sign? I am getting the message that this past 3-4 days has been this sign that it’s coming, that the Universe has your back, that your dreams, hopes, desires, what you know you’ve been working towards that is coming up in the next few months IS coming to fruition right? You can feel it and these feelings are accurate - don’t lose sight of this! Keep trusting and walking forward all is well - go ahead with your plans beautiful one. Oak is also a sign of steadfast fertility, stability and creation - Oak is a positive sign of growth and that you’ve built the solid foundations for which the Acorn can turn into the powerful Mighty Oak tree - continue forward with what you feel is right and know that even when it hasn’t arrived yet, the signs, are right there in front of you - the Universe is walking right beside you with this. Trust. Purge. Plan. Create. Move forward. You’ve got this beautiful one! Trust! Love xxx I feel deeply excited to open the doors to Your Personal Intuitive Healer! To be able to serve in this way, brings deep joy to my heart and soul, now having my team to run the crucial elements of Reality Awareness so I can be there personally by your side for 6 months with deep 1:1 Immersion, walking through each step of your life that needs sorting out, clearing, healing and deeply aligning you to the next level of your Life Purpose, whether you are just beginning or are deeply advanced. Your Personal Intuitive Healer is your 1:1 Immersion if you don’t like working in groups, if you need that 1:1 support whilst you shift through the biggest part of your life, healing your body, mind and Soul, amplify your business and Life Purpose to the next level. Click here for all the details and how to apply as there is limited intake of clients for this one to honour the sacred space of what Your Personal Intuitive Healer entails: https://www.realityawareness.com/your-personal-intuitive-healer