🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 5th May 2020 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot May 05, 2020

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 5th May 2020 🔮

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you from the Healing with the Angels Oracle 💫

THE place for Rising Lightworker’s and Ancient Blooded Healers reside, birthing their unique gifts on this planet - that the Ascension process is awakening in Humanity - ready for the level and depth, the powerful depth of who we are - to be the forefront once again - are you - taking this opportunity to be part of something your Soul - has been waiting eons of time for?

Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions - this is a Soul calling thing, you will know, it calls your SOUL: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Playfulness.

Hmmm, have things been feeling joyful for you lately? Or hard work? Perhaps you have stepped into a new reality and things have ‘lifted’ - but it has still been challenging? I am wondering if this playfulness and lighthearted joy is a thing - or whether it has been less than playful? Have you been too busy for play, putting it off - or ‘when I have time then I will?’ Playing - joy - is something we need to make time for/create - it doesn’t just happen. Just like a good relationship or good experience in life - we have to create that. Magic happens - but we need to CREATE it for it to happen, just like anything else. I am also wondering, have you been longing for something? For something that you have shifted out of recently/the last few weeks? I am feeling that this feeling of ‘loss’ is a transitionary space for you to accept and ‘receive’ your new space you have found yourself in. It is different yes? Where you are now - or where you are about to head? (Have you just made decisions this last week that are you creating more joy/following your heart?) - the thing here is that when we move into a place where more joy is created - whatever has not been that in our heart is released and let go of - so more JOY can come in. Ride these waves - for it is only creating more space for your JOY to infiltrate into your body, system and life. Alongside this - feeling of loss - that you’re moving away from or have moved away from - do you have out there big, crazy ideas? That - is not what others would ‘normally’ think? Alongside these new, big, crazy ideas (or perhaps they are not so ‘new’ to you) - have you been thinking about someone to contact in relation to them, that - doesn’t really make ANY logical sense whatsoever, that you are even scared or nervous to contact them about this idea? However - it will bring you (and the rest of the world) SOOOOO much FREEDOM? Let alone - PLAYFULNESS? When the world is in lockdown - and yet - you are creating and have never felt so darn FREE in all your life? And this - out there crazy idea - only takes your FREEDOM - to the next level, let alone, providing that to others on this planet at the same time? What brings you most joy? Most freedom? Are you going to TRUST these crazy, making no logical sense whatsoever ideas that you have thought about for what seems like eons - these are heart centred dreams/ideas - are you going to TRUST that this is time - to reach out, follow these crazy out there ideas and create the most PLAYFUL LIFE yet, that people look at you and wonder ‘how did you??’ - are you ready, to take action - through this transitionary time for you - to set yourself… and the world FREE? Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN now. THE place for Rising Lightworker’s and Ancient Blooded Healers reside, birthing their unique gifts on this planet - that the Ascension process is awakening in Humanity - ready for the level and depth, the powerful depth of who we are - to be the forefront once again - are you - taking this opportunity to be part of something your Soul - has been waiting eons of time for? Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions - this is a Soul calling thing, you will know, it calls your SOUL: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #2: Dreams.

Whilst this card has many meanings, like - your dreams/visions and life purpose path heart centred dreams - to follow them and make them reality, today, I feel this card has come to you about the actual sleep dreams you have been having recently, this last few days especially - have you actually been able to remember them? And - waking up at roughly the same time every night - for a reason? Have your dreams somewhat made you angry? With the messages you ‘don’t want to face’ - or the deep clarity and receiving that and then wondering what to do with it - not sure, how/what changes you can make that allow you come back to you - to your centre? To yourself? I am also getting the message - is there a deceased loved one who is the anniversary of their death that has been recently or now, or coming up - or they have been appearing in your dreams to you? I am getting the message that this grieving space right now for you - is a part of what has been ‘hurting your heart’ recently - have you felt that? You’ve been feeling good - but this weirdness, or hurt, or just gah, what is that sensation in my arms, pins and needles/pain even in your arm/s? That is deeply connected to your heart - your arms are deeply connected to your heart and - this stored grief - the anniversary or what has been surfacing for you is this shifting out. Timelines cross and collapse yes - but the dates that humans have constructed in time - also represent a moment in time that repeats. Is there something you can do to connect with this deceased loved one who has been in your awareness? Whether that is more grieving or connecting with them - do they have messages for you? Are you going through HUGE transitory time and space right now, that they are helping guiding you through this time right now? Is the strong message I am getting for you about this - plus - what did they represent for you when they were alive? I also feel like these aspects/archetypes/feelings of what they represented for you when they were alive - are also your gifts to integrate and are becoming into you - more of you - returning back into wholeness of self. Have you felt that the ethers/air has been thin lately? The veils have been thin? This is your connection to them, you are feeling. Trust these messages of ‘the other side’ they are ‘speaking’ to you for a reason. You have grown, you have changed and you are moving into more of a grounded, stable, powerful YOU than you ever have before and they are right there by your side cheering you on. The messages in your Dreams - know the clarity is coming and that all will become super clear if you are not already, especially with ‘what’ to do with it/that information too. I feel there is a huge influx coming in for you - so know that you are right on path, even with the information in your Dreams - it is only pulling you into more alignment than ever before. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN now. THE place for Rising Lightworker’s and Ancient Blooded Healers reside, birthing their unique gifts on this planet - that the Ascension process is awakening in Humanity - ready for the level and depth, the powerful depth of who we are - to be the forefront once again - are you - taking this opportunity to be part of something your Soul - has been waiting eons of time for? Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions - this is a Soul calling thing, you will know, it calls your SOUL: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #3: Blessings.

As soon as I saw this card - I got the message so strongly of ‘mindset/count your blessings/it’s not bad like your mind is trying to find something wrong with it’ - nope! This card has come to you as your sign to STAY POSITIVE and know that your manifestation skills are STRONG right now - so strong and powerful! Sooooo…. Focus on your blessings?? Perhaps a gratitude journal is in call right now - even if you are going through a hard patch - to gratitude journal to keep your blessings coming in ten-fold? I am getting the sense of journalling/manifesting/visualising - whatever it is that you actually do with YOUR way of manifesting - have you dropped this recently? But now, now you can get back into it? You can get back on track with what you usually do? What is it, that comes to mind, that you used to do, that you now can again? That you, have space to, creative space to, once again? The last few weeks have been a bit uncertain, figuring out things, even though you are clear, it is like you have been getting the messages to remember the truth of where you are, why you are there/here and to ground down what it is you are being called to do right? I am also getting the message about a clean up - now you have space again - time to get organised right? It feels like you have just been able to ground down again and now the creative flow can/is coming back and you can feel it - however, this can feel overwhelming - only because it is CHANGE. Remember, when we clean out a cupboard, we pull everything out and it is messy - however, the ‘way’ we respond to what we are pulling out of that cupboard can be changed by the way we choose to respond to it, yes? And this card - feels like the creative clean up and out from this big change you’ve been in a cocoon of evolution lately and you are about to birth a new reality, that this cocoon has been the hugest blessing in disguise - because without this creative cocoon of change (even though it may not have felt creative change in a way - more like a wtf is going on - ready to go again type energy) - this new reality about to ‘drop in’ and shift you fast and like never before? Is and simply would not have/happened without this cocoon, deeply transformative time that you’ve just gone in/been in/are in. It feels like this space for you - has been yes a cocoon of pure bliss at times and some of the most excruciating pain that you haven’t felt in YEARS in a way - it is like this time has been extracting the final ‘blocks’ - things that are no longer in alignment with your new vibration that you have been shifting into — and this deep ‘dark’ space - has been the catalyst - for diving deep, deep, deep - into the abyss in a way - in a place where there is no time and space and almost limbo feeling that…. Is like an Arrow drawing back and you are about to be propelled into a reality that…. Has only, until this date - been dreams/visions - however a deep knowing that this… is the life you’ve been born to live yes? ‘Hold onto your hats’ - its coming beautiful one! And this - Blessings - you want to amplify it? You want to propel yourself and your family even more? Get back to your journalling dear Soul! (or whatever manifestation activity you use!). Now is the time to ‘Count your Blessings’ for what is coming your way - is… the stuff dreams are made of - including what you have right now - only amplified - so what you are waiting for? Time to ramp up those manifestation techniques! Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN now. THE place for Rising Lightworker’s and Ancient Blooded Healers reside, birthing their unique gifts on this planet - that the Ascension process is awakening in Humanity - ready for the level and depth, the powerful depth of who we are - to be the forefront once again - are you - taking this opportunity to be part of something your Soul - has been waiting eons of time for? Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions - this is a Soul calling thing, you will know, it calls your SOUL: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #4: Nature.

This card has its obvious meaning of being outside in Nature more - yet the first thing that comes to mind when I see this card for you - is about Sacred Geometry. Has Sacred Geometry called you more so recently than ever before? Has your Clairvoyance been increasing and you’ve been seeing more than you have ever done before? And - Sacred Geometry at that? I am also getting the message for you - about your voice? Speaking your truth - but not just speaking it - living it? Authentically living how you know deep down your Soul wants/needs to? Throat Chakra comes to mind, naturally as the Throat Chakra is about speaking your truth, but again, not just speaking it - but LIVING it. When this occurs - the Heart Chakra is activated as it is the Chakra below the Throat and when we finally start embodying our truth, not just speaking it (which keeps us in our head) - when we LIVE it - a pile of grief may come out of your heart - which is rebalancing back to your TRUE NATURE - your natural self. THAT is ‘nature’ - your natural, true self and I feel this card is confirmation for you - coming back to your authentic, truthful self. I am also getting the message about your Life Purpose with this card - have you felt you have come into your Life Purpose quite a lot this past 2 weeks especially? Opportunities and people have ‘dropped into your lap’? And things have shifted and changed dramatically these past few weeks for you? I feel that you have gained a lot of clarity about your Life Purpose and this… has come from the alignment of your Soul. Something shifted for you in November/December last year right? Something ‘woke you up’ to another level of your being. Something inside of you ‘cracked/snapped’ and tolerance levels shifted yes? I feel this is a flow on affect from November/December 2018 and this year in 2020 - is the birthing of what you were desiring back in Nov/Dec 2018 - in 2020? It’s time to LIVE it beautiful and everything, everything is unfolding in perfect divine timing right now for the full fruition of your Life Purpose Dreams - even if you can only see the first few steps right now - that… somehow connect to those big, heart centred knowing desires, that you have felt since the dawning of time - its like this, you know they are connected, but the FULL ‘how’ isn’t clear - yet, your ‘nature’ instinct - your natural instinct - heart centred, deep, deep knowing - knows you are on the right path. Has Nature been strong for you recently? Have you even pulled the ‘Nature’ card yourself recently/a few weeks back that you didn’t quite know what it meant? And yet, all the events that have unfolded since - you know - strongly know - have been the clearing to the fruition of what you are here on this Earth to do. I am also getting the message to keep ‘what you are doing’ to a select few that super get the level of consciousness you are birthing your creations into the world, for right now - just stay connected to those that get it and ‘just listen’ to everyone else you talk to (you’ll notice those people don’t ask a word about you anyway, if you pay close attention!) As the ones that surround you that get it - you and them? Are the Leaders that are guiding this new reality into existence - they are your partners - stay super connected to them, as they too - are on this ‘nature’ unfolding journey, they are the same alignment and totally get it. They are part of your mission, choose those closest to you, alongside yourself and get your work done beautiful one - it’s time, and right now - is just a short window of time for preparation and birthing. Experience, enjoy and be super present with this birthing space right now - for… the new reality is about to step into existence in a big, big way. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN now. THE place for Rising Lightworker’s and Ancient Blooded Healers reside, birthing their unique gifts on this planet - that the Ascension process is awakening in Humanity - ready for the level and depth, the powerful depth of who we are - to be the forefront once again - are you - taking this opportunity to be part of something your Soul - has been waiting eons of time for? Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions - this is a Soul calling thing, you will know, it calls your SOUL: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #5: Archangel Michael.

Ah, have you been calling upon Archangel Michael of 100% Light especially this last few days? Has it been a weird energy for you, these last few days? I am sensing you are shifting quite a lot out of your life right now - these last few weeks have been reassessing and recalibration to the max right? It feels like you’ve completely let go of things that you thought you never would and yet - it feels so relieving, like a huge weight has lifted from you and this card of Archangel Michael - is actually conformation for you for the changes and decisions you have been making. Archangel Michael is the ‘overseer’ of Lightworker’s and their Divine Life Purpose,. He helps people clear the path of anything that is getting in the way of their Sacred Life Mission - so if you have been clearing out things in your life that you just never thought you would - or letting go emotionally of things you never thought you would - know that this is a big sense of the collective waves of energy right now that - it is like realities are separating - like literally being torn apart. You are grounding down where you are right now - or - it feels like it is in limbo and all these ‘options to land’ are - up in the air right now, it is like you are waiting to see which option is going to land? I am wondering if you chose two cards today? There is a message in card number three about manifesting/journalling/visualising your reality into existence - to remember to do these activities/pick them back up again - and I feel this is a strong message for you to do this in this space now - as Archangel Michael is right by your side guiding you with this. You can ask for his support in being able to clearly receive messages and manifestation ideas for the full fruition of your Divine Life Mission - because everything up to this point - has been preparing you so deeply for what you are here to do. This last 9-10 months - you HAD to walk through what you have - and now, you are rising into birthing a new you, new creation/new reality/new life. Do you feel you have more clarity on your Life Purpose - on your skills - the depth of your skills and the ‘level of darkness’ you can hold thus transform? Whatever you have been through this last 9-10 months - has shown you - exactly what you are here to do and if you are not sure from that comment - the feelings - being able to hold that depth of space for people is real and what you are being called forth to do, as the powerful Healer you are - because you know this already right? Yet, have been scared of that power, scared of the level of YOU that you are? The depth and level of connection that you are? Yet… you are realising it is time for you to step up and out in this new you.. no matter how scary right? Trust beautiful - Archangel Michael is right there guiding you through ALL of this. But.. you already know this right? Remember to call on your Guides and Angels - you’re right on path beautiful Soul. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN now. THE place for Rising Lightworker’s and Ancient Blooded Healers reside, birthing their unique gifts on this planet - that the Ascension process is awakening in Humanity - ready for the level and depth, the powerful depth of who we are - to be the forefront once again - are you - taking this opportunity to be part of something your Soul - has been waiting eons of time for? Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions - this is a Soul calling thing, you will know, it calls your SOUL: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #6: Miracles.

Have you been wondering ‘how’ - losing hope even - you have, but haven’t? That something on the weekend, even ‘knocked’ you in a way? That - you know you’re right on path but still a bit gah at the same time, perhaps it has been a challenging few days (over the weekend especially) and yet, the recalibration happened and was needed, even enjoyed once through it - as you see… that this is the space where Miracles are born from right? You are super conscious that everything that happened, has happened - it is like this ‘golden ray of light’ on the card - it is like this pristine, crystal clear line has been ‘drawn’ and is where you find yourself deeply in alignment and anything that is not in 100% - super 100% alignment with that Golden Ray of light - has been shifted out ‘from under your feet’ - due to you - standing up for yourself, holding your ground and keeping in DEEP alignment with what is true for you - with your Heart, with what FREEDOM means to you in a big, big way right? It is like, nothing can knock you from the truth, from what you know this ‘Miracle on it’s way’ - is so strong for you - like a magnet pulling you into deep, deep alignment - that nothing, that is not this pure Golden Energy - and also - Heart energy - there is so much Green on this card too - representing the Heart Chakra - that anything that is not that is ‘taken away’ from your reality. More so - that is not in alignment with YOUR Heart energy aka - your Life Purpose - is being removed left, right and centre. It is like you are standing in the middle of a tornado, but not, but all these things are being ‘pulled’ from your Aura that are not in alignment with this powerful energy of your again, aka - your Life Purpose, for your Life Purpose is STRONG yes? This powerful ray of Golden Light - have you been noticing it lately? The Golden Light? I am also getting the message of ‘grounding’ - staying grounded - yoga, nature, sunlight and other ways you stay grounded are super important right now - make these a priority to shift the energy and allow yourself to be clear as these ‘Miracles’ are showing up from today and (have been the last few days even? Do you feel supported right now?) I feel that this ‘Miracles’ card is your sign that - the Miracles you have known and felt Heart and Soul - are sooo tangible right now, that even flickering signs (that have been this last 2-3 days for you) - are the signs of the ‘big feeling’ of what is landing - is right there for you. Keep the faith, stay clear, stay grounded and allow that Golden Ray of Light - to be the forefront of your awareness - for this is the utmost Certainty energy of what you’ve known all along. It’s just… here now - in the physical. You can feel that, acknowledge it, and FOCUS on that right? Focus, focus, focus - to ‘pull in’ the Miracles that are divinely timed, already here beautiful one. Trust. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN now. THE place for Rising Lightworker’s and Ancient Blooded Healers reside, birthing their unique gifts on this planet - that the Ascension process is awakening in Humanity - ready for the level and depth, the powerful depth of who we are - to be the forefront once again - are you - taking this opportunity to be part of something your Soul - has been waiting eons of time for? Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions - this is a Soul calling thing, you will know, it calls your SOUL: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator