🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 8th August 2023

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Aug 08, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 8th August 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the the Herbal Astrology Oracle Cards ðŸ¤©


I was born for THIS.


This has been YEARS in the making!!!

Your Heart is the sacred vessel of who you are.

Your Heart is your Life Purpose Blueprint.

Your Heart is the divine essence of your magic manifest into form.

Your Heart heals you, loves you and opens you to what dreams are made of.

Are you coming along for our Heart Chakra Consciousness Journey?

Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘


Card #1: Gotu Kola. Higher Consciousness. 

You’ve been receiving high consciousness streaming through your body - the upgrades have been intense - you’re not alone! You may be feeling this, as anger, as heartache or heart break or wishing and washing your world away wondering wtf is going on. You’re shifting. You may be feeling ecstatic and grateful or pressured and pooped. Things are shifting at a rapid state, but have you been asking yourself, ‘Why can’t I keep up with it all?!’. You’re not only experiencing a new stage of your life and evolution of yourself, the energies are rapidly pushing and pulsing this forward as well. There are big astrological, cosmic, plasmic and pole shifting chaos going on right now. Our Twin Solar System is moving things around all the whilst we are being squeezed into a new portal of living - a new dimension. The world is literally shifting. Crystalline energies and coding is pouring through the atmosphere and it is soaking straight into your bones. You may be feeling very ‘itchy feet’, wanting to move and stretch your body and mind in ways you haven’t done for a long time or at ever before. Overseas travel has been on your mind, all the whilst huge masculine related structures are changing in your life. Whether a masculine in your family system has passed away or about to, whether the house needs renovating or has just been done, whether you want to move house or you just have done or have done or need to rearrange the furniture. Whether you’re planning an event or changing the way you do business, the way you work and operate - something… is changing. I am getting the strong message to ground down what you want to do. The energies around at this time, alongside you pulling Gotu Kola today, is this Higher Consciousness flooding your life. You see, the world is changing. Everyone can ‘see’ the systems only hanging on by a thread as humans are awakening to the bullshit society has been fed all these years, but the part, people don’t see, is the crystalline coding and light flooding the Earth through this new dimension we are literally pushing and popping through at this time. If you’re feeling weird, this is why. If things are falling apart, this is why. You’ve heard the old adage saying, ‘If things are falling apart, they are actually falling into place’ couldn’t be more true for you right now. So allow the space, allow the grace, allow the time for the new path to be shown. Let go of what no longer feels aligned and the threads and ways you’re trying to push into the new paradigm just won’t work here. If you try, you’ll feel agitated, overwhelmed and simply frustrated. The old ways don’t work in the new paradigm - remember this. If the new way is not clear, be okay in the transitory space that you’re in, to be shown the way - WHEN - it appears. There is a time and a place for pushing forward and creating the way and then there is a time for pausing until the fully FUCK YES EMBODIED YES appears. At this time, in the new paradigm you’re stepping into and collective humanity is travelling into - choose the latter. Love xxx OMG. THIS. I was born for THIS. HEART CHAKRA CONSCIOUSNESS has arrived! This has been YEARS in the making!!! Your Heart is the sacred vessel of who you are. Your Heart is your Life Purpose Blueprint. Your Heart is the divine essence of your magic manifest into form. Your Heart heals you, loves you and opens you to what dreams are made of. Are you coming along for our Heart Chakra Consciousness Journey? Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey


Card #2: Saint-John’s Wort. Radiance. 

What has been on your mind, that would make you more… Radiant? What makes you leap for joy and say FUCK YES to life?! What makes you glow from the inside out and want to scream it at the roof tops? Whilst there are many feeling this - there are many reading this thinking ‘Wtf, I used to think that, feel that and live that and now today… I have been questioning where that has gone!’. The cauldron is jumping out at me on this card and I feel like… your magic has gone. your magic has been taken away (it feels like to you). You have come to this place in life where this is…. what you thought you wanted, but life is taking you - pulling you on a different path at this time and you’re kinda scared at the realisation of this for yourself right? I wonder what the fear is - that you didn’t see this one coming? That you thought the place you are at now, is what you thought you wanted? And I am here to say - but honey, it IS. Where you are now is what you wanted, the only ‘stuck’ piece is you didn’t imagine your life  beyond this point and there is somewhat frustration and anger here because this is not what you thought life would be aka a spiritual awakening point, an aha point, a dark night of the Soul point - because you’re moving through a caterpillar soup right now as I described it to my clients and your wings haven’t quite grown/transformed and it is mushy, mucky, dark and wtf is going on here?! Breathe…  the other piece that is going on here, is that you are transforming what your frequency is, the relationship you have to the thing right now too. Meaning, you might feel like nothing makes you happy anymore, that you have lost your spark and your radiance, but you’re actually coming into a more healthy, higher frequency relationship with the things that you used to love. You may or may not drop them off the scale of what made you happy when you come back to it, but you will be coming back to a place where you radiate brighter, with or without them. That.. is a simple truth, that is for sure. I am also getting the strong message for you to come back to yourself - to your self care, to the things that you do, that make you feel good in looking after yourself. These practises are vital for not only your radiant health - but your wealth too. If things are looking dismal in your health, wealth, happiness or your radiant, glowing luminescent self - come back to self as a priority. Make this your only focus for a time and watch your entire world transform so you are indeed leaping for joy again - loving life and living, like you used to - but at an entirely new level of radiating inspired frequency of the divine of the true essence of who you are at your core. Let it flood your being. Also, this is Card #2 today, and it also just happens to be Card #2 in the actual deck as well - 22 - this is a sign for you to keep the faith. I know you are dropping the faith, feeling like it’s not working and not progressing, even though you know and see progress it just is like, ‘why hasn’t it happened yesterday’ - it feels like such a strong message of divine timing coming through for you and that it is all lining up for you. 22 is a keep the faith, hold the faith number, your dreams are coming through… you’re just radically transforming right now. Hold the line, hold the faith and know… your Radiant Self will be back on deck very, very shortly! If not, now in this moment that you… decide! Love xxx OMG. THIS. I was born for THIS. HEART CHAKRA CONSCIOUSNESS has arrived! This has been YEARS in the making!!! Your Heart is the sacred vessel of who you are. Your Heart is your Life Purpose Blueprint. Your Heart is the divine essence of your magic manifest into form. Your Heart heals you, loves you and opens you to what dreams are made of. Are you coming along for our Heart Chakra Consciousness Journey? Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey


Card #3: Rosemary. Ancient Memory. 

Rosemary is also an awesome anti-viral herb - perhaps there are some viruses either active or dormant in your body that would benefit from the healing power of Rosemary? Rosemary also helps with lifting depression as well. This card, has come to you to not only call upon the Ancient Ancestors for the Wisdom - but I feel you are being passed a lot of wisdom at this time. When we go through hard situations, it doesn’t feel like it at the time, but you are gaining a lot of Wisdom right now and this next phase that you are about to embark on, requires that you are fully embodied in what you are learning at this time. I don’t like the word cliche ‘needing to learn these lessons’, but at this time, you are deeply healing an ancient trauma that happened, long before conscious memory for you and this is why things may have felt and do feel uphill at this time and just… okay, we out of it yet?! I feel you have almost been reaching for answers and there is just… nup, nothing yet! This can feel so frustrating when you want to move forward and you just can’t at this time yet. There is such deep healing going on for you that it might seem silly to feel the feelings you’re feeling when you know things are also really good, but the overwhelming anxious/clouded/wtf/frustration… is lifting. Know that it is. What is also happening for you, is your intuitive senses are heightened and strengthening. It feels like whatever is shifting out of you - is clearing a strong connective path for your intuition to be super accurate, on point and in tune. You may have been feeling extra and super sensitive lately and this is because your intuition has dramatically increased in the last 6 months, let alone the last 12 months, compared to what you have ever felt. I feel that whatever is about to come in for you in your life career path and life direction - ‘is why’ you are going through right now and why your intuition is increasing. Your initiation if you may, it’s a real thing. I feel like this next leg of your journey needed and requires you to be, hmmm, what is the word, not quiet.. not that you won’t celebrate it… but it will require you to be discreet, that is word I am looking for, and so it is here, you are being trained from this Ancient Wisdom, Memory and sharpening your skills, maturing in who you are- because this next stage, requires this of you. ‘That is why you’re in this’ is the strong message here. Spend time in meditation to receive insights and connect your brain, body and spirit to the higher realms that are trying to connect with you and pass important wisdom for the completion of this initiation for you. There is also a message in tending to your home - what is it that needs to be tended to with your home at this time? Love xxx OMG. THIS. I was born for THIS. HEART CHAKRA CONSCIOUSNESS has arrived! This has been YEARS in the making!!! Your Heart is the sacred vessel of who you are. Your Heart is your Life Purpose Blueprint. Your Heart is the divine essence of your magic manifest into form. Your Heart heals you, loves you and opens you to what dreams are made of. Are you coming along for our Heart Chakra Consciousness Journey? Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey


Card #4: Hibiscus. Joy. 

Joy, Joy, Joy!! There is much to celebrate right now! If you are not feeling joy right now - this is your strong message to FIND THE JOY. I feel like you’re in such a portal right now where everything is amplified ten fold - and whether you’re focusing on the good or the bad - it is going to amplify, so CHOOSE JOY. I am not meaning slap positivity over negativity, but this is a strong message to find the JOY THREAD and cling onto that and allow it to pull you to a higher frequency. It feels like you’re being guided through a threshold right now and this can feel..sticky, torturous, uncomfortable and… you’re breaking through to a whole new realm. I am also getting the message - in this success, where are you afraid of sabotaging what you have? And… if you are feeling stuck - this is the ‘block’ holding you at this certain level and frequency - what are you afraid of losing if you move to this next level?! You’ve already lost everything you can do lol so there is nothing more to lose (so to speak). If you check in, these fears are unfounded and keeping you held in a rigid trap more than anything tangible holding you back! It’s not the physical things! It might seem like, but it is not - dig deeper. I am also getting the message here that something is trying to come through for you - so play around with different frequencies of light - what does that mean to you? it feels like you can feel a huge shift/break through but… it just hasn’t landed yet… or something. But something is trying to come through, birth and bust through into your reality. And with that, I am getting the message, do not overthink it. You are putting too much energy, thinking and planning into this - you just need to DO IT and you will learn THROUGH IT. I say this over and over again and you’ll probably get sick and tired of me saying it but until something actually starts moving forward on it, they won’t actually realise that this is how it works - you get shown the next step as you do this first step. I am also getting the message for you, ‘Don’t let naysayers persuade you or stop you or cloud your judgement of what is right for you.’ If you’ve stopped yourself because you’re, well, not sure why - check in, are you carrying judgement from close friends, family or other people you look up to? We don’t even realise at times, that we are holding our own selves back, from fear of what those around and closest to us say and think. If you’re truly to be successful in this - you need to do it anyway. You will lose people along the way, but they won’t be the ones  on your death bed there with you so go and live your life - on your terms. BRING BACK YOUR JOY. Love xxx OMG. THIS. I was born for THIS. HEART CHAKRA CONSCIOUSNESS has arrived! This has been YEARS in the making!!! Your Heart is the sacred vessel of who you are. Your Heart is your Life Purpose Blueprint. Your Heart is the divine essence of your magic manifest into form. Your Heart heals you, loves you and opens you to what dreams are made of. Are you coming along for our Heart Chakra Consciousness Journey? Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey


Card #5: Lemon Balm. Nurture. 

Calm your nervous system, rest your Soul. You are and have been through the spiritual wringer! You’re carving out a pathway for others that has not been walked before - go easy on yourself! But no joke, you need more rest. You’ve been pushing lately and this last 4 months has been a whirlwind of physical and energetic changes and you’re being asked to rest, to nurture and go easy on yourself. This is also a real ‘calming’ message… like, you can still be busy, but where are  your moments of solitude? Of deep grace and peace that you pull from the trees, when you’re in the busy suburban streets? Where is your connection? How grounded do you feel? How deep is your breath? This card is also a sign that you need some downtime, unplug time and that can come from planning something coming up for yourself - this has already been on your mind right? Lemon Balm is also about forgiveness. Forgiveness has also been on your mind recently too, right? If you know me, I always say, FUCK FORGIVENESS - especially if you haven’t worked through the pain of your past, because the spiritual cliche ‘Oh you just need to forgive them’ when you’re still seething underneath - does not work! And you know this, because you’ve already tried! Forgiveness is a by-product of healing the pain of your past. However, I feel that… this message for you today, is that the Forgiveness today, is that you have reached this place as a by-product of the healing you’ve done… and this is about forgiveness of self, for all the times you beat yourself, because you thought you had done something, you have held onto this guilt and shame and created a life in hiding because you thought you did something so wrong to ‘deserve all this’, so you settled, didn’t let yourself truly go after your dreams and held yourself back because it was a guilt deserving issue! YIKES! Glad to catch and release this one right?! Lemon Balm has come to you today, to let you know, you definitely haven’t done anything wrong, you didn’t cause the issues, you are beautiful, strong, successful and brilliant and it is time for that brilliance to shine. You deserve to receive the world and feast on it as your birthright. The people of your past do not need to come, nor deserve to come, nor are even a thought in your future, so and grab your future by the horns and ride it all the way home baby. You deserve that. Lemon Balm is helping you heal from this divine carnage of the past…. breathe it out, cut the cord and focus… on the deepest Soul deserving life you can imagine because your imagination… is what creates it and magnetises it to you… you know this. Love xxx OMG. THIS. I was born for THIS. HEART CHAKRA CONSCIOUSNESS has arrived! This has been YEARS in the making!!! Your Heart is the sacred vessel of who you are. Your Heart is your Life Purpose Blueprint. Your Heart is the divine essence of your magic manifest into form. Your Heart heals you, loves you and opens you to what dreams are made of. Are you coming along for our Heart Chakra Consciousness Journey? Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey


Card #6: Rue. Protection. 

This card - on the LIONS GATE! No less! How amazing, powerful and #ofcourse. First of all, with the divine synchronicity of the Lion’s Gate Portal date (today) and… Rue coming forth - strong message for you. You are being asked to clear and cleanse your energy. You are being asked to be so discerning with what you are absorbing in your energy field, that which includes, who you are hanging around, speaking to and consuming on a daily basis - yes, including foods. Now is the time to clean up your diet, your body, your act, your life - now. Not tomorrow, not next week, but now. Whatever you have begun - finish it. You are being asked to come into a place of power, take your power back, reclaim your body, health, life and wealth and step into a place where you are divinely guided to step back into your body and divinely guide your life. Sure, listen to spirit guides, your intuition and the divine signs. But this message for you? What do YOU even want?? This is about you - coming into the deep embodiment of the Lion’s Courage - going after what they want, claiming the territory they want, in the physical world and the spirit world and I am getting the message - how are you going to stand out? What is uniquely you? What is so uniquely you that it cannot be replicated? Where do you need to stay in your own lane and shine your light with the message that your Soul wants to roar from the treetops and shine your light on the world? This is your sign to step into your Soul’s work and now. And if you don’t feel ready - then it’s your time to HEAL. Rue is also a strong sign to be aware of dark and practical black magic. I have a lot to say, when it comes to curses, black magic and all those dark things, however, this is your sign to keep up your spiritual protection now more than ever…. and you know what the best form of protection is? Living your god damn life! Not focusing on them, but reclaiming your power and going and creating the best life imaginable. You sitting there focusing on the shit they are doing is only feeding the beast! Sure, you may need to be super diligent with who you are hanging around and all the standard spiritual protection practises 100% you should be doing this as STANDARD - but! The focus on all the dark is what is holding you in the loop and this is your sign to reclaim your power, go take back that magic in your life and shine in your life so bright that the darkness is transformed and burned in the brightness of your spark and radiating self. You are the power and it is time for you to step into a live that.. now. Consume only your highest light, in all areas of your life and notice how protected you are - from being in the vibration of YOU. Love xxx OMG. THIS. I was born for THIS. HEART CHAKRA CONSCIOUSNESS has arrived! This has been YEARS in the making!!! Your Heart is the sacred vessel of who you are. Your Heart is your Life Purpose Blueprint. Your Heart is the divine essence of your magic manifest into form. Your Heart heals you, loves you and opens you to what dreams are made of. Are you coming along for our Heart Chakra Consciousness Journey? Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey