Who you have around you - matters

Jul 31, 2023

Who you have around you - MATTERS. 

Your environment matters. 

I am not just talking about where you live, although that also matters. 

Who you have around you - matters. 

Who your clients are, matter.

Who your students are, matter. 

Who works for you, matters. 

Who you hang out with, matters. 

Who you are as a person and the energy you hold for yourself and all those around you matters. 

Reality Awareness has undergone a huge energetic and physical restructure... 

Because energy matters. 

Who you have around you matters. 

Who I converse with on a daily basis matters. 

It's why my 1:1 prices have increased. 

It's why my long term mentorship is by application only now. 

It's why I choose to hold higher standards for myself in all areas of my life. 

It's why I have changed the way I hold trainings and courses. 

Your environment and who you have around you matters. 

Be mindful of your matter. It creates your reality. 

Matter, matters.